Chapter Seventeen

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Tobias and Esmeray scrolled through the various files on Abbadon that Jason had gathered for their mission. "She looks a lot deadlier than Alastair." Said Esmeray when she looked through all the mass ritual sacrifices she did. She read through the files that Abbadon feeds on people's depression and sadness.

"Yeah we got lucky with Alistair. We just ran into him. For her we have to plan cause we have to get her into a devil's trap before I can perform the exorcism." Said Tobias as he looked through the files and stopped for a moment to make sure his supply of holy water was still at good parameters.

"Looks like we are going to Centralia, Pennsylvania. Perfect place to hide if you're a demon considering it's a ghost town cause all the mines are still burning and releasing toxic gases. Hmmm she must be luring her victims somehow cause according to this the abandoned town is full of people now." She said as she looked at the satellite images of the borough from a few days ago. "We should get going before she has time to kill all of them. It's gonna take two days tops to get to Centralia from here." She said as she stood up and started to gather her things as Tobias closed the laptop and packed up his stuff as well.

Tobias went to check them out as Esmeray got the car started. He walked around the corner and into the office as he sighed as there was a flash of white light as he saw Uriel was behind the counter. "Now what do you want Uriel? Thought you couldn't get involved." He said as he placed the hotel keys on the counter.

"I can't. I'm just here to make sure you both be careful. Also there's something you should know about Esmeray. She's-" she was cut off as another flash of light burst through the room and a dark hair male stood in the room. 

"Uriel that's enough. Your mortals are on their own. Your insubordination and conspiracies stop here." Said the unknown angel as he walked over to her and they both disappeared.

Tobias stood there confused wondering what she meant about Esmeray but shook the thought from his mind as he walked back to the car and got in. He smiled at her as they drove off leaving Las Vegas behind them. Tobias reached over and took her hand in his as he laced their fingers while she drove. Esmeray smiled and winked at him as she watched the road.

Two Days Later

Centralia, Pennsylvania

The drive there had been smooth as they passed the border into Centralia as they could see the sinkholes caused by the fires in the mines. The smell of ash filled the air among the toxic odors. They knew they would have to get this done quick or the people here would never make it home. All of the buildings looked old and run down but they could see the people acting as if everything was normal.

"She has got them enthralled somehow while she feeds off them." Said Esmeray as she looked side to side. She parked in front of the old motel to keep up appearances.

"I think you're right. She could be using a supernatural or it could be her power. Jason's intel didn't have much on that aspect." Said Tobias as they got out of the car and began to look around before they made their way to City Hall as the Intel said she made herself Mayor. 

"Welcome to Centralia, how can I help you?" Asked the woman behind the desk.

"Hi I'm here to see the mayor. Could you have her brought down here?" Asked Tobias as he kept the attention of the woman so Esmeray could sneak through and see if they could confirm if there was a supernatural in play. The woman got on the phone and spoke to spend one on the other line. She hung up the phone and two armed men came in and escorted him to the Mayor's office. Tobias sighed as he knew he would have to by Esmeray the time she needed to free the people. He entered the office and shut the door behind as he looked at the redheaded woman on the other side of the room. 

"Well well isn't it failed brother. Still can't find your sister huh?" Abbadon taunted him with a smirk on her face as she watched him walk over to a chair and sit down. She looked him up and down and bit her lip. Compared to everyone else in town he was a specimen of a man. "Tell you what. Become my slave and you can see your sister when you want" she offered.

"If you asked me that a month ago I may have been tempted but to be honest you're just a lying bitch anyways." Tobias retorted with a smirk of his own. "I ain't no one's slave. Especially a demon whore like you" he added as Abbadon glared at him in anger as she got up throwing the desk at him as he ducked under it. He then felt the back of her hand as it slammed into the side of his face as it took him to the floor.

Tobias spat the blood from his mouth as he looked up at Abbadon. "Is that the best you can do?" said Tobais with a bloody smirk as Abbadon kicked him across the floor as he skirted with a grunt. He knew he had to buy enough for Esmeray to do her thing.

City Hall Basement

Esmeray managed to sneak past all of the enthralled guards as she opened the last door and saw a Mesmer chained to the as their eyes were glowing nonstop. Esmeray pulled out her dagger and walked over as she saw demon symbols on the creatures face and she realized their power is being used against its will. She could tell it was blinded and in pain.  "I'm so sorry" she said as she plunged the dagger into its heart as she watched as it smiled and fell limp as a pulse of energy went through the town which caused the citizens to return to normal and started to evacuate the town. Esmeray then ran up back up the stairs to catch up with Tobias. She hoped he was okay as she felt her heart beat faster with worry as she hurried through the halls. She turned the corner as she heard a loud crash coming from behind the door to the Mayor's office filled by a loud scream.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now