Chapter Twenty Three

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Rockville, Maryland

Tobais and Esmeray finished getting dressed and ready to head into Washington DC as Jason's message weighed on the back of Tobias's mind. They locked up and walked out onto the crowded streets. Tobias looked at all the congested traffic. "Might be best if we took the train." He offered as Esmeray smiled and shook her head in agreement. They made the small walk to the Shady Grove Metro Station. They both walked up to the line to purchase a ticket. After about forty five minutes they got to the counter.

"Two tickets to Washington DC please." Said Tobias as the cashier nods and prints their tickets after he paid for them. He smiled at Esmeray and took her hand as they went to their platform and got into the train getting into their seats as she handed him a small bag of cashews for the trip. He smiled and kissed her lips softly.

"This will all be over one way or another." She said softly as he nodded in agreement. Either they would rescue his sister or die trying. They tested in their seats as the train continued to fill with people. After a few moments passed the train started to move. Tobias took out his small note book and pen as he drew four lines and started to play tic tac toe with Esmeray. "I haven't played this in years but you're going down" teased Esmeray as he was Xs and Tobias was Os. Tobias chuckled as he lost three times consecutively. They then played hangman and a few rounds of truth or dare, never have I ever, and would you rather to kill time on the train ride. 

Washington D.C.

The train landed in the station and all the passengers got off. Tobias and Esmeray looked around as neither of them haven't ever been here before. Esmeray pulled up her phone app and found several locations for Jaeger hang outs as they thought it would be a good idea to check in and see if everything is good with them since they have done missions for them in a while. They decided to head to the Riverdale Country Club because it was closer. It was one of the nicer Jaeger establishments they've been to. Esmeray walked to the front counter while Tobias walked off to get them some food.

"Hello, do you have any missions?" Asked Esmeray as the clerk nodded and pulled out a binder of jobs and placed it in front of her. Esmeray couldn't believe how many there were. She flipped through until two caught her eye. "The Alpha of Vampires and Werewolves are here?" She asked the clerk.

"Yeah rumor is they are trying to release the mother of monsters. Every Jaeger that's gone after them has been found dead." He said as Esmeray nodded as she took all the information on the two.

"We will handle it. But I need something in return." She said as she pulled out a picture of Asmodeus. "Any info you can get me on this man but also be careful he's very dangerous." She added as the clerk nodded and they shook hands which sealed the deal. Esmeray walked and sat at a table as she looked through the information while she waited for Tobias to return. She was half way done with the papers when Tobias returned with their drinks and food.

"What do you have there, sweetie?" He asked curiously as it did not look like pictures or information on Asmodeus. He then placed her glass and plate near her but away from the papers.

"Please don't be angry but I took a job." She said as she knew how much he wanted to get to his sister, sense they were so close to her. She then showed him the part about the two alphas trying to bring the mother of monsters into their world.

Tobias sighed softly as he looked at the paper. He never heard of the Alphas working together before so he knew it had to be bad but he also knew he wanted to save his sister. He was once again torn between being selfish or being kind. He looked at Esmeray and could tell she felt bad but shook his head and smiled at her "Where do we start?" He asked as he knew it was the right thing to do. 

They ate their food first before Esmeray shared everything she had with him. They learned that the Alphas were hunting for seven seals to bring back Lilith the mother of monsters. "Who knows how many they have at this moment." She said as Tobias drank the last of his soda.

"We will stop them then kill Asmodeus." Said Tobias with determination in his voice as he looked at Esmeray. They held hands and shared a soft kiss as they left the club to go hunt two Alphas.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now