Chapter Two

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Outskirts of Wisconsin

Tobias was driving in his 1967 Chevy Impala along the empty freeway as he glanced up at the clear sky. He looked at the Big Dipper Constellation as it reminded him of his younger sister, it was her favorite cause it always pointed the way home. Soon there was a bright flash of white light across the sky as he looked over and saw a blonde long hair woman in a black leather jacket and jeans now in his passenger seat. He grunted in annoyance as he stared at her for a moment as he gazed back at the road,his grip tightened around the steering wheel.

"What do you want Uriel?" He said in a tone as he could see from his peripheral vision that she was staring at him.

"Good to see you too Tobias. I found more information for you. Your next lead is at the Blood Rave Night Club in Carson City Indiana. That's all I can give you. Stay your course with the Jaegers." She said.

"I only joined them at your urging. They hunt supernatural monsters but when it comes to Demonology they have nothing I need. I'm the only one who knows how to exorcise them.....your kind could smite them all if you would get your pompous asses from heaven and help us demons wouldn't be around." He said in anger.

"Demons wouldn't be on earth if your family hadn't done what they did. Never forget that. We can't interfere in the dealings of mortals. The fact I even help you could get me in trouble with the Archangels. Now one more bit of advice. You'll meet a Jaeger who's more than she appears. Follow the bumble bee and trust her." She said as his grip on the steering wheel relaxed some.

"You don't think I know that. I ain't a good person Uriel, I know that." He said as he sighed softly in frustration.

"No your parents were the evil ones. You're a kind mortal. I've seen didn't have to help that couple and their son but you did. I have to go now, remember what I've told you. Trust the girl and she can help you find your sister." She said and in a flash of white light she was gone. Tobias sighed as he took in what she said. Speeding down the freeway as he puts in the location of the night club. He looked and saw it was gonna be a long drive from his current location.

"Damn I'm gonna stop for a double bacon cheeseburger the bumblebee huh." He said chuckling to himself as he has always been a lone wolf. Even when they tried to give him a partner when he first joined the Order of the Jaegers. A faction of humans who believe and fight against the paranormal and supernatural creatures of the world. Creatures most people still believe are myths.

Hacksaw, Indiana

Devil May Cry Bar and Grill

Esmeray parked her 2016 Blacked Out Camaro SS and headed inside. It was pretty empty besides a few guys playing pool, and a family waiting for their dinner. She took a seat at the bar as the bartender came up.

"I'll have a shot of of your best whiskey, and any work you may have." She said sliding a gold drachma across the counter it was the currency of Jaegers. The bartender nods and pours her a shot.

"It's been quiet in these parts but go farther in towards Carson City. There is major trouble there. Look for the Blood Rave Night Club. Rumor has it some people go in but don't come out if anyone can handle it, it be you." He said as she smirked. Her reputation always preceded her as one of the best in their faction. After what she had been through she had every reason to hate the supernatural world.

"Thanks I'll head that way. Can I get some Steak fries, and some mozzarella cheese sticks to go please. I'm starving." She said as she slid two more gold drachma to him. He nodded and went to cook her food. She drank her shot and waited for her food to be ready. She checked her phone and sent a text. About half an hour later he came back with a brown paper bag. She smiled and took the brown bag of food for the road. She got back into her car and drove off toward Carson City which was thirty miles away. She reached in and took a couple of fries and ate them alone with a cheese stick.

Carson City, Indiana

Blood Rave Night Club

Tobias had sped most the way here to get to Carson City. He parked his Impala and watched as groups of people flocked the front door trying to get in. He put his hand gun under his shirt behind him as he got out of his car and made his way down an alley as he knocked out a kitchen staff member and went in through the side door. He snuck his way into the main lobby as it was crowded with people dancing to techno music. He was walking through them keeping an eye out for the lead he came for. He took a seat at a table and ordered a drink to blend in. He could tell something was different about this club but he was here for one objective. Anything else would have to wait.

Esmeray was on the dance floor blending in as she stayed her hips to the music. She noticed a dark hair man come through the back and stay at a table. He was attractive but she wasn't gonna let herself be distracted as she had a job to do. She looked up and saw a man in the red and black suit watching everyone. If she had to guess he was the owner of the club and probably a damn monster himself. She danced past some drunk college girls as she noticed a couple of shady looking men walk past and head down stairs and a few moments later come back up with some blood on the cuff of their shirts. She danced past more drunken fools as one grabbed her ass. She quickly turned around and jabbed him in the throat as he fell down she walked away smirking. She was met by two bouncers who told her to come with them as they led her upstairs to the V.I.P. lounge.

Cornelius was watching from above as he noticed a very attractive woman with long raven hair and mocha skin dancing. She was different from all the other women that came to his club. His tongue slid across his fangs as he smirked. He sent his men to collect her so he could have some fun. He turned as he saw them enter with her. As he reached out his hand and took hers. He kisses her knuckles as he looks at her.

"I'm Cornelius and this is my establishment. I hope you're having fun this evening. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance darlin" He said as he looked her up and down taking in all of her full curvy features. He handed her a drink as he glances at his watch knowing that soon the real fun will begin.

"I am delighted to be here. It's a great club you run." She said as she played the part of an airheaded college girl. It was tough she met plenty of them. She caught him glancing at his watch and wondered what he had planned. This place was very crowded which was a disadvantage for her cause crowded places cause panic and panicked people get stupid. She would have to play it safe for now and stroke when she could. She would try and save as many lives as she could tonight.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now