Chapter Six

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Carson City, Indiana

Abandoned Farmhouse

Tobias and Esmeray kept their guns pointed at Alistair as he was just smirking at them. "Let's do away with those shall we" he said with a flick of his rest as the guns were telekinetically pulled from their hands and skidded across the floor to the other side of the room. They watched this for a moment before looking back at him as he kept his eyes on Tobias. "I didn't think you would ever get a partner. You must be really desperate to get her back." Alistair said with as smirk as he looked at Esmeray. He checked her out head to toe "Especially one so...well equipped" he said in a certain tone as his eyes flashed pure black for a moment before returning back to normal. Esmeray has never seen this before and wondered what supernatural creature he was as she glanced at Tobias for a moment before she returned her look at Alistair.

Esmeray looked at him in disgust "In your fucking dreams douche bag." She said glaring at him as he chuckled back at her "And she is fiesty, I like that" he said at her as he looked back at Tobias who grabbed a two by four on the floor and lunged at him in a fit of rage as he was stopped mid air and flung back into the wall.

"Did you really think that would work?" Alistair said as he laughed softly as he held him against the wall with his telekinesis. He could see the blind rage and hate in Tobias's eyes before he looked at Esmeray "I'll tell you what sweet heart, leave now and let me have my fun with him or stay and die along with him." He said as his eyes flashed again.

Esmeray thought for a moment as he looked between Tobias and Alistair. "Shit I'm gone. Bye Felicia" she said as she turned and walked to the door as Alistair laughed and walked closer to Tobias. Esmeray got to the door and smirked as quickly turned and grabbed her bowie knife and threw it into his right shoulder as it broke his concentration on Tobias as he dropped to the floor and quickly tackled him to the ground as he took the bowie knife from his shoulder and quickly cutting his hand. Then he took out some Holy Water and splashed it on Alistair, stunning him for a moment as Tobias quickly smeared a devil's trap on the ground as he stepped outside of it.

Esmeray had so many questions and she planned on grilling Tobias later for not telling her everything up front when he asked for her help. She walked up and examined the circle as she had never seen something like this either. Alistair reached for her but was stopped by the force of the circle. She looked over at Tobias who pulled out a small silver necklace and began to speak in latin. She looked back at Alistair who's voice had deepened while he laughed and his eyes stayed pitch black.

"You think that would work on an upper class as myself? You gave better off scoring off this wench. She looks easy enough." He said staring at her but Esmeray could tell he was trying to get her to enter the circle and she wasn't gonna fall for it. Soon Tobias' tone of voice shifted as she watched Alistair begin to twitch as his look got more serious. "Stop! I'll tell you where she is..." he said as he was trying to leverage him. Tobias took his offer into consideration but he figured a demon like him would just lie and he couldn't let him stay loose on earth so he would have to sacrifice the potential lead on his sister for the safety of mortals. He continued his exorcism as Alistair roared as a huge cloud of black smoke rose out of the vessel's mouth as it fell limp to the floor. By the end of the chant the smoke vanished in a flash of red light. Tobias lowered his hand as he cursed under his breath.

"You have a lot of fucking explaining to do asshole" Esmeray said in a pissed off tone as she takes her knife and gun before she walked off. Tobias stood there quietly for a moment as he stared at the empty vessel as he put his necklace away and picked up his gun as he sighed. He walked out of the house and saw Esmeray at her car already as she started it. He thought for sure she would leave him but she didn't. He got into the car and sat there silently as she drove back to the hotel room.

They got back to the hotel room and Esmeray had ordered a Pizza and some tater logs for their supper. Tobias was still quiet and lost in thought as he looked over at her and sighed. He then proceeded to apologize to her for not telling her the whole truth from the beginning. He then told her everything that happened with his family being part of a cult and how his sister was taken away by a power demon named Asmodeus as some punishment for some broken pack he didn't fully know about himself. He explained he only became a Jaeger to further his own agenda but slowly began genuinely helping people.

"Damn that's rough. For what it's worth I'm sorry...We will get your sister back Tobias. I promise." She said as she then sighed softly as she ate a slice of pizza before telling him about how her fiance was killed by a supernatural creature at their wedding and how a Jaeger appeared and killed it and took her under his wing and taught her everything about killing them all. She then finished her food and laughed some "This doesn't make us friends though. You're still an asshole" she said as she went to bed. Tobias chuckled as he felt the same. Just because they were partners doesn't mean they had to be anything else.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now