Chapter Thirty

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Washington DC
Asmodeus Office

Esmeray smirked as she looked at Asmodeus "you're gonna have to do better than that." She said as she flew at him and kneed him right in the stomach before she jabbed him in the jaw. The force of the punch sent him through five of the ten floors of the building as it sent innocent bystanders running and screaming. Esmeray landed a few feet from him as he got back to his feet.

Asmodeus smirked as he launched fire at a person that ran by which caused Esmeray to get in the way and deflect the attack but then Asmodeus appeared behind her and kicked her straight in the ribs as the force sent her into and through the wall to the grounds outside. Esmeray groaned as she realized this wasn't gonna be a fair fight if they stayed within the city limits. Asmodeus laughed as he shoved in the air. "Caring about innocent people will be your downfall little Nephilim." He taunted as he looked down at her.

"Keep talking asshole and you'll find out what I'm capable of." She responded as she flew into him at a high speed. The force sent them hurling through the skies as she slammed him into a canyon miles away from the city. She grabbed a large boulder like it was a pebble and slammed it down on him not once but twice as she could hear him grunt underneath it. She then jumped back as demonic energy shattered the boulder and created a small crater around him.

"You're more clever than I first thought " said Asmodeus as he knew why she brought him out here. She then charged at him with all her might as she wanted to end his evil plans here and now. Just as she was about to land the punch "Esmeray stop it's me." Said Tobias's genuine voice. Her hand halted a mere inches from his face.

Esmeray could see the normal features had returned "Toby?" She asked softly as she moved closer to him.

"In your dreams" said Asmodeus's real voice as he punched her in the stomach before roundhouse kicking her in the face. The force sent her flying into a rock formation as it crumbled around her. "I can't believe you fell for that. You pathetic, naive, little woman. Tobias Matheson is gone forever and I'll reign supreme over this world." He taunted as he reached into the rubble and picked her up by her neck. He could see blood run down from her lips. He was pretty roughed up as well and never felt more alive.  "Don't worry you'll be joining him soon enough " he said as black energy surged and crackled around his hand as he straightened his fingers into a spear like motion. "Any last words?" He asked as he smirked at her.

"Go fuck yourself." She said as she spat blood on his face as she struggled to get free from his grip.

"Defiant to the end...I like that." He said as he smirked as he thrusted his hand towards her heart as she shut her eyes and prepared to meet Tobias in the afterlife. Her only regret was not being able to stop Asmodeus and save the world. A few moments had passed and Esmeray opened her eyes as she felt him set her on the ground and watched as he took a step back from her. His body was acting weird.

"I….don't have much time….he's too strong." Said Tobias as his love for Esmeray had helped him regain what little control he could. Esmeray could tell it wasn't a trick this time. "Please…..kill him." He struggled to say. She cupped his cheek.

"I don't want to kill you. There has to be another way." She said as tears formed in her eyes. Tobias shook his head and smiled at her.

"It's okay…..I counted on this to happen….You saved me….I love you my angel." He said as she could see the pain and fighting for control in his face.

"I love you too." She said as she kissed his lips passionately one last time as she then summoned her seraphim blade into her hand and stabbed it through his heart. She felt his body tense then relax as he smiled at her.

"Thank you." His voice said softly as his body stepped backwards as Asmodeus's scream came through as fire swirled around and engulfed him. Moments later his charred body dropped to the ground. Moments later Uriel appeared with Elena as looked at Tobias's corpse and sighed.

"You did what you had to do. I have to go and deal with the cluster fuck that bastard did in heaven. See you around." She said as she disappeared.

Elena hugged Esmeray tightly as they both sobbed into each other's shoulders. Though they were strangers they shared and mourned the loss of him.  Esmeray told her what led up to the final moments as she nodded "I'm glad he was himself in the end. At least it's over" she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Moments later there was a flash of very bright light as a man with short brown hair and rugged good looks stood there by Tobias's body. He looked at them both as he locked eyes with Esmeray. "You truly loved him...loved him so much you sacrificed it for the benefit of all mankind." He said as she nodded in confusion. "Just this one time I'll bring him back for you….my daughter." He said which surprised her as there was another bright flash and he was gone but in his place was Tobias. Healed and back to his original state. He was as shocked as they were.

They both ran over and embraced him in a hug. He kissed Elena on the top of the head before he kissed Esmeray's lips softly. "Let's go home." He said softly with a smile as they both smiled and giggled.


That's the end folks! Thanks for following this journey with me! I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Until next time have a blessed day and see you next time in my next book!

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