Chapter Twenty Seven

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Washington DC

Riverdale Country Club

Esmeray stood there and looked at the two demons in front of her. She didn't have her weapons on her as she wasn't expecting a battle. Dammit of all the times to not have my shit with me! She silently cursed at herself. She ducked as they threw their flaming spears at her, they hit the body behind her and set it ablaze as crimson blood flowed down the bar counter, some of it touching her shoulder. "Come on baby angel, come out and fight us!" Called out Belial as Samael laughed sinisterly. Esmeray stood up as she glared at both of them.

"Keep laughing asshole, you'll be getting one of those spears up your ass soon enough." She snapped back as she wasn't afraid of them even without her weapons.

"Oh she's feisty brother, unlike the rest of her kind we slaughtered just moments ago. They all whined and cried like children." Said Belial.

"She's all alone brother! Let's have some fun with her before we kill her" said Samael as he licked his lips slowly as he smirked at her. The look in his eyes was one of lust whether it was for her or blood Esmeray couldn't tell.

Belial and Samael summoned their flaming spears once more as they took a few steps as they got ready to charge her. Esmeray braced for their attack as a flash of white light stopped them. 

"Who said she was alone." Said Uriel as she summoned two Seraphim blades and tossed one to Esmeray who smirked at gave her a small nod.

"Thanks, I owe you one." Said Esmeray as she did a flourish with the blade "let's play boys, I ain't got all day" she said as she lunged at Belial with a downward slash as he pulled his spear up just in time to block as Uriel took on Samael.

"You angel whore! We will feast on your bones!" Cried out Belial as he pushed her back. 

"Oh hunny you talk too much. Shut up and fight me." Said Esmeray when her eyes flashed a blueish white. She then strafed to the right as he tried an upward slash and back flipped up onto the bar counter as she looked down at him. She jumped over every attempt he made to slash her feel as she cartwheeled and landed behind him. She slashed upwards and cut into his back as he roared in pain. Blood then began to seep from the wound.

He stumbled to his brother as they both looked at the pair of women. Uriel rubbed the blood from her lips from a lucky punch. "Clearly we underestimated your heavenly connections." Said Belial as he and Samael smirked before being surrounded by flames as they roared and joined bodies to create a massive ten foot tall demon with horns and flames spewing from his mouth. It summoned a fiery longsword in one hand and a flaming axe in another. He clashed them together as sparks flew to the ground. 

The creature roared before it lunged at them. They each jumped to the side as the axe penetrated the floorboards with a loud crash. "Holy shit." Exclaimed Esmeray bad she never seen a demon this large before but she quickly smirked as she was always up for a challenge. She slid and ducked under it's sword swing and spun, cutting into both of its calves as Uriel flipped over it as she blocked it's axe with her blade. As she landed the creature kicked her through the bar and into the back wall as she grunted in pain. "Hey asshole over here!" Called out Esmeray as she a surge of power flowed through her body as she watched her friend get hurt. She was being guided by instinct as she pointed her palms at the large creature as a familiar white aura flowed around her. In a matter of mental the radiant angelic energy focused into her hand and traveled across the room as it slammed against the creature's skin. It surged and crackled like lightning around it's body as it roared in pain. Soon it was enveloped in blueish white energy before it flashed and left it's body vaporized as small particles of ash fell to the floor. "Woah." She said as she was surprised by her powers once again.

She ran over to Uriel and saw some of her wounds as she held out her hand and quickly healed her like she did with Tobias a while back. "Thanks for the assist." Esmeray said with a soft smile as she helped Uriel to her feet.

"Right back at ya badass." Said Uriel as they shared a laugh. "Before you ask I basically chucked the rule book out the window. I'm not just watching anymore." She said as she looked at her.

"I'm glad at least one of you angels has some balls." Esmeray said in a joking but serious tone. "Come one we need to get back to Tobias." She said as Uriel nodded.

Old Motel

Tobias had just finished two episodes of Game of Thrones as a flash of white light filled the room and the male angel from before stood in front of him.

"Come with me hurry. Uriel and Esmeray are in trouble." He said as Tobias got up as they teleported in a flash. They reappeared in an office room. Tobias looked at him confused as he didn't see Esmeray or Uriel anywhere.

"Finally you're here. We need to chat." Said a familiar voice behind him as he turned around to see his sister besides the one man he hated with all of his being. He then saw the angel move to Asmodeus side as his eyes flashed that of a fallen angel. In that moment he realized he had been betrayed.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now