Chapter Nine

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Las Vegas, Nevada

A couple of days had passed since Esmeray gave Tobias a note about a possible cult meeting at a back alley poker tournament. They had three more days to kill in Vegas so they hit the Angel Grove's Bar and Grill. It was taco Tuesday after all and they needed a job to do in the meantime. The higher tier jobs were taken so they took a mid level one that shouldn't cause them too much trouble. Tobias then handed over a drachma and ordered himself a plateful of tacos as a half priced beer while Esmeray got a few tacos and a margarita. They walked to a booth as they waited on their food. They both sat silently until Esmeray reached for her glass of water taking a drink.

"You were my first by the way" Tobais said with a serious look on his face as she choked on her water as several thoughts went through her mind with that phrase. "I just wanted to be up front with you." he continued, his facial features not changing.

"Wait are you saying you were-" she stopped herself from saying it as she couldn't believe she had forced him to give it up just like that just so she could get off. "I'm so -" she started to day as he started to laugh.

"I mean without a condom. I always use one hence why I pulled instead. I ain't gonna knock you up." He admitted as he laughed once more seeing the look on her face as she threw some chips at him. His mind thinking back on how tight she felt and he had never felt anyone like that before.

"Oh you fucking asshole. I thought you meant the other thing" she said as she finished taking another drink as he continued to laugh at her. "Well good cause I ain't wanting your baby either so suit up next time." She added as he thought back to that night and how much he had spread her tightness. How even two days after she could still feel his heat down there.

Soon their tacos and drinks arrived as Tobias started to chow down as Esmeray sipped from her margarita. Tobias glanced at the television as he watched as they displayed sports scores as he cheered a dorm and booed at another. Esmeray didn't really like sports so she could have cared less. She started on her tacos as Tobias downed half his beer. Once they had finished their meal Tobias left a tip and they left the bar. They got into Esmeray's car and drove off headed towards the desert to track down their target.

After driving a few hours into the desert they park at a gas station and begin their hike into the sandy dunes in search of the plateau where a Djinn has been trapping and killing innocent people. Esmeray made sure to dip her knife in lamb's blood as it was the only thing that can harm their kind. It took forty fives minutes of hiking in the desert to find the plateau. Tobias found the cave and took the lead of going inside since Esmeray had the only weapon that can hurt a Djinn. He made his way into a small cavern, looking around with his flashlight when suddenly a hand came from the shadows and threw him across the cave and against the wall as he fell with a thud. He quickly turned and thrust kicked Esmeray back out the entrance as she rolled against the sand. Tobias groaned from the pain as the Djinn lunged over and lifted him by his shirt pinning him against the wall, placing his other hand on his cheek and forehead, its eyes and hand beginning to glow a dark navy blue as he began to feed off Tobias's fear. Tobias wincing in pain as his worst fear played out in front of him as a side effect to being drained. Minutes seemed like years as he was trapped in the hallucination as the Djinn almost had him drain.

Soon he screamed in pain as he felt a silver blade dipped in lamb's blood pierce his back, causing him to drop Tobias. "Did your mom ever teach you not to kick a lady?" She asked with a smirk as she twisted the knife and he desentagrated in a puff of blue smoke. Esmeray waved it away as she dropped to Tobias's side and quickly took out a syringe and jammed it into his neck and injected him with the antidote to the Djinn poisoning. "Come on let's get you back" she said as she hoisted him up on one shoulder as he was groggy from the draining. She got him back to the car as she walked into the gas station and bought some monster energy drinks and a bag of peanut butter m&ms. She got back to the car and ate a few m&ms as she popped a can and handed it to him as he chugged it down.

"Thank you." He said as he was too tired to be his normal dickish self. He turned over and fell asleep as she began drives the few hours it took back to the hotel. When they got back he walked in slowly and slumped onto the couch passing back out as she locked up and walked over to the bed. She undressed and sat on the edge of it as she thought to herself for a moment before pulling the covers over her body and closed her eyes. It didn't take long before she drifted to sleep. Her dreams soon found themselves drifting to her ex-fiance and their wedding night. It replayed the nightmare of it all before she knew it she jolted awake to a voice. " were having a nightmare." Tobias said as he was on the edge of her bed. She looked at the time and saw a couple hours had passed. He didn't say anything else as he walked back to the couch and pulled his blanket over him. She laid there and stared at the ceiling for a bit, as she wondered what brought that up in her mind after all these years. She soon turned over and drifted back to sleep.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now