Chapter Eleven

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Las Vegas, Nevada

"Alright so you head over to the building and see if the blue prints we got are still up to date. I gotta go see a guy in Reno. I'll be back by tonight or early morning." Tobias said as he loaded up the rental car. He shut the trunk and walked to the driver side door and opened it. "Just be careful and avoid anyone with that symbol tattooed. It's always on the forearm or neck." He added.

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine. You do what you gotta do and I'll hold the fort down here." She said as she didn't like the fact he wouldn't tell her what he was doing but respected him enough not to pry about it. She watched him get into the car and drive away. She sighed as she was finally relieved to have some time to herself. She walked back inside and finished her crossword puzzles as she ate her meal while the television played in the background. She stood up and left the hotel room diving down the semi busy streets of Vegas until she found the right casino. It wasn't as big as the more well known ones but it was still a good sized building. She walked in the front lobby and began to observe and scan the area. She checked out where all possible doors and exits were, took count of how many guards there were and what their routes were around the casino. She walked into the back hallway and saw where the money room was and turned the corner but was met by a security guard. She quickly fell into him and slurred her words.

"Omg I'm l-like so ssssorrry" she said in her fake airhead drunk college girl voice. "I'm just looking f-for the bathroom t-to powder my nose" she added a giggle at the end to really sell it as the guard walked her pack and pointed at the door across the way. She stumbled that way until she was out of sight before she acted normal once more. She stood in the bathroom and locked the door. She had put a bug on the guard and started to listen in on the conversation. She took out her pocket notebook and began to write down everything she would need for tomorrow. She then stopped when the other guard spoke in latin. She quickly sent the recording through her translator app before it played back. We will sacrifice the blood of a virgin for his rising. She stood there for a moment and wondered if she would be seeing something like Alistair again. She wasn't a demonologist like Tobias so how to stop him would be beyond her but she be damned if they killed an innocent girl for a dumb poker game. She quickly left the bathroom and the casino as she got into her car and drove off.

She stopped at a nearby diner to get some food to eat. She sat at her booth looking through the menu before deciding on bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich with extra bacon and a side of fries with a doctor pepper. The waitress smiled and walked away. She checked her phone for any new messages when she hears a girl's voice.

"Stop it you're hurting me" the girl said as the guy she was with had her by the arm and pushed her into the booth. Before he could sit down Esmeray was behind him as she grabbed him by the arm and twisted it behind his bag as he helped in pain.

"Let go you bitch" he said as she smirked and pulled him back before kicking his knee out before she slammed and pinned his head to the table as he grunt in pain as the girl gasped in surprise.

"Awww don't like it when it's done to you huh buttercup. Don't let me catch you out here again or I'm castrating your ass" Esmeray said as she pulled him from the table and pushed him toward the door as he took off running down the street. The girl stared at her in awe. "Order whatever you want, it's on me hunny." Esmeray said with a smile as she walked back to her booth as the girl got up and joined her. Esmeray got a better look at her and saw some old bruises. "He abused you good didn't he?" She asked as the girl stayed quiet and nodded. The girl softly ordered a bacon cheeseburger and fries with a mountain dew. Moments later they were eating in silence "got any family around here? Someone to care for you?" She asked as the girl looked down for a moment.

"I have an aunt and uncle. They are my guardians." She said as she took the last bite of her food. Esmeray finished her plate and left a tip as she walked the girl to her car as she kept an eye out in case the guy came back. They got in and she drove off to her relative's house. With the girls directions it didn't take long to arrive at their house. She hugged and thanked Emseray for helping her and walked into the house after waving back at her. Esmeray waved and drove off to head back to the hotel.

She parked and got out as she entered the empty hotel room and locked the door behind her. She sat down on the couch as she checked her phone again and saw no messages. She looked out the window and saw the sun was setting as she looked back at the television band turned it on. She sighed softly as she wondered what he was doing but then shook it out of her head. She flipped the channels and decided to leave it on the movie San Andreas. She watched it all and then went and laid down as she soon drifted to sleep after checking her phone one last time.

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒎𝒆𝒏: 𝑨 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now