Techno's Mask Part 1

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Trigger Warning: panicking, negative thoughts, the voices, scratching
Shifting through the boxes in the attic, Technoblade tried to find something to scare his brothers. Wilbur got him good last time, and Tommy was planning something massive. He needed to win the Prank War.

He pulled out the perfect item: a pig mask. It was old and dusty, but it would be perfect for scaring his little brothers. He noticed a note written in his father's chicken-scratch handwriting. Techno could make out the words "Do Not Touch," but he wrote it off as some old reminder.

Techno hid the mask behind his back and waltzed down the stairs. His plan was to scare Tommy and Wilbur after they came home from school since Techno was homeschooled, and they weren't.

He waved goodbye to his brothers as they boarded the bus. The countdown began. Six hours until they returned home. He was shaking in excitement, already laughing about how bad it would scare them. 

"Techno, I'm going to work. Be good." With that, Techno watched as Philza walked out the door.

He distractedly muttered a quick, "Goodbye. Love you," and got back to waiting. With each second, his excitement grew.

Six hours became five hours, then four hours, and three. He couldn't wait any longer. Setting up, he put on his king costume from Halloween a few months back.

He loved his costume; the silky fabric always made him feel giddy when he put it on. The combat boots paired with it made him taller than Wilbur and Tommy, and that made him feel powerful. Above all else, his favorite part was the crown. Made out of real gold, it was a present from Dad and completed his look.

Techno slipped the mask on. It fit like a glove. Looking at the completed costume in the mirror, Techno realized just how perfect this prank was. He was going to win the Prank War. He danced around happily in the mirror with no one to judge him.

Techno sat on his bed, suited up, and waited. He looked at the clock and realized he jumped the gun a little. There was still an hour and a half until the boys got home, and his costume was getting a little stuffy.

Another fifteen minutes went by; he peeled off some parts of the costume. He laid the robe on his bed and gently placed the crown on top. His face sweating underneath the mask, he went to pull it off.

It didn't move. He tugged harder. Nothing. Panicking, he scratched and ripped at the mask until his face hurt. It wasn't coming off.

He backed up against his bedroom wall. His face was going to be like this forever, and Philza was going to hate him, and his brothers wouldn't want to be seen with him in public, and-

Was pranking his brothers really worth it?

Don't get him wrong, Techno was still excited for the prank, but now, his panic was outweighing his excitement. He needed to figure out what was going on and hopefully reverse it before Dad got home.

At the thought of his father, Philza's warning echoed in his head: "Do Not Touch." Techno slapped his forehead. It wasn't just some crazed scrawling. The mask was cursed. Now Techno had a cursed mask on his face. He was screwed.
(554 words)

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