Death Part 2

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TW: mentions of death/ suicide, panic, and light PTSD/ flashbacks, grieving and minor emotional neglect
AN: hi :]
Wilbur gasped and sat straight up, choking on the chilly spring air that greeted his lungs that had sat dormant for so long. He looked around at where he had spawned: a plains biome with grass nearly as tall as him.

He laid in the grass, taking in his first rays of sunshine and listening to the grass sway. He memorized every little detail of the moment: bees buzzing, birds chirping, and a little brook flowing nearby. He closed his eyes and smiled.

Taking a deep breath, Wilbur stood up. He lifted his arms to the sun and basked in the warmth before looking around, smiling at the vibrant flowers blooming. He picked a cornflower and tucked it in his ear.

A familiar coldness seeped into his skin as a black figure, Death, appeared next to him. Her voice reminded him of what had happened so many months ago, although it no longer held a malicious tone to it. He winced a bit at the memory but smiled warmly at his friend.

My child, you've taught me many things. For that, you have my gratitude. I admit, I will miss your accompaniment, but it brings me joy to reunite you with your family. My apologies for being the root of this pain. Best of luck to you, Wilbur Minecraft.

Wilbur waved as Death faded from his view. He still felt her presence near him, and he knew she was intent on watching over him for a little while longer.

He began to make his way home. He knew the way like the back of his hand, and it wasn't very long before he could see the smoke rising from the chimney of his family's home.

Soon, he had reached the door. He hesitated, heart racing. God, what was he going to say? How could he explain what he did? How was his family going to react?

Pushing his worries aside, he knocked once.

"Coming!" Tommy shouted. His brother's voice brought tears to his eyes. Then, Tommy opened the door.

Wilbur was taken aback by how much the blond had changed. Sure it had only been a few months, and he had caught glimpses of his brother from Death's realm, but it was nothing like seeing him in person.

Tommy was taller, not as tall as Wilbur, but he was getting close. His hair had grown out a little more and was now trailing just above his shoulders; it reminded Wilbur of Philza. Gone was the permanent smirk on his face and the joy from his eyes, something Wilbur knew he was probably to blame for. He vowed to make up for that in whatever ways possible.

When Tommy saw Wilbur, he threw himself into his older brother's arms. They hugged, melting into tears at being reunited. "Toms," Wil whispered as he clutched his baby brother. "Oh, Tommy. It's been so long."

"Wilby, why'd you do it?" Tommy asked quietly, burrowing his head into Wilbur's shoulder.

There were a million words Wilbur wanted to say. A silence fell over the pair as he thought carefully about his first words to his brother. "I'm so sorry, Toms. I did it to protect you, I promise. I love you so much, baby brother."

"How was it protecting me?" Tommy couldn't help the accusatory tone that snuck into his voice. Wilbur winced and rubbed the back of his neck.

"The goddess Death had been using me as a pawn. She ordered me to complete tasks for her, and I'd be forced to do them. Sometimes, it was hiding your stuffed animals. Other times, it was hurting people..." Wilbur took a deep breath and continued, not wanting to voice what Death had tried to make him do. "Her final order was to kill you, Techno, and Dad."

Tommy breathed in sharply. Wilbur continued, "I refused, but the only way I could save you all was to sacrifice myself." Memories flared from bringing it up. Wilbur found himself lost in a replay of what happened. He blinked the memory away as soon as it appeared. Tommy wrapped his arms around Wilbur even tighter, as if he'd disappear if he let go.

"Thank you, Wilby," he said quietly. "Thank you." Wilbur nodded and hugged back tightly. They stayed like that until his stomach growled. He blushed in embarrassment, and Tommy laughed. "You hungry?" Wil nodded.

Tommy led him to the kitchen where he prepared sandwiches for both of them, peanut butter and jelly with the crusts cut off for himself and a peanut butter and honey for Wilbur. They ate quietly, sometimes disturbing the silence with a story from their childhood or other small talk.

"Where's Dad and Techno?" Wilbur eventually asked, their absence glaringly obvious the longer they chatted.

"On a trip," Tommy replied, waving his hand in the universal sign for 'whatever.' He didn't seem bothered that he was home alone. Wilbur raised an eyebrow.

"They just left you here?" Tommy nodded and shrugged it off.

"Dad was pretty broken up about your death... We all were, but it hit him the hardest. He felt like it was his fault. He started going on adventures to cope with it all, and eventually, Techno joined him. I figured I'd just let them have their thing." Tommy tried to sound unbothered, but Wilbur noticed the tremor that snuck into his voice. He reached for another hug.

"Tommy, you were allowed to grieve, too. You lost me just as much as they did. You could've joined them."

"They wouldn't want me." Tommy brushed him off. Wilbur stumbled over his thoughts, trying to find the words to convince Tommy how wrong he was.

"Of course we would, Tommy," Phil said. Wilbur whirled around to see his father and his brother standing in the entrance. "Hello, Wilbur."

Phil's hair had gotten a little longer, and he had a few more gray hairs than the last time Wil had seen him. His wings still stretched out behind him, but they seemed to shield him from the outside world a little more. He looked tired, but he still smiled wide at the sight of Wilbur.

Techno was smiling, too, a rare sight for him. He had gotten taller, too, but was no where near Wil's height. His braid came down to his waist now, and he had taken the time to do a fishtail braid, one of the many hairstyles Wilbur had taught him. He also looked worn out.

Wilbur ran to them, throwing his arms around them. "I missed you both so much," he said, closing his eyes and relishing in the comforting contact. He opened his eyes and waved Tommy over to join them. Tommy smiled a little. He joined the hug. "I love you all."
(1126 words)
AN: I hope this is happy enough to make up for the last chapter :] I lowkey don't hate this one

Thanks for 32k reads and almost 1.4k votes! Now go drink some water, eat something, and get some sleep; remember to smile, lovelies!

I am going to pass out now :D

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