What's the Troubles, Bubbles?

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TW: panic attack, bitchy and abusive teacher, stress from school, sleep deprivation
AN: hi :]
draft-post from March 7 since I've got over 100 drafts
Wilbur stared at his math book and groaned. He massaged his temples. He threw his book on the bed, cringing at the noise. He left his room and wandered around the house quietly.

He tore a hand through his hair and sighed. It was almost two in the morning, and he still had a ton of assignments to do. Phil would get mad if he didn't finish them, and Wilbur hated it when Phil was mad.

He stomped back to his room and returned to his math book. He carefully read the problems over, trailing his pencil under the numbers. To his tired eyes, it looked like nothing more than gibberish. He laid his head on the book and sighed again.

His eyelids drooped, and Wilbur started snoring softly. He sprang up and slapped himself on the face, determined to finish this problem. But as the minutes ticked away, his determination faded. Defeatedly, he set his alarm an hour earlier than usual, so he could ask Phil to help him.

At 5:37 in the morning, Wilbur fell asleep.

At 7:41 in the morning, Wilbur woke up.

He had somehow slept through all of his alarms. Kicking himself, he threw on a different shirt and ran around the house, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. He skipped breakfast and rushed out the door, sprinting towards school. If he was late one more time, he was going to get detention. He slid into his seat a second after the bell rang.

"Mr. Soot, so nice of you to join us." Wilbur groaned. "That'll be a detention." His least favorite teacher waltzed up to his desk and flourishingly handed him the slip. She smiled smugly at him. He frowned back.

"Sorry, Miss Wayne." He accepted his detention slip and sank back into his seat. Just one more thing that didn't go right. He had been late, and now he had a detention.

As he listed his problems, Wilbur realized how hungry he was. He skipped breakfast to try save time, and last night, he opted to study instead of eat supper. His stomach growled loudly. He looked to the ground in embarrassment. Miss Wayne gave him an unimpressed look and began her lecture.

No matter how hard he tried, Wilbur couldn't focus. The numbers didn't make sense to him at all, and he was tired, hungry, and stressed. He hardly noticed when Miss Wayne started walking around, collecting homework.

He jumped when she tapped on his chair with her meter stick. "Where's your homework, Mr. Soot?" He tried to brush past the aggressive use of his ex-last name. (He had opted to take Phil's last name when he was adopted and from then on became known as Wilbur Minecraft)

Miss Wayne repeated her question with more force behind it. His classmates looked anywhere but the pair, and awkward silence filled the room. Wilbur stared at his desk with watery eyes. He had fallen asleep before he could finish and forgotten to do it in the morning.

"I, uhm, I didn't get it finished, ma'am." Miss Wayne glared at him and pursed her lips.

"Why ever not, pray tell?" Kids were openly watching their interaction by now. Their stares made Wilbur flustered. He floundered for words while Miss Wayne tapped her foot impatiently.

"I- I have to go." Wilbur stood up to leave the room and go to the bathroom to calm himself down, but Miss Wayne blocked his path.

"You will not be leaving my classroom until the bell rings, okay, mister?" Wilbur nodded and tried to breathe evenly like Phil had taught him to. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't calm himself down. "This is my classroom, and I demand to be respected in it!" Miss Wayne ordered in her nasally voice.

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