Escape From Exile Part 4

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TW: alcohol, negative/ depressive thoughts, panic attack, mentions of death
AN: Thanks for over 1k reads! That's absolutely insane!
I have a plan for at least two more chapters in this oneshot miniseries: 1. Tubbo and Tommy reunite and 2. Dream comes to bother Tommy. I'm gonna work on these and maybe post by Wednesday.
Also, remember to drink water and get some sleep. Take care of yourselves, lovelies!
Ranboo made his way to the president's house. No one had heard from Tubbo in a week, and as his platonic husband, Ranboo was worried. The bee boy had last been seen when Phil and Techno paid a visit to L'manberg. Ranboo knew the two were connected; it had something to do with Tommy.

His mind briefly wandered to Tommy. He wondered how he was doing and whether or not his memory had returned yet. He hoped that Phil and Techno were taking good care of him. For now, though, he had to focus on Tubbo.

Ranboo finally arrived at Tubbo's house. He knocked before hearing no response. He let himself in. The place was a mess. Trash piles were scattered everywhere, but more concerning were the empty beer bottles littering the ground. In a panic, he started searching for Tubbo.

Buried under a mound of blankets and tissues, Tubbo was curled up on the couch crying. His eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks were rosy from the drinks and splotchy from crying.

"Tubbo?" Ranboo asked quietly. Tubbo didn't even look towards him. "Tubbo." He sat down next to him on the couch and put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Hi, Ranboo." Tubbo's voice quavered. His lip started trembling, and he burst into tears again. He lifted his head and searched out Ranboo's eyes. Ranboo saw the grief and pain in them. "I'm sorry," he slurred. "It's all my fault. Tommy's dead because of me. I killed my best friend."

"It's not your fault." They sat in silence for a minute. While Ranboo had told Tubbo that Tommy was alive, he guessed Phil and Techno had said otherwise. Whatever they had said hurt Tubbo. Resentment for the two built up inside him. He turned his attention back to the crying boy, vowing to fix this.

"Why doesn't the alcohol help?" Tubbo cried. "It helped Dad. I thought it would help me, too, but it just makes it worse." He hiccuped and sobbed. Tears streamed down his face.

"It'll be okay, Tubs. It'll all be okay." Ranboo hugged Tubbo tightly, and Tubbo rested his head on his lap. Ranboo combed his hand through the brunette's hair gently until the boy fell asleep.

Then he pulled out his communicator quietly. He typed, "Phil, can Tubbo see Tommy? I think he really needs to." He read it over before sending it. A ding notified him that the message had sent. Phil started typing. Then he stopped.

Ranboo got a text from Techno a second later. "No," it said. No explanation, just "No." In that moment, Ranboo wanted to kill Technoblade. Why couldn't he understand that Tubbo needed to see Tommy? It would kill him if he didn't.

He looked at the tear stained boy sleeping peacefully on his lap. He swore he'd do whatever it took to save him. Even if he had to kill Technoblade.

A masked man chased him through the forest. He ran as fast as he could, but the man was catching up. He came to a ravine; there was no where to go. He was trapped between death and a monster.

The man approached him with an ever-present smirk on his face. His smirk widened until it stretched from ear to ear.

"Why did you run away, Tommy?" he said in a sickly sweet voice. "Don't you like it here with me, your best friend?" The voice grew deeper with each word, and its demonic tone made Tommy flinch.

The man approached Tommy, forcing him to step closer to the ravine. He started to fall backwards, but the masked man caught him. He calmed down; [UNKNOWN] would take him home and punish him, but he wouldn't push him off a cliff. He wouldn't kill him. Would he?

Tommy stared at the smiley face, an image burned into his mind, and hoped the man wouldn't kill him. There was nothing but air underneath him and an enemy in front of him. He would've given anything to see a friendly face, even if it was for the last time.

The man spoke up again. The demonic tone mixed with the sickly sweet tone to create a sound that grated against Tommy's ears. "Tommy, remember what I told you last time you tried to run away? I said I'd kill you if you tried it again."

The man let go.

"Dream!" Tommy screamed as he sat up. His heart raced, and his head pounded. He shrugged off his blankets and lurched out of bed. He ran to Phil's room and flung open the door. He threw himself onto his father's bed and hugged him tightly.

"Toms, what's wrong?" Phil said sleepily. Tommy shook his head and clenched Phil's robe in his hands. Tears came to his eyes. He tried to breathe normally, to explain what happened, but he couldn't. His throat was stuck. His breathing was fast- too fast.

Phil noticed and sat up. He wrapped his arms and wings around Tommy and whispered, "It's okay, Toms. I'm here now." Tommy cried into his father's shoulder. Phil held him and whispered calming things to him until he calmed down. "Can you tell me what that was about?" he asked gently.

"Dream- he was... I didn't- I didn't fall off that cliff," Tommy managed to get out in between sobs. Phil hugged him tighter as if Tommy would disappear if he let go.

"He won't hurt you anymore." Phil's voice was cold and serious. This was a promise. He would keep it, even if it meant dying for Tommy.

In that moment, Tommy knew his father would go to the ends of the Earth to protect him. He felt safe for the first time in a long time. He hugged Phil and gave him a small but real smile.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice raspy from crying. "I love you, Dad." Phil smiled at him and pulled a blanket over him. He laid down. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he drifted off.

"I love you, too, Toms." Phil watched the boy carefully. Phil was flooded with protectiveness and fatherly love. No one was going to hurt his son ever again.
(1034 words)

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