He's My Son

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TW: alcohol, fighting, police and tasers, mentions of child neglect, self-pity/ depressive thoughts, and swearing (more than most chapters, anyways)
AN: What happens when Schlatt gets drunk and forgets that Phil adopted Tubbo? Nothing good, I can tell you that.
"We're closing, sir!" the bartender called to Schlatt. Schlatt groaned, downed the rest of his bottle, and stumbled out into the street.

He passed a man with his son, and his drunken mind jumped to his own son, Tubbo. Oh, fuck, had he left the five year old home alone? Schlatt slapped his face, trying to sober up, and sprinted home.

When he finally made it home, he checked the living room first. That was Tubbo's favorite spot to play. Schlatt checked every corner of the room, under both tables, and in every blanket. Nothing.

Panic built up inside of him. He tried to push it down and went to Tubbo's bedroom. The bed was empty, and the covers were messy. Schlatt called for Tubbo and checked under the bed. He even looked in the boy's closet. He found nothing.

He staggered towards his own room, nearly hyperventilating. He had lost Tubbo all because he needed a damn drink. He was a terrible father.

He tore his room apart looking for the boy. His pillows laid scattered on the floor, and his blankets were in a pile next to his bed. No Tubbo.

"Fuck," he said, pushing his hair out of his face. He was sweaty, drunk, and scared. "Why..?" His voice was hoarse from calling for Tubbo. Schlatt went to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of beer. He drank it quickly, trying to calm himself down the only way he knew how.

Schlatt jumped when his phone beeped. It was a text from Philza Minecraft. He opened his phone and stared at the picture Phil had sent. Tubbo was sleeping, curled up with one of Phil's kids and his bee plushie. The text read, "He's settling in quite nicely. Tommy's his favorite."

"What the fuck?" Schlatt couldn't remember sending Tubbo over for a sleep over. Why was he at Phil's house? As for, "he's settling in quite nicely," what the fuck did that mean?

Did Phil want to keep Tubbo? Schlatt growled. Tubbo was his son, his son. Phil already had Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur. He couldn't have Tubbo, too. Tubbo was the only person Schlatt had. Phil couldn't have him. He would fight Phil if he had to; he would get his son back.

He felt determined as he pulled his shoes back on, took a beer bottle for the road, and took off towards Phil's house. His breath puffed into the crisp winter air as he walked. Goosebumps ran up his arms, and he wished he had brought a coat. He chugged his beer and felt the warmth run through his veins.

As he walked, he grew angrier at Phil, and the angrier he got, the faster he walked. By the time he was on Phil's street, he was running.

He approached the quiet house loudly. He stumbled and swore. The whole neighborhood could hear him. Schlatt stared at the house before he banged on the door and crossed his arms. A tired Phil opened the door. He smiled when he saw Schlatt, but that smile melted away when he saw the beer bottle.

"Give me back my son," Schlatt slurred, spitting at the Brit. He looked past Phil. Phil moved to block Schlatt from seeing the inside of his house. This angered Schlatt even more.

"You're drunk, Schlatt. Go home. Tubbo lives with me now, remember?" Phil pleaded. Schlatt laughed until he realized Phil was serious.

"He lives with you now, does he? He's my fucking son!" Schlatt threw his bottle on the ground, crushing the broken glass beneath his feet. "Give him back."

Phil tried to pull the door shut, but Schlatt stopped him. He pushed past Phil and stumbled into the house. He would get his son back, no matter what Phil said or did. He made it three feet before a sudden weight on his back made him collapse.

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