Flying Farther Part 2

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TW: same as last chapter
AN: I didn't read over this again after writing it; enjoy :]
Tommy woke up in pain. He almost wished Dream had just cut his wings off, so he could get over the pain faster. He remembered all of the times Phil had lectured him about not breaking the bones in his wings because they were weaker than any other bones in his body. He only wished he had paid attention to what he had to do when he did break his bones.

Not sure of what else to do, he snapped some branches off and created a splint. It hurt like hell putting it on, and it felt rough against his delicate feathers, but it would have to do.

Tommy looked at his broken wings in the reflection of the ocean surrounding his island. He winced as he stretched them out as far as he could without screaming. The splint seemed to work well enough.

He just hoped he'd get out of exile soon enough for Philza to help him before his wings healed wrong. The thought of having to rebreak his wings, so they'd heal right made his stomach churn. He threw up what little his stomach held, a reminder that he hadn't eaten since before Dream's visit a couple days ago.

He wiped his mouth and groaned, praying that this would all just be over already. Although he was afraid of water, Tommy knew what he needed to do. He needed to craft a boat.

He set to work gathering the wood quickly, but he found it a lot more painful with his broken wings. By noon, he had only gathered enough wood to make the hull of the ship. But by the end of the day, he had finished his boat. Feeling accomplished, he pushed it out towards the sea and began rowing.

He made it halfway to mainland before he began experiencing problems. The rudder gave up, and he lost the ability to control which way the boat was going. He switched to his oars, but using them made his wing splint creak and groan in a way that Tommy deemed too risky. Exhausted and in pain, he quit rowing and laid down in the bottom of the boat.

The rocking of the boat finally got to him, and he felt bile rise up in his throat. He threw up into the water and dry heaved painfully. There wasn't anything left to lose. Battered by waves and seasickness, Tommy fell into a restless sleep.

He awoke when his boat hit land. He looked around wildly and deemed it had been about three days since he left Dream's island. He could barely stand on his own, but he managed to crawl to the edge of the sandy shore and laid down on the ground under a tree.

He wished his brother and father were here to save him. He heard talking, and for a moment, he was afraid it was Dream. He looked around for shelter but couldn't find any with in reach.

Besides, what could Dream possibly do to him? He was already as good as dead, and his wings were broken. He accepted his fate.

Someone tripped over his ankle, and Tommy cried out. The branches over his head were moved, and Tommy recognized the face of Techno in front of him.

Tommy pinched himself, making sure he wasn't dreaming. He wasn't. Tears of joy pooled in his eyes, and he reached for Techno. Techno gently pulled him out of the bushes and to his feet. Phil wrapped him in a hug, careful of his wounds.

"Tommy, my boy! What did he do to you?" Phil whispered, looking at his blond-haired son. The light from the boy's eyes was gone, and the smile he always wore was missing. He looked him over for injuries: a few cuts here and there, nothing too harmful.

He paused and gasped when he saw the state of Tommy's wings. He reached out to touch the brown feathers. Tommy flinched, involuntarily pulling his wings away, causing him to cry out from the pain. He pulled away from Phil before remembering where he was.

"Sorry," Tommy said, breathing heavy. Phil reached out to hug the boy gently. Tommy's breath hitched, and he began to cry quietly. Phil cried with him.

"You're all skin and bones! Let's get you home and get you a hot meal," Phil said, guiding Tommy gently towards their house. Tommy didn't say anything about how he probably wouldn't be able to keep the meal down.

Phil sat him down in the kitchen, wrapped him in blankets, and placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of him. Tommy merely looked at it before pushing the bowl away. Phil frowned.

"Tommy, you need to eat." Tommy shook his head.

"I'm fine," he argued, pushing the bowl further away. His stomach churned at the thought of food, and he swallowed thickly.

"No, you're not. When was the last time you ate?" Tommy didn't answer.

"Four or five days ago," he eventually mumbled. Phil went silent and gently pushed the soup bowl back in front of him.


"I starved myself for a while in exi- on the island. My goal was to be able to fly my way to escape, and my wings were in almost as rough a shape as they are now. Being lighter would've left me fly farther. Dream took most of my food anyways. I'm not used to food anymore, so if I eat anything, I'll probably just throw it up."

Techno stood in the corner of the room, hand tightening around his sword. He wore a murderous expression on his face, and Phil was sure he did, too. Phil reached out his arms; Techno hesitantly joined the hug.

"He won't hurt you anymore, Toms. Forget about Dream; we'll protect you from him. You need to worry about eating and healing." Tommy smiled softly. Techno and Phil were here to protect him now. He was finally safe.

Tommy took a sip of soup and then another and another. He managed to eat half the bowl before he had to stop. It was barely even half of what Tommy would eat before exile, but, Phil thought, they were gaining. He wished he could take Tommy's pain away, but the best thing he could do was support and protect the young boy. He vowed to do that with his life.

Watching the blond boy joke around with his brother, Phil realized how much they all needed this. They were helping Tommy, but Tommy was also helping them.
(1091 words)
AN: this low key sucks, but school drained all my mental energy *laughs in shitty school system*

Tomorrow is my last day, and then I'm free! I hope to post a lot more and a lot better content during the summer. Thanks for sticking with me through all of this, and thanks for almost 24k reads and over 900 votes!

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