My Unfinished Symphony

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TW: mentions of wars and explosions, death, fighting, blood, depressed thoughts/ insanity, angst
AN: what if after the recent events, Tommy decided he wanted to be the bad guy? Also, Alivebur :) This kinda has a different feel from what I usually write, so enjoy; please don't hate me :)
Tommy overlooked the world from his bench. He saw the burn marks and debris from the last war; he saw the egg stretching over the world quietly, as if waiting for its moment to pounce. It divided the SMP as Dream once had. Tommy's eyes trailed to the prison where Dream was being kept. Images from his last visit flashed through his mind: dying, being resurrected, and the look of complete insanity on Dream's face.

Another memory made itself known: Wilbur in the afterlife. He had seen and even spoken to Wilbur. It was Wilbur who built this place. This place was supposed to be a haven: a safe, beautiful, and free place. It was home.

Instead, bloodstains washed over every memory he had of this place. This place was no longer home; it was the remains of a time long passed, of people who have changed, and of his childhood. Tears ran down his face as he thought about how much L'manberg had changed.

The very air he breathed felt heavier than it once had. Smoke from the explosions choked him, and heat from the fires burned him. He felt every pain and heartache everyone had ever felt all at once. He fell to his knees and wept for the land he once knew as home. Oh, how the mighty had fallen.

This wasn't his L'manberg anymore. It had been destroyed time and time again, but instead of growing stronger, it grew weaker, more tense, and more fragile.

He remembered his L'manberg. He remembered running around, carefree, in the place that was now the prison. He remembered sparring with Techno under where the L'manberg tree once stood. He remembered flying over this great nation with Phil. He remembered Wilbur teaching him to fight for what was right.


The man who had given everything for L'manberg and gotten nothing back.

The man who ended up as the villain in their history books.

The man who understood how broken L'manberg was.

The man who knew how to save it.

Tommy could save L'manberg just as Wilbur had done. That thought filled him with hope; he could save his home. He could do it. He could get TNT, and he knew where the button once stood.

As he gathered his supplies, he discovered how right Techno was when he said history repeated itself. Here Tommy was planning to save L'manberg just as Wilbur had done so many months ago.

"Let's be the bad guys, Wilbur." Tommy laughed and pulled out his communicator. He dialed a number. "Tubbo, I'm gonna need to borrow your nukes." He twisted his face into a watery smile and took off towards Snowchester.

A few hours passed, and Tommy was almost done with setting up. He worked under the night sky, placing the final bits of TNT and red stone carelessly and silently across the map. He returned to the cave where Wilbur had died, and with a click, he placed the very button his brother had used on the wall.

Tommy read his brother's scribblings and smiled to himself. He finally understood what Wilbur meant. If only Wilbur could see him now...

The soft sound of footsteps filled his ears. He turned to see his brother, Wilbur, in the doorway. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and ran towards his brother. He hugged him tightly and frowned when the older boy didn't hug him back. He let go and stepped back.

"Tommy, what is this?" Tommy savored hearing his brother's voice for the first time in months. He ignored the words and let his accent drown out everything else in the world.

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