Roles Reversed

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AN: I've got like twenty drafts and a terrible case of writer's block 😑
If you don't understand what's going on in this story, basically Techno, Wilbur and Tommy find a baby Philza, and they take care of him
Technoblade sighed contentedly as he got up to make breakfast for his brothers; they were going on a hunting trip today and would need the energy. He was working on the omelets when Tommy sauntered into the kitchen.

"Good morning," he called to the blond who huffed in response. He plated the eggs and set one in front of Tommy. "Are you excited for the hunt?"

Tommy rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gained an enthusiastic grin. "Yes!" Techno smiled at the boy's excitement. They ate their omelets in quiet chatter while waiting for Wilbur to join them.

By the time the brunette finally came stumbling in, Techno and Tommy were done with breakfast and had moved on to packing supplies. Tommy was on food duty while Techno stuffed weapons into a duffel. Wil mumbled a greeting before grabbing an apple from Tommy's pile. Tommy slapped him but let him have the apple.

They finished packing, and Wilbur finished his breakfast. Soon, they were headed off to lands unknown, leaving the comfort of their small cottage behind.

A few weeks of hunting went by; they'd gone north nearly a thousand blocks and were exploring a jungle biome at the moment. Techno was cutting through vines as Wil and Tommy walked behind him when his ear twitched in the direction of a peculiar sound.

It was the sound of crying. He motioned to his brothers to be quiet before slinking around a tree and finding absolutely nothing. He was checking around another tree when a black feather lazily floated down and landed on his nose.

He stared at it before looking up. He was expecting a bird or something; instead, Techno found a small, winged boy crying. He stared, thought for a minute, and shrugged before swiftly climbing up the tree.

The boy scooted away from Techno, made a chirping noise, and puffed his wings up. Techno couldn't help but laugh which earned him a glare from the child. He reached for the kid who climbed up higher to get away from him. He gave chase, and eventually, the boy let Techno take him down the tree.

"Techno, what's that?" Tommy asked, confused about where the toddler came from. The boy burrowed his head into Techno's neck; he was scared of Tommy.

"It's a child." Wilbur walked towards the pair but stopped when the child puffed up its wings again. He let out a series of panicked chirps, so Wilbur backed away with his hands in the air. "I think he likes you!"

Techno groaned before muttering, "Have I just become a parent? Is that how this works?" Although, he had to admit, he liked the little guy already.

Wilbur questioned the boy, "What's your name? And where are your parents?" The bird boy looked at him blankly before chirping a little song. Techno looked to Wilbur and Tommy for help, but they just shrugged.

"Can you not talk?" Tommy approached the child again only to be stopped by Wil. The boy tweeted again. "I'll take that as a no." The child glared at Tommy once more. Then, he yawned and promptly fell asleep in Techno's arms.

"What are we going to do with him?" Wilbur asked softly, staring in wonder at the sleeping child.

"I don't know. I don't want to leave him out here, but we're thousands of blocks from home. It's not exactly the safest trip for a kid." Techno combed a hand through his long hair. He readjusted the kid to be more comfortable and sighed.

Tommy looked at him strangely. "Are you- do you- I thought you hated orphans." It was true, he did hate orphans. But this one, this one was different. It was a hybrid like him, and he felt a connection to the little thing for some odd reason. "Aw, Technoblade, you're a softie." Techno growled a warning at his brother.

He made up his mind. He shrugged out of his bags before handing them to Tommy. "You take those; I'm gonna carry him." They began marching homewards with Tommy complaining about his load, Wilbur singing as they went, and Techno holding a sleeping child.

A while later, Wilbur said, "He still needs a name, and I swear if you name him Carl-" Techno suppressed a laugh. He had named two dogs, three parrots, and several horses Carl because it drove Wilbur insane. He looked at the small kid curled up in his arms. He pondered for a minute.

"Theseus," Techno suggested. He liked the name and the myth, and he always wanted to have a son named Theseus. His brothers shook their heads.

"Doesn't Theseus die horribly or something? How about Phil?" Tommy decided. It was the complete opposite of Techno's recommendation, but they agreed to it.

They walked on. The house was merely three hundred more blocks; they were almost home. Techno was reenergized by that fact, and he started walking faster. He left his brothers far behind him.

Upon arriving at their snowy cabin, he settled Phil down in his room to sleep while he began preparations for supper. His brothers stomped in half an hour later covered in snow. They threw their packs down and sat down at the table. Techno set plates of food in front of them before getting Phil and giving him a plate, too.

Phil stared at the food dubiously and poked it with a fork. Techno laughed before showing the child how to eat. Phil finally figured it out and chirped contentedly.

They finished supper and headed to bed; Wilbur and Tommy went to their respective rooms while Techno carried Phil back to his room. Phil hugged tight to him and fell asleep quickly. Techno smiled down at the sleeping boy before falling asleep curled around Phil protectively.
(964 words)

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