The Tubbox Part 2

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When Technoblade made it to the mines, Philza met him in the entrance. Phil opened his wings to block him from entering. Techno made a noise of confusion before Philza explained.

"I know you haven't slept well in the past few weeks, so I want you to go straight home and sleep. You can mine with me tomorrow." Techno knew the blond wasn't going to give up. He shrugged and walked onwards. "Techno, the house is the other way."

"I knew that. Bye, Dad." The house was in between the farm and the mines. It made walking from the farm to the mine a long but pleasant journey. Techno turned and started walking in the right direction.

"Bye, son." He heard Phil faintly call after him.

Fifteen minutes into the walk, Techno came across the box again. It had been at least half an hour, and no one had claimed it. Techno decided to take it. What was the worst that could happen?

The square box was about a third of Techno's height, and it weighed more than he thought it would. Shouldering the weight a bit more, he shuffled his potato sack and set it on top of the box.

He carried the box for the last leg of his journey. Not knowing where else to set it, he put it on his bed. He didn't trust his brothers enough to leave it in the living room or the kitchen.

Now to answer his burning question: what's in the box? He set his potato sack on the ground and peeled the lid open. He noted that there were breathing holes and that the flaps could easily have been opened from the inside.

Techno opened the box up to find a mess of blankets and a stuffed bee, and surprisingly, upon further inspection, there was a child in the box. It couldn't have been older than Tommy. The child sat up and looked at Techno before screaming.

Techno screamed in fear which made the kid cry harder. Tommy came rushing into the room with Wilbur hot on his tail.

"What's with the screaming?" an eleven year old Wilbur asked, unaware that Techno had just stumbled upon an orphan and worst of all, had accidentally invited it into their home.

"Yeah, why were you screaming like a girl?" Tommy added, ever the diplomat. Techno glared at him and pointed at the child who was trying to cover itself with blankets. It was hiding but terribly.

"Is that- is that a baby?" Apparently being annoying wasn't Tommy's only trait. He was also stupid. Techno nodded slowly at his five year old brother before rolling his eyes.

Wilbur approached the box, and the baby started screaming again. This time, Tommy was the one to scream. Techno screamed louder to assert dominance. Wilbur slapped him.

"What are we gonna do? There's a crying child that somehow wound up in Techno's possession, and Dad won't be home for at least another two hours."

"Does anyone here know how to care for a baby? Tommy, speak to it. You're a baby; it should be able to understand you." Tommy glared at Techno before approaching the kid.

"Hi, I'm Tommy. What's your name?" The shy kid ducked further into the box, accidentally knocking his bee plushie out. He started crying harder which scared Tommy off.

"I have an idea! Tommy, run and get Dad. Wil and I can take care of it until you come back." Tommy zoomed off in the direction of the mines.

Wilbur glanced at Techno. "You have no idea how to care for a baby. Why did you volunteer?" Techno groaned when he realized this meant he actually had to keep an orphan alive. The still screaming child started to drown out Wil's words.

Not knowing what else to do, Techno grabbed the bee off the ground and quietly approached the box. "Here you go, little buddy. Now, you mind telling me what your name is?"

The bee calmed the kid down enough for him to answer the question. "Tubbo," the boy said shakily.

"Hi, Tubbo. I'm Technoblade. I'm gonna take care of you until my dad gets home to help. Are you alright with that?" The boy nodded and allowed Techno to take him out of the box. Techno held Tubbo and let him wrap his arms around him.

Still softly crying, Tubbo stared at Techno. "Do you think he's hungry?" Techno whispered to Wilbur.

"I don't know!" Wilbur whisper-yelled back. "Try giving it a potato." Techno shrugged and grabbed one out of his bag. He handed the child the potato, but instead of eating it, Tubbo just held it until he fell asleep. Techno adjusted Tubbo's position and held him bridal style.

Wilbur looked curiously at Techno before Techno ushered him out of the room. He one-handedly moved the box off the bed and laid down with the kid. Feeling his own eyes shut, Techno fell asleep with his arms around Tubbo protectively.
(836 words)

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