The Voices Want Blood Part 1

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TW: blood, fighting, suicidal/ depressed thoughts, Techno's voices, death/ murder, sparring/ fighting
AN: this draft was from February, and I completely rewrote it :]
Their swords clanged together. Techno made a move only for it to be countered a second later. He twisted his opponent's sword away in a defensive move that let him gain some ground. He quickly lost it when he lost his footing in the muddy grass and fell to his knees.

Breathing heavily, he rubbed the sweat from his brow. Tommy stood over him, smiling. The sun ringed his head like a halo, ironic for a demonic child such as he. Techno huffed and laid down.

"I beat you! I beat you!" Tommy chanted and danced over Techno. Techno growled and hopped up off the ground, wiping mud from his clothes.

"Again." Techno sucked in a deep breath and pointed his sword at Tommy. "Again." The blond nodded and smirked.

"You want me to beat you again?" Techno glared at him. The only way to shut him up was to win.

"You've only beat me once; I'm not going to let it happen again."

Wilbur and Phil watched from a distance; this duel wasn't any different from the boys' others. It was supposed to be a fair and simple match. Techno paid them no mind as they chatted away about his and Tommy's form, the weather, and everything in between.

Techno set his jaw. He had to win this match to shut Tommy up. His gloating grew more and more annoying just in the few minutes that had passed between duels.

Philza counted them down, and they started. Techno immediately got lost in the fight. He swung, parried, and blocked with every ounce of strength he had.

"Faster. Stronger. No mercy!" the voices whispered to Techno. He started to listen to them. Everything around him blurred. Nothing mattered but this fight. Suddenly, Tommy wasn't Tommy anymore. He was just another enemy, someone Techno had to cut down.

His technique was ruthless. He swung at his opponent time and time again. He was winning, but it wasn't enough to silence the voices.

"Finish him. Blood! Blood! Blood!" the voices chanted. They begged for more with each hit he delivered. Techno slashed at his opponent more vigorously. He was going to satisfy the voices and his own bloodthirstiness. He was going to win.

Finally, he went in for the final strike. He stabbed his opponent in the gut. He reveled in his victory as the voices cheered. He was shocked out of his trance by a scream- Tommy's scream. The pig blinked a few times before realizing that he had just embedded his sword into his little brother's side.

Blood bloomed from the wound quickly; it stained Tommy's white shirt. Tommy looked at Techno, shock and betrayal imminent in his eyes. Techno took a few steps forward, wanting to help. Tommy backed away, and Techno's heart shattered.

What had he done?

The blond crumpled to the ground, and again, Techno went to help. This time, he was ushered away by Wilbur.

Philza immediately began first aid on Tommy as Techno watched from a distance. He felt terrible that he had let the voices take control of him like that. He hadn't meant to hurt Tommy, but he had gotten lost in the fight and the voices wanted death.


What if Tommy died?

Techno began panicking. Wilbur made no move to help him. If anything, he took a few steps back. "Murderer!" the voices screamed gleefully. Techno whirled around and fled to the house. He couldn't bear to know if he had just killed his baby brother. The image of Tommy with a sword in his side and betrayal in his eyes flashed through Techno's mind. He flinched and ran faster, as if he could escape his mistake.

He made it to his bedroom and quickly shut himself in. He tore his bed apart before shoving things off his shelves. The shattering sound of broken memories echoed in the silent house. He pulled at his hair and scratched at his skin.

It wasn't enough.

Techno fell onto his bed, sobbing. He had just hurt his brother, the one person on this entire Earth that looked up to him. The one person who saw him as more than his mistakes. He was a hero in Tommy's eyes. And now...

"He's going to die, and it's all my fault. My baby brother is going to die. I killed him. I killed him." Techno spiraled as the voices blocked out his other thoughts.

"You killed him. He's dead, and it's all your fault. You're a terrible brother. You're a terrible person. You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve-"

"Stop!" Techno cried. He cradled his pounding head and wished for the voices to go away. Mumbling under his breath, he prayed to every deity out there to save his brother. The voices drowned him out.

"Traitor. Monster. Murderer. Die already'! You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve-"

For once, Techno agreed with the voices. His own voice joined them. "I don't deserve to live," Techno muttered, pulling at his hair and rocking himself back and forth. Tears ran down his face as he sat in the wreckage of his life.
(862 words)

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