Go Away

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TW: storms and fear of storms, missing children/ running away, self-blame, mentions of fighting between siblings
AN: sorry about the length
Techno and Wilbur stood gossiping near the island in the kitchen. They whispered to each other and kept peeking over their shoulders and laughing. Tommy crept up behind them and stared. As soon as they noticed him, they shut up.

"Go away, Tommy. I'm trying to tell Wilbur something," Techno said, shooing the younger boy away. Tommy crossed his arms.

"Come on! You guys are always sharing secrets. Why can't I hear?" He pouted.

"Because this isn't your business!" Wilbur pointed to the door. "Out."

"Dad says if it's gossip, it's probably not your business either."

"Get lost." Techno pushed him towards the door.

"Maybe I will!" he yelled. He pulled a face and stuck his tongue out at his older brothers before he left the kitchen.

He grabbed his bike and rode away from his house. He wasn't running away; he just needed to be away from his older brothers for a bit. He biked to Tubbo's house and knocked on the brunette's door. Tubbo opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door and sealing them off from his own siblings.

"My brothers are being assholes again." He sat down on the front steps. Tubbo sat down next to him. They both sighed.

"So are mine," Tubbo added. "Dream tried to push me down the stairs, and Foolish broke my bee hive. XD is ignoring me and growling every time I try to talk to him."

"Brothers." Tommy rolled his eyes. "Techno and Wilbur were gossiping about some shit, and they wouldn't tell me. They told me to get lost. Assholes." They fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and letting their anger dissolve slowly.

Eventually, Tommy stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants. He reached a hand out to Tubbo. "Let's go to the tree house."

"Race you!" Tubbo yelled as he took off towards the woods near their houses.

"No fair!" Tommy yelled back, chasing the brunette. He caught up and passed him quickly because of his longer legs.

Tommy pushed himself to run as fast as he could. He put all of his anger into running. Every time his foot pushed off the ground, he felt lighter. Every step away from home stole more of his anger away. He felt better.

He reached the tree house long before Tubbo. He bent over and sucked in lungfuls of air. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiling as the slower boy finally arrived.

"What took you so long?" he teased the other eight year old, acting as if he hadn't just been breathing like he ran a marathon.

"Some of us don't have giraffe legs," Tubbo shot back jokingly.

"Giraffes are quite cool actually," Tommy said, rolling his eyes. He laughed it off and climbed into the treehouse, Tubbo not far behind him.

When they entered the tree house, they sat down on bean bags opposite of each other. They started talking. They talked for hours and hours, unaware of the passing time, the setting sun, and the storm clouds rolling in.

Tubbo fell asleep after a while. Not long after, Tommy curled up on his beanbag and fell asleep under the solid roof of the treehouse he and Tubbo built.

Techno and Wilbur were watching a movie when the rain started. They thought nothing of it until the storm worsened. As the thunder and lightning began, Techno's thoughts strayed to his younger brother, Tommy.

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