The Tubbox Part 1

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TW: insomnia; minor mentions of underage drinking, foster houses, money problems
Shifting around in his bed, Techno tried to get comfortable. He needed sleep, but every time he tried, his mind threw some impossible scenario out there for him to freak out at. It had been weeks since he'd gotten any decent sleep. In fact, in the past two days, he only slept three hours. Philza would have his head if he went one more day. And yet, he couldn't seem to sleep.

The sun started rising, and the light from his window blinded him. Giving up, he went to find Phil. He found him in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee. Techno poured himself some, added whiskey, and downed it like a shot glass. He started to pour himself another glass when Philza stood and pulled the mug away from him. Philza began to lecture the sixteen year old about underage drinking. He sighed before making himself a bowl of cereal and sitting down at the table. He felt Phil watching his sluggish movements.

"Did you sleep at all, Techno?" Techno stared at the concerned man. His heavy eyelids shut, and he face planted into his cereal bowl. He jumped awake.

"Yes," Techno lied with milk running down his face. He picked a Cheerio off his face and ate it. "I absolutely meant to do that." Philza scanned his son's appearance for an awkward amount of time. Techno started sweating and thinking, "Please don't notice. Please don't notice."

"Just make sure you go to bed early tonight." Phil was letting him off easy. Last time Techno had done this, Philza put him to bed and aggressively read him bedtime stories until he fell asleep.

"So, what are you doing today, Dad?" Techno subtly switched the topic. He knew calling Phil 'Dad' would distract him, especially since it took him a year to call him 'Dad' after he was adopted. Was it a dirty trick? Yes. Did it work? Also yes. And since Techno's moral code was destroyed, he was going to use it.

Philza smiled and answered, "Maybe some mining, but first I have to go to the store. You just took the last of the cereal and the rest of the good whiskey. Tommy and Wilbur also destroyed the ice cream rations yesterday." Techno smirked even though he felt guilty. One of his past houses had money problems, so he wasn't used to getting to eat whatever whenever. He sort of pigged out once in a while. He still wasn't as bad as his brothers which was somewhat of a comfort.

"I'm going to go check on my potato farm, but I might join you later at the mines." Techno's potato farm was massive and required almost constant care. It was another reason he didn't sleep; it gave him more time to check on his farms. The mines were extensive, too, since that's another place he frequented when he couldn't sleep.

Techno sat at the table, eating Cheerios and waiting for his brothers to wake up. He didn't have to wait long since Wilbur liked waking up early and liked waking Tommy up even more. The beanie-wearing Brit made himself a sandwich and threw an apple at the grumpy blond. Techno laughed as the apple hit Tommy in the face.

"Ten points to me for hitting the child," Wilbur announced, keeping a tally of who had annoyed the child the most. Tommy growled at him before devouring the apple.

"Alright, I've got to go. Boys, behave. And Techno, get some sleep." Techno turned red at the sudden attention from his family.

He mumbled a halfhearted, "Yes, sir." A chorus of goodbyes later, and the winged man was gone. Techno followed a few minutes later, satisfied with his brothers' morning conversations and knowing they weren't going to kill each other yet.

After marching about two hundred blocks east and fifty blocks north, Techno came upon his potato farm. It spanned an entire plains biome and generated about a thousand potatoes a day. Instead of eating these, he stock-piled them and occasionally brought them to the market. Techno had no idea why he was so against eating potatoes from his farm, but he was.

He watered the plants and picked most of the ripe ones. Deciding to switch things up for once, he kept a stack on him. The rest went into the barrels that littered the place. He brushed the dirt off his pants and left the farm.

On his way to the mines, Techno spotted something out of the corner of his eye. It was a golden box on the side of the road. Instead of thinking reasonably, his sleep-deprived brain went, "The gold box is pretty; take it."

Techno shook his head to clear his thoughts before walking onwards. He made up his mind to swing by after going to the mines for a few hours. If no one claimed it by then, he would take it.
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