Read the Label Part 3 (AKA Baby Tommy Part 2)

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TW: guilt; crying baby; I think that's it?
"Is that- is that Cocomelon?" Techno asked, pausing at the entrance of the living room and staring at the television screen.

All morning and well into the afternoon, he and Phil had been in the kitchen working on a cure for Tommy while Wilbur watched said baby in the living room. As the hours stretched passed and potion bottles began to crowd the counters, they just couldn't find a cure that would work. The more they failed, the more frustrated Techno got.

After the last fail, Phil finally made him take a break, so Techno decided to check up on his brothers.

He did not expect to find them watching Cocomelon, the show Wilbur hated most in the world, something they found out when Wilbur was four and almost broke the TV trying to change the channel.

"He likes it better than Wild Kratts," Wilbur whined; he rubbed his temple, like the show was giving him a headache.

Tommy sat in his arms, dressed in a little pig onesie, the work of Philza. His blue eyes were glued to the tv screen. At the mention of Wild Kratts, he faced Wilbur and stuck his tongue out at him. The brunette gasped and held his chest, as if Tommy had wounded him. Tommy giggled at the display and clapped his little hands.

Half-smiling, Techno lingered in the doorway, unsure of what to do with himself until Wilbur patted the couch cushion next to him.

Techno tentatively sat down like he was ready to get back up any second. Tommy scooted over to sit in the middle of his older brothers, patting Techno on the knee and babbling. Techno stiffened, and he turned to Wilbur with an expression on his face that screamed, "Help me."

Tommy didn't notice; he nestled into Techno's side, resting his head on Techno's arm and falling asleep almost immediately. Wilbur watched him with a small smile on his face.

"You don't need to be scared of him," he said quietly.

Wilbur had seen the way Techno avoided being by Tommy. He kept to the kitchen, usually helping Phil try to find a cure, and whenever he was in the same room as Tommy, he was always watching the baby with a guilty look on his face.

Techno didn't respond, but Wilbur could see his shoulders relax a bit. He shifted, letting Tommy lay on him even more, and settled deeper in his spot.

"It's kind of weird, isn't it?" Techno said quietly, his eyes trained on the screen, which was, dreadfully, still playing Cocomelon.

He hated to admit he didn't entirely hate the show. Maybe it was just because of how much Wilbur hated it, or maybe it was how much Tommy liked it, the blond having been smiling wide and laughing and clapping at it before he fell asleep. His joy was infectious.

"Kind of. But it's also kind of nice. He seems... happier this way almost. I mean, we're definitely changing him back, but I think he enjoys the cuddles and the affection and the attention. I know I did." Wilbur's eyes got a far away look in them for a moment, thinking of the time he'd spent as a four year old, before he blinked back to the present. "We're all wrapped around his little finger, and he knows it."

"Yeah," Techno agreed, fondness in his tone. He looked down at his (now much) younger brother and smiled.

The conversation trickled off, the only sound being the noise from the television and Tommy's soft breathing. At one point, Wilbur began to tap his fingers against his knee, finally finding the rhythm for the song he was trying to write earlier. The brunette's lips quirked upwards as he started humming quietly under his breath, mouthing lyrics.

Soon enough, his eyes lit up with inspiration, and he shot up off the couch, mumbling, "That's it!" In the blink of an eye, Wilbur was across the room and up the stairs. It didn't startle Techno, who was used to his twin's antics by now, but it was enough to wake Tommy up.

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