What You Deserve

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TW: panic, mentions of death and injuries, and a lot of crying
AN: this takes place after Sam rescues Tommy from Dream; I'll work on the next part to Escape from Exile later
⚠️contains some spoilers from recent streams as of March 7- ish⚠️
Phil and Techno rushed to Sam's house after receiving a panicked message from him. Sam led them to a bedroom towards the back of his house.

"He's been asking for you two all day," Sam said with tears running down his face. "He won't say anything else. Just 'I want my dad' and 'I want my brother.' I don't know what else to do."

They arrived at the bedroom, and Sam paused outside. He slid to the ground and wept, but he motioned for Phil and Techno to go on.

Once they entered the room, they found a blond boy curled up on the bed. Sobs wracked the boy's fragile body. Cuts and bruises were littered across the boy's skin, and bandages stretched over even more wounds. Phil could hardly recognize his youngest son.

He jumped into action. He cradled the boy in his arms and whispered comforting things to him. Tommy wrapped his arms around Phil tightly and cried into his shoulder.

"It's okay, Toms. I'm here now. It's okay." Phil's heart hurt to see Tommy like this, even if they hadn't been on speaking terms lately.

"It hurts, Dad..." Tommy whispered hoarsely. His voice cracked, and his lip trembled. Phil tightened his grip.

Sam entered the room quietly and sat down next to the pair. Techno stood behind them with his arms crossed, as if guarding them.

"Dream- he... he killed me, and he brought me back." Phil's blood ran cold. "And then, he did it again. And again. And again. It hurt. It felt like I was being torn apart every time. And he wouldn't stop, no matter how much I begged-" He buried his head in his dad's shoulder. His chest heaved with every breath.

Phil pushed Tommy back gently to look him in the eyes. Tommy protested the movement and reached for Phil desperately.

"How many times?" Phil asked quietly. Tommy shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Tommy, how many times?"

Tommy looked down. "More than I- more than I can count." Phil pulled Tommy's face up to meet his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Techno reach for his sword. Sam started crying again, and he left the room.

"He won't hurt you anymore. He's in prison, and you don't have to go back there ever again." Phil made a promise to himself that Dream would pay for what he did. If he ever hurt Tommy again, Phil wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

"I thought you didn't care," Tommy said suddenly. "Dream swore up and down that you hated me. He told me that during exile and during the prison trip. I- I believed him, too."

Phil remembered their last encounter. He had practically disowned Tommy, yet here he was, comforting him after a nightmare, just like old times.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I'm so, so sorry. You didn't deserve that. You don't deserve any of it." Tommy nodded and rubbed his eyes. He let out a yawn and laid his head on Phil's shoulder again. Phil laid him down and tucked him in. He quickly fell asleep.

Techno walked over, set down his sword, and laid down next to his younger brother. Tommy curled up into him immediately. After a minute or two, the piglin started snoring softly. Phil smiled at his two boys. Perhaps, this was the start of them being a family again.

Phil ducked out after taking one last look at his sons. He found Sam crying in the hallway. He sat down next to Sam and put a hand on the man's shoulder.

"I failed him, Phil. I said I would protect him, and I promised that if he visited Dream, he would be safe." Sam stared at the ground. "But he wasn't, and Dream hurt him. Dream hurt him so many times, and I wasn't there. I failed."

"Sam, I was never the best father. I couldn't protect my children from every heartache, and I couldn't keep every promise. From what I've seen, you've tried. I know you've tried. And I know that Tommy is my son, but you've been a hell of a lot better father to him than I have." He met Sam's eyes. "Thank you," he said, and he meant it.

In the end, Tommy decided to stay with Sam. Sam had been the better father to him, and he finally got all of the love and happiness that he deserved. He visited Phil and Techno often, especially after a particularly bad nightmare.

Eventually, Sam and Tommy ended up moving into the Antarctic Empire's home base. This allowed Tommy to be closer to his whole family, and it protected him from Dream. He became noticeably happier and got visits from Tubbo and Ghostbur often.

Dream got what he deserved, too. He was going to spend his whole life in prison without any visitors, but he was executed for what he did to Tommy and for three almost successful escape attempts. Tommy found peace in Dream's death and was able to move past his trauma with plenty of support from his family.
(855 words)

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