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TW: death and murder, insanity and mentions of ghost-type possession and suicidal thoughts, ghosts, blood and a dead body, nightmares, nausea, anger
AN: this song on repeat for four days + sleep deprivation = whatever the fuck this is; I apologize in advance
Tommy knew the world was fucked. He saw what happened to his brothers. Wilbur went insane and blew up a nation. Techno slowly lost his mind until he eventually snapped and tried kill everyone. Again.

Tommy knew his own clock was ticking down. He could feel the build up; any little thing would set him off. One wrong move, and he would blow a fuse. The nightmares and sleepless nights only added to his insanity. All of his trauma built up inside of him like a dam. Soon it would crack.

There was only one way to fix this: kill Dream.

It wouldn't bring Wilbur back, not that he wanted it to, and it wouldn't even save Techno, but it would stop Dream from hurting anyone else on this godforsaken server. Tommy was doing this to protect everyone, or at least that's what the voice inside his head said. That voice must've been his conscience, right?

He made plans to sneak to the prison during the night. He gathered his supplies slowly but surely and kept himself out of Philza's suspicions. As the day arrived, Tommy's anticipation grew. He readied himself mentally and started crafting excuses for why he needed to visit the prison in the first place. At last, he settled on just forcing Sam to let him go as the creeper had a soft spot for the boy.

Finally, the night arrived. He nervously paced until the sun sank, and with his supplies bag in tow, he trekked to the ugly, black building known as Pandora's Vault. He marched inside and found Sam rather quickly.

"Sam, I need to cross," he demanded, crossing his arms. Sam raised an eyebrow at the bag of tools on Tommy's back. Realization flashed across his face.

"Tommy, you don't want to do this," Sam pleaded, looking at his crazed son. Tommy just laughed and smiled at him widely.

"Oh, but I do." Fire played in his eyes. Tommy approached the bridge and shoved his way past Sam. He glared at the creeper until he obliged and sent the bridge over.

As soon as Tommy stepped off, his vision went red. It was as if he lost complete control of his body. He unsheathed his sword and swung it at Dream, stopping centimeters from his neck and admiring the look of fear in his eyes. He cackled to himself.

"Tommy, what are you doing?" Dream asked. Tommy merely smiled.

"What I should have done long ago." He swung his blade, and everything went red.

Tommy came to soaked in Dream's blood. He screamed and crawled away from the corpse. With the cool cell walls against his back, he tried to take a deep breath.

"What have I done?" he cried, swallowing down his nausea. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed. Yes, Dream was evil, but did he deserve this? Did anyone deserve this?

What had come over him? It was like he had been possessed or something; he had lost his temper and lost control. And how he treated Sam-

Sam. Would he even be able to look Tommy in the eyes after this? Bile rose in his throat again. He heaved painfully and cried.

"Murderer," a voice echoed in the small chamber. Tommy looked around wildly and found the ghost of Dream standing in the corner of the cell. He screamed again and shoved himself farther against the wall. The ghost approached him threateningly.

"Sam?" Tommy called, shaking and crying. He looked at his bloodstained hands. "Sam! Let me out, please!" The lava stopped flowing, and he saw Sam on the other side. Sam took one look at him and turned away.

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