Techno Gets Sick

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AN: Sorry for the inconsistent posting; to make up for it, here's some fluff.
By the way, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur all live together as brothers, and Techno is their legal guardian just ✨because✨. Also, this one is kinda long. Oops.

Techno was a light sleeper.

This helped Tommy a lot, especially when he was sick and didn't want to leave his room and get his brother. It also helped when he needed to interrupt his brother's naps for meals or help with homework.

When Tommy entered Techno's room, and he didn't immediately wake up, Tommy was concerned. He walked towards Techno who slept deeply in his bed. Tommy stood at his brother's bedside contemplating whether it was worth waking Techno or not if he was so tired. Instead, Tommy just watched his brother breathe to assure himself that he was fine. Techno's breathing was heavier than normal which added to Tommy's worry.

He decided to let Techno sleep. He quietly made his way back to the kitchen table to resume his math homework. He puzzled at the questions for a few minutes before hearing a creak behind him.

Techno padded into the kitchen and mumbled, "Did you need something, Toms?" Thickened by sleep, his voice was deeper than normal. He squinted at Tommy questioningly.

"It's just a math question I can't get. Wilby can help me with it when he gets home from work. You can go  back to bed if you want." He secretly hoped Techno would help. Wilbur was just as hopeless at math as Tommy was, and more often than not, Wilbur gave up or started a fight with Tommy that ended in tears and slamming doors.

"Nonsense. I'm up now. I can help."  Tommy sighed in relief. His brother quietly walked over and sat down next to him. "What's the question?"

They quickly got to work. Halfway through his assignment, Techno was interrupted by a coughing fit.

"Are you okay, Big T?" Techno brushed Tommy off and got back to work. They finished the math questions shortly after. Another coughing fit made Tommy look at him in concern, but again, Techno mumbled that he was fine. He laid down on the couch, too lazy to walk back to his room, and quickly fell asleep.

Tommy finished the rest of his homework before bringing Techno a blanket and some pillows. He made his way to his own room and passed out on his bed.

Tommy woke up in the middle of the night because of a noise coming from the living room. It was coughing. Tommy put two and two together and got out of bed to help his older brother. He marched sleepily but dutifully to the living room to check on Techno.

"Sorry I woke you," Techno whispered shyly. After a little conversation between the two, Tommy realized that Techno's voice couldn't get much louder. In addition to the coughing, Techno had a sore throat and had slowly been losing his voice. Tommy felt bad for his brother. He hated being sick, and Techno needed someone more qualified to take care of him.

"Do you need anything?" Tommy asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm fine. Go to bed; you have school tomorrow." Ever the caretaker, Techno was more worried about Tommy staying up than he was about his own health. Tommy left him on the couch and went back to sleep.

In the morning, Tommy's alarm went off. He groaned and crawled out of bed. He was not a morning person. He shivered against the loss of heat from his blanket and went to check on Techno.

Techno was still sleeping on the couch. His ears didn't even flick towards the sound of Tommy's feet on the creaky old wood floors. His breathing had gotten more labored during the night; Techno's cold was getting worse.

"He's sick, but he's not going to take care of himself," Wilbur commented from behind Tommy. Tommy jumped a little before turning to his brother.

"I know. I tried to take care of him last night, but he wouldn't have it. How was work?" Tommy shifted the conversation topic.

Wilbur worked the night shift at a small cafe on the end of the block. Between him and Techno, they covered rent pretty easily. Nevertheless, Tommy had offered to get a job a few times. It was an offer that Wilbur and Techno always immediately shot down because they wanted him to focus on school and being a teen. Even so, they knew he'd drop school in a heartbeat to help them.

"It was fine. Niki stopped by for a coffee, and Dream let me play some songs for some extra tips." Tommy curled his lip in disgust. He hated Wilbur's boss, Dream, but Wilbur found nothing wrong with him. It was just another thing they fought about.

"Good morning," came a raspy voice from the couch.  Technoblade was awake. Tommy and Wilbur returned the greeting. Tommy sighed before going to get ready for school. He quickly got changed and grabbed his heavy backpack off the floor, groaning at the weight.

"I can drive Tommy today." Tommy heard Wilbur offer from the living room. He assumed Techno said it was fine because Wilbur came to his room a second later. "I'm driving you. I've finally convinced the Great Technoblade to take care of himself for once. I deserve a medal."

Tommy and Wilbur rejoined Techno in the living room. "I've got a few minutes to kill. Five, maybe ten. Depends on how much Wilby speeds. Let me make breakfast." Not hearing any complaints, Tommy let himself into the one place he was banned from in the house: the kitchen.

The blond set up his workspace. There was the bowl for mixing the pancake batter off to his left, the pancake griddle to his right, and in front of him sat his phone playing an instructional video about how to cook pancakes properly.

"Did we just let Tommy cook?" Wilbur realized what they had done. Tommy watched him run in from the living room only to find that Tommy had not, in fact, burned the house down. He hadn't even burnt a single pancake. He brought Techno a plate and a glass of milk before settling down at the table with his own plate. They were good. Not as good as Techno's, but they were still good.

The boys went their separate ways after their breakfast. Wilbur dropped Tommy off at school before driving to his own school, and Techno stayed home. He called in sick for the first time in about three years and got the rest his body so desperately needed.

And for the first time in months, the trio were all together at the apartment later that evening. Techno coached Tommy from the couch about how to make cookies while Wilbur softly played guitar in the background. Techno was getting over his cold and would be back to work tomorrow, but for now, the Sleepy Bois enjoyed each other's company.
(1134 words)

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