Sticks and Stones Part 3

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TW: same as the other two chapters plus mentions of murder (but in like a protective way)
Techno, with Wilbur and Phil in tow, dragged Tommy to the bathroom to patch him up. Tommy protested, and Techno glared at him. "Sit down. We're taking care of this." He leaned against the counter and refused to meet Techno's eyes. Techno got out the first aid kit; he started bandaging Tommy up.

"Why didn't you tell us you were being bullied?" Techno asked him, not bothering to be gentle. He sounded angry. He pulled a bandage tightly around one of Tommy's cuts making Tommy wince.

He didn't answer. A lump formed in his throat. His eyes welled up with tears. He clenched his fists tightly and stared at the ground. Tommy glanced to Phil for help, but he just stood there behind Techno looked just as mad. Wilbur was next to Phil with his arms crossed and a sad expression on his face; they made eye contact for a minute before he looked away.

"I- it's..." he started, unsure of what to say. "Dream said I was weak, and he said he'd bully Tubbo if I said anything."

Once he got started, it all came tumbling out. "I didn't want that to happen, so I let him do what he wanted to me. As long as Tubbo is safe, I told myself. As long as Tubbo's okay, I'll be fine. And now- now he hates me, too."

He started crying. Wil put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly while Phil wrapped him in a hug.

"I'm sorry I'm weak," he hiccuped into his dad's shoulder.

"You're not weak, Toms. Doing that for Tubbo... letting yourself be hurt for his sake, that's true strength. You sacrificed your own happiness for your best friend's. I'm proud of you," Phil pulled away, put his arms on Tommy's shoulders, and looked him in the eyes. "I'm proud of you," he repeated. Wilbur echoed his sentiments. They stayed there for a minute or two before Techno interrupted.

"Not to ruin the moment, but I still have a murder to plan." Tommy shifted his attention to his older brother who was standing awkwardly in the doorway. He laughed through his tears. He hugged his family one more time before the quartet disbanded and made themselves busy.

Tommy did homework at the kitchen table while thinking that for the one of the first times in a long time, he was actually not dreading going to school the next day.

Phil reheated their forgotten supper: (beef) roast, homemade mashed potatoes, and homemade rolls. He worked while Wilbur played songs in the background, occasionally commenting on a verse or requesting a song. He whistled and danced along to the songs, earning a laugh out of Wil and Tommy.

Techno perched himself on a chair at the kitchen island and wrote in his notebook. Every so often, he'd glance at Tommy as if he were checking on the blond. He finished whatever he was doing and began counting his potatoes in a nonchalant way, sort of like a student making ramen in the middle of an exam.

Wil played music for his family. He was happy to see Tommy smiling and laughing again. Once in a while, he read over Techno's notes. They were, in fact, a detailed plan of Dream's murder. He was glad Techno planned to do something to the man who had hurt Tommy so bad.

Eventually, supper was ready once more. The Sleepy Bois ate their meals with laughter and stories filling the room. They teased each other and made jokes. On more than one occasion, they laughed so hard they had tears streaming down their faces. It was perfect.

After supper, they watched a movie. Tommy curled up in between Techno and Phil; he quickly fell asleep. Wil joined him halfway through the movie. Techno nodded off a little while later. He woke up to Phil tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

"Techno, do you want to go to your bed?" He yawned and nodded. The movie long forgotten, he picked Tommy up and carried him to their shared room. Wilbur padded along behind him.

"Goodnight, Tommy," he whispered to his sleeping brother. He set a Tommy down on his bed and tucked him in.

Tommy cracked his eyes open and mumbled, "Goodnight, and Techno?"

"Yeah?" Techno asked him. He crawled into his own bed before pulling the covers up.

"Thank you," Tommy said sleepily before drifting off with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome." Techno yawned again before closing his eyes. He curled up in his blankets and enjoyed the warmth until he fell asleep.
(766 words)
AN: I'm so sorry about the quality. I've got over 100 drafts and writers' block, so I finally posted one of the finished stories. The last chapter is probably the best.

Thanks for 7.2k and 260 votes! I promise to post a better chapter soon! School is kicking my ass again, so we'll see.

I'm gonna go pass out now. Goodnight! Get some rest, lovelies, and take care of yourselves!

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