Techno's Mask Part 3

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TW: mentions of death, negative thoughts, anxiety, and fear of an angry parent
The butter didn't work. Neither did plain water. The last resort was Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo just pulling at the mask. Technoblade knew it wasn't going to do anything, but he let them try. If they told him the only way to get it off was to cover him in peanut butter, he would've done it.

The three boys got into position around the boy with the pig mask. Techno watched nervously as everyone found their grip. Wilbur counted down, and the boys started pulling on the mask. Techno wasn't surprised when it didn't work.

He was contemplating his next course of action: running away and living in the Antarctic all alone with his potatoes when the front door opened. He jumped and realized Dad was home.

He didn't have time to hide, but he still tried to sprint back to his room before Philza saw him. Wilbur tried to convince him to stay. He fled to his room anyways.

Philza Minecraft came home from a long day of work to find two of his three sons and one of their best friends in the kitchen. The boys and the kitchen were covered in butter, peanut butter, and water.

"Hey, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo." Each kid returned the greeting. Philza noticed the obvious disappearance of Technoblade, his oldest son. "What happened to my kitchen?" The boys looked between each other nervously. A slamming door in the back of the house answered his question as to the whereabouts of Techno.

"We, uhm, got into a fight!" Wilbur shouted.

"Yeah!" Tommy added quickly. "Tubbo here will tell you exactly what that was about." Throwing Tubbo under the bus, Phil watched as his two sons sprinted away, presumably to their rooms.

"What did happen?" Tubbo looked around for a distraction.

"Phil, look at this bee I found! Isn't it tiny and cute and small?" Phil stared at Tubbo as he pulled out a container with a bee in it. Was the fight that awful?

"Tubs, what did I tell you about putting bees in containers?"

"Can he not breathe?" the boy shrieked before opening his container. He then dived after the bee he just let loose in Philza's house. Philza left him to do that while he went to check on his sons.

Tommy and Wilbur weren't in their rooms, so Phil approached Techno's door in hopes of finding them. He walked right into the door because he was so accustomed to the room being unlocked. He knocked, confused and scared that something was seriously wrong.

"Boys? Open the door." He knocked again but didn't get an answer. "I'm breaking this door down in three, two, one." He launched himself at the door, his wings propelling him forward.

Before he could bust the door open, one of his boys opened it for him. He couldn't stop himself and barreled right into Techno's room. He tripped and fell on the floor.

"I think we've killed him," Tommy announced before Philza sat up and glared at him. He watched as two of his boys inched closer together to hide something.

"Do you boys mind explaining what's going on?" Tubbo chose that moment to rush in, still chasing the bee. He quickly ran out after he realized he had interrupted something important.

"I repeat, what's going on?" Techno was still nowhere to be found, and that worried Phil. He tried to see what the boys were hiding but couldn't see anything.

Not finding any other way out of it, Techno pushed his way through his brothers' barrier. His father scanned him for injuries, glimpsing right over the mask. He stopped and noticed the mask. Techno watched as his father's face melted from concern into rage. He shook as Philza approached him.

"Did you touch the mask?" Philza asked, even though Techno knew the proof was sitting there plain as day. He nodded, crying. "Come here." He marched quietly towards Phil. He imagined all the things his father would do: hurt him, kick him out, or maybe even kill him. He shook with every step.

"Technoblade Minecraft, why did you put the mask on?" He flinched at the tone Phil used.

"I wanted to scare Tommy and Wilbur to win our Prank War." Saying it out loud, Techno knew his reasoning was terrible and childish. Phil shook his head.

Techno felt Wilbur step up behind him, and Tommy said, "It's not his fault! I'm the one who started the Prank War!"

"No, Tommy. It's not your fault. It's mine." Philza hugged his boys close, and Techno started crying even harder. He wanted this stupid mask off his face. He didn't want Dad to be upset with him or to blame himself.

"I should've explained better about that mask, not just assumed you wouldn't have gone in the attic and tried it on." Phil recognized the mask! Maybe he knew how to take it off.

As if reading his mind, his father shook his head and crushed Techno's hope. "The mask won't come off ever. It's permanent unless someone is willing to take your place. I got my hands on it when I was being stupid and put it on. I was around your age. My father took my place, and the voices he heard led him to kill my mother and himself." It was rare for Phil to talk about his parents, but Techno had bigger things to worry about.

The mask permanently part of him led his grandpa to murder and death. Where would it lead Techno? He felt his brothers shift away from him quietly. Wilbur decided better and hugged him. Tommy followed in Wilbur's footsteps. Techno cried harder, and Philza wrapped his wings around their little family hug.

Philza, Tommy, and Wilbur offered to take his place, but Techno knew he had to live with the consequences of his actions.

Techno realized that while he may have this mask forever, at least he had his family to help him.
(997 words)

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