The Voices Want Blood Part 3

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TW: mentions of blood, death, murder, suicide, the voices, and fights between family; nightmares; terror/ panic; getting stabbed and falling off a high place; swords; betrayal; self-blame
AN: hi :]
Techno's sword buried itself in Tommy's side. The blond collapsed, and Techno screamed.

"You killed him!" Philza shouted. Techno flinched and backed away from his little brother. He looked at his hands, as if they betrayed him. Blood coated them, and it was spreading. The red color painted up his arms and pooled at his feet. He looked to Phil for help, but Phil glared at him harshly.

"Murderer!" Phil spat. Techno turned away from him and saw Wilbur. He ran, crying, to his other brother. He tried to hug him only for Wilbur to step out of his reach.

"Are you gonna kill me, too?" Wilbur asked before shoving Techno away. The floor beneath Techno disappeared. He grabbed onto the ledge, holding onto it with white knuckles. Wilbur stood above him and glared at him in disgust. He wrinkled up his nose.

"Help me, Wilby," Techno begged, tears rolling down his cheeks. His grip loosened. The inky, black void threatened to swallow him. If he let go, he would die.

Wilbur reached down as if he was going to save him. Techno felt a wave of relief wash over him. He even smiled a little.

But instead of pulling him up, Wilbur got in his face and cackled at his hopefulness. "Why would I help you, murderer?" he asked. He delighted in the way Techno's smile slipped, replaced by a hurt expression that could hardly express his true pain.

Wilbur stood up proudly above Techno, and one by one, he released his fingers' hold on the ledge. Techno strained to hold himself above the void below. His muscles tensed and cramped under the pressure. Wil clapped his hands as he got to the last few fingers.

But before he could make Techno fall, Techno let go.

It was better this way. He'd rather kill himself in his dream than live with the picture of Wilbur smiling as he killed him.

Techno fell. The void approached him, its black depths waiting for him. It grew darker as he fell until there was nothing but blackness around him.

He couldn't see. He couldn't move. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He was dying...

Techno startled awake, barely managing to muffle his scream with a pillow. Breathing erratically, he tried to calm his racing heart. He took deep breaths and curled his hands into fists to release some of the tension built up inside of him.

Eventually the terror passed, and as soon as it did, Techno was left alone with his thoughts. It was arguably worse than blinding panic in his opinion. Techno sighed and pulled his blanket up to his chin. He stared at his ceiling before rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. He pinched his eyes shut and tried to fall asleep again.

He couldn't, though, because every time he closed his eyes, the memory of hurting Tommy haunted him.

Just as he was finally about to drift off, a scream from Tommy's room sent him running to check on the blond boy. He swung the door open with a hand on his sword.

Instead of an intruder, he was met with Tommy, who was shaking and crying. He had pushed himself against his wall like a cornered animal. He looked at Techno with sheer terror in his eyes. His stare lingered on the hand Techno had wrapped around his hilt.

"Please don't- don't hurt me," Tommy sobbed. Techno dropped his sword and held his hands up in surrender. He stepped forward to comfort the boy, only for him to cry harder.

"Should I- do I get Phil?" he asked himself quietly, staring at the shaking boy. He thought of how exhausted Phil had been lately.

Tommy's night terrors were a nightly occurrence, and Phil's sleep schedule had been suffering. Techno knew because each night, Tommy woke him up, too. He could hear Tommy's sobs through the walls, and each one cut him a little deeper. Tommy would tell Phil about his nightmare, hiccuping and gasping. Techno could picture his little brother curled up into Phil's side, shaking and crying.

More than once, he snuck over and cracked the door open to see with his eyes what he caused. It was every bit as heartbreaking as Techno imagined.

In the mornings, Techno tried to ignore the tired resentment that leaked through Phil's mask. He knew it was his fault Tommy had nightmares, and all three lost sleep over it.

Techno needed to handle this one. For both Phil and himself.

He inched towards Tommy with his hands in clear view of the broken boy. He slowly wrapped his arms around him, and Tommy hugged back tightly, silently begging for comfort.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm never going to hurt you again, I promise. I love you, Toms," Techno whispered into Tommy's hair. Tommy nodded, burrowing his head deeper into Techno's shoulder. Techno half-smiled and let out a sigh.

Between Tommy's soft breathing and the warmth radiating off of him, Techno soon found himself dozing off, too.

Phil woke up and looked at the time: 9:37 am. He never slept this late, especially since Tommy's nightmares began. Rubbing his tired eyes, he sat straight up. Tommy! Why hadn't he woken Phil up last night?

He slid his slippers on and ran to Tommy's room to check on the blond boy. He swung the door open in a panic and burst inside.

Tommy and Techno were cuddling. Techno was slumped against the wall while Tommy used his shoulder as a pillow. Techno's arms were wrapped around Tommy protectively, and when Phil walked in, his eyes snapped open. He scanned the room before his eyes settled on Phil. Phil walked over and sat down next to the pair, careful not to wake Tommy up.

"Goodmorning, Techno." Phil kissed the top of his son's head.

"Morning, Dad," Techno murmured. Tommy stirred, and they both froze, not wanting to disturb the tired boy's sleep or the perfect moment.

"Was it bad? Why didn't you wake me?"

"I handled it. You needed your sleep," Techno said carefully, avoiding telling Phil how scared Tommy had been of him when he first entered the room. He'd never tell Phil how scared he was of hurting Tommy again. Instead, he said, "It's my fault he's like this, after all."

"It's not your fault, Techno," Phil said, looking his son in the eyes. Techno was the first to look away. Phil knew he didn't believe him. He'd keep reminding him until he did.

"Mmm, morning already?" Tommy asked. He yawned and wiped the drool from his mouth. Phil watched him; Tommy was adorable when he was sleepy.

"My arms are numb," Techno complained. He was still Techno after all. He didn't want people to think he'd gone soft or something. He let go of Tommy. Tommy fell off the bed with a yelp. Phil laughed.

Techno flinched and scrambled to make sure Tommy was okay. "Are you alright, Toms? I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Techno picked Tommy up off the floor. He examined him for injuries, ignoring the screaming voices in his head.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," Tommy reassured before slipping out of Techno's grasp. Phil watched as Techno's eyes trailed the blond boy carefully. Tommy left in search of breakfast, oblivious that he was being watched.

"He's fine, Techno." Techno blinked hard before turning to Phil. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You saw that?"

"Yeah, I did. Listen, Techno, it wasn't your fault. Tommy's forgiven you. Now, you just need to forgive yourself and move on." Techno nodded. Phil sighed and ruffled his hair. "Come on, Tommy's probably trying to burn down the kitchen as we speak."
(1293 words)
AN: three days in a row, pog :D

Thanks for reading! We're over 35k reads and almost 1.5k votes! Do you all want me to do something for like 40k or 50k reads? Like a q&a or face reveal or something? Any ideas?

Take care of yourselves, lovelies! Remember to drink water, eat something, and get some rest. And remember to smile! I love you all, and I'm proud of you all! Good night/ good morning/ good evening/ good day <3

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