Escape From Exile Part 5

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TW: amnesia, passing out, alcoholism, pain, bandages, panic
AN: what memory should Tommy have remembered of Tubbo: being exiled or something happy?
I'm tired, so I don't know how good this one'll be
Tommy woke up to a door shutting. He went to check it out only to find Phil, Techno, and the transparent man gone. He found a note on the counter in Techno's handwriting.

"We're going hunting. Be back in a while. Don't forget to change your bandages. If you need any help, text me." He imitated his brother's monotone voice as he read. "Whatever you do, don't leave the house."

Tommy scoffed at that. Why couldn't he leave the house? He hadn't been anywhere else since he woke up a few days ago, and he was itching for a change of scenery. Before he could think it through, his boots were on, and he was out the door.

"I'm sure Techno won't mind," he said to himself. Tommy ventured towards the woods. He found some tracks and decided to follow them. They led him to a plains biome; he welcomed the warmth.

He kept walking until he reached a civilization. It was familiar, but he couldn't place it. There was a wooden path that ran through the whole city, following the curves of the land. A mix of buildings surrounded the path, but the one that caught his eye was a cobblestone bear statue. He stopped to admire the material.

Tommy continued walking only to find a bench. He stopped and stared at it. It felt important to him, really important. He tried to remember.

A splitting headache hit him like a bus. Scenes flitted across his mind: a country, a church, and a marketplace. A memory surfaced of sitting on the bench with a brunette and listening to a music disc. He doubled over from the pain.

He laid down and breathed heavily, as if he had just run a mile. He sucked in air and wished he hadn't gone so far from home. He felt his bandages scrape against his side every time he breathed. He used the feeling to ground him.

"Tommy?" He heard a voice call for him. A black and white man approached him. "Are you okay?" The man towered over Tommy and blocked the sun from Tommy's eyes. His breathing finally calmed down.

"Uhm, good? Do I know you?" The question didn't surprise the tall man. He helped Tommy up and off the ground.

"I'm Ranboo. We're friends; you just don't remember me. What are you doing out here? Where are Phil and Techno?"

"They're hunting. I'm taking a walk. They, uhm, they're perfectly okay with me doing this. They one-hundred percent have given me the go ahead to be here. Yup." He nodded, panicking internally. If only he wasn't such a terrible liar.

"They have no idea." He breathed out. Ranboo had caught him, but he didn't seem to care all that much.

"Nope. Techno told me not to leave the house, but I'm a Big Man. I can take care of myself." Ranboo smiled at the boy's antics. Tommy mockingly puffed his chest out before wincing. His back still hurt, and walking around had made it even worse.

"Do you need to sit down?" Ranboo asked, noticing the wince.

"Yeah..." Tommy trailed off. He sat down on the bench, and Ranboo sat next to him.

"Ranboo, I can't really remember anything. Memories have been coming back slowly, but they aren't in order. It's like trying to put a puzzle together without having the final picture." The blond stared out across the landscape. Ranboo was silent for a moment.

"Tommy, I don't have a good memory, either. It's frustrating that there are people out there who know more about me than I do. But it'll get better for you, I know it will. You'll get your memories back, and everything will be okay."

They sat together on the bench, enjoying the peace and quiet. Tommy watched the sun lazily sink towards the horizon. He had to get home soon, but he could stay a little while longer.

He looked to Ranboo. Ranboo looked like he wanted to say something; he kept opening and closing his mouth. Finally, he spoke up. "Tommy, can I bring you to see someone? You won't remember him, but he really needs to see you."

Tommy nodded again. Ranboo sighed in relief and helped him stand. Ranboo took off in excitement, forgetting that Tommy couldn't keep up. Tommy hobbled after the excited enderman as fast as he could.

Whoever it was, they seemed to be important.

Techno and Phil could wait.

A ding sounded at Tubbo's door, waking him up. He padded over, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He wondered where Ranboo had gone before shrugging it off. It was probably fine.

Reluctantly, he grabbed another bottle on his way over. His head hurt from his drinks last night, but surely, if it helped Schlatt, it would help him. Wouldn't it? Tubbo popped open the cap and took a swig. The liquid burned down his throat and made him gag.

The doorbell rang again. He shouted, "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He opened the door to find his dead best friend. He dropped his bottle and rubbed his eyes again.

"Tommy?" He reached out and touched the boy to assure himself that he was real. "Tommy!" He wrapped Tommy in a bear hug. He cried tears of joy into Tommy's shoulder. He looked up and saw Ranboo standing behind Tommy, fiddling with his hands, unsure of whether or not to stay. He welcomed the tall boy into the hug happily. "Thank you, Ranboo! Thank you."

Tommy shuffled awkwardly against the hug, and Tubbo turned to him. He frowned. Tommy forced a smile. "Tommy, what's wrong?"

"Everything's fine, uhm," he cut himself off. "I'm fine, bud." And yet, he groaned and rested his head on Tubbo's shoulder. He started leaning on Tubbo to hold himself up until Tubbo buckled under the weight of the taller boy. They fell to the ground.

Tubbo shrieked and rolled Tommy over. "Is he dead? Holy shit, I think he's dead!" He felt for a pulse and was relieved to find one. "Help me get him on the couch." Ranboo easily lifted Tommy and set him on the couch they had been sitting on just a few hours earlier.

Tubbo pulled out his communicator and sent a rapid text to Technoblade. "Help! Tommy just passed out."

It seemed to get the message across, and a few seconds later, Techno responded, "Be there soon. Where are you?"

"My house. Hurry." He knew that Techno and Phil would drop everything to help Tommy, so he turned his focus to the unconscious blond on his couch. He paced around and hoped that Tommy was okay.
(1110 words)

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