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TW: a whole lot of main character death; mentions of betrayal, broken trust, and disowning; blood, murder, sword fighting, and corpses; arguing; someone going missing; panic; I think that's all of them :]
AN: a little preface to this, it's not canon at all. Dream broke out of prison and tried to kill Tommy. Tommy managed to escape and ran to Techno's house to hide and recover, kind of like he did after exile. Sorry for the long intro lol
Techno's stubbornness was usually a trait that Phil admired. In battle, it meant he never gave in to the other side, and that led to many victories for both of them. In arguments, however, his stubbornness usually left them both fuming at each other.

And right now, it was Phil's greatest enemy.

"He can't stay here, Phil!" Techno yelled, glaring at the older man. Phil sighed and rested his head in his hands. They had been arguing for the past hour, and because of Techno's stubbornness, they simply couldn't come to an agreement.

"He's your brother, Techno," Phil reminded the piglin, thinking of Tommy sleeping off his wounds a floor above them. "And be quiet, or he'll hear you."

"I don't care if he hears me! I don't want him in my house. All he'll do is cause problems and get in my way. And he's not my brother. Not anymore. He hasn't been my brother since he chose Tubbo over me. Again." Techno blew out a deep breath and combed a hand through his long, pink hair.

Phil sighed. If that was how Techno truly felt, he knew he could do little about it, but he had to try. "I know what he did was wrong, but he has no other place to go. What he did doesn't mean he isn't still your brother. If that's how you feel, then I may very well not be your father, not after what I did to Wilbur." Phil clamped his mouth shut. He had never spoken of what happened that fateful day in L'manberg before, and he regretted bringing it up now.

A heavy silence fell over the two. Eventually, he added, "Look, Techno. I know you're hurting-"

"We're way past hurting, Philza," Techno spat. The obvious replacement of 'Dad' spread out like a chasm between the two. Phil never hated his name more. "I'm pissed. If he wasn't hurt, if he didn't need something, if Dream wasn't hunting him down like an animal, Tommy wouldn't be here in my house. I wouldn't even have to worry about him. You know why he's here?"

Philza merely shook his head sadly.

"He's only here because he needs the Blade. Not because of our family."

Philza was caught off guard by the heartbreak in Techno's voice. Techno crumpled into the chair at the head of their dining table and rubbed a hand over his face, wiping away tears Phil hadn't noticed before. He hadn't seen how much the piglin truly cared for his little brother, and it broke his heart.

"As soon as he's better, he's just going to run back to Tubbo and leave us both in the dust to clean up his mess. He always does this." Phil hated how certain Techno sounded, as if there was no other possibility, and as much as he hated to admit it, Techno was right. "I can't watch him walk away again."

"Techno," Phil said, reaching to hug his son. He hated seeing any of his boys in pain.

"I just... I need to be alone for a while, Phil. Please." Phil nodded and left the broken man to cry alone, despite his better judgement. He went to check on Tommy.

He paused in front of the door of Tommy's childhood room. He looked at the cheesy sign Tommy had tacked up when he was nine or ten. "Tommy's room- Keep Out!" it read and was covered in stickers of all sorts of things. He let out a small laugh before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open.

Walking into the blond's room, he immediately noticed that Tommy wasn't in bed. He panicked. Tommy was too injured to be safely walking around. He checked Tommy's bathroom only to find nothing. He checked the closet, pausing on Tommy's stuffed cow, Henry. He picked it up and wiped off the dust that had gathered on it.

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