Escape From Exile Part 3

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TW: mentions of an anxiety attack, violence, and amnesia
AN: Two updates in one night? Three claps for me. I wrote this in like an hour, so I don't know how good it is. Thanks for reading!
Tommy woke up surrounded by the people who were supposedly his family. He got up, trying not to wake up any of them. He was curious to note there was a rather transparent man that had joined the pile.

He went to the bathroom, located a hair brush, and dragged it through his untamed hair. Once he finished, Tommy stared at his reflection, feeling like something was different, until he noticed his red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He wondered why until he remembered yesterday's events with a touch of dread.

He hated the feeling of blinding panic. The panic attack had made him feel like he was suffocating, and he had no clue as to why he had one in the first place.

What had happened to him? Why couldn't he remember?

He growled in frustration and clenched his fists. He slammed a fist down on the counter before remembering there were people sleeping with nothing more than a wall separating them. He cursed when he heard a shuffling sound and footsteps padding over to the door.

"Tommy?" He heard one of them- Techno by the sound of it- ask. "Are you alright?" He opened the door and sighed. The piglin stared at him with concern in his eyes.

In that moment, the dam broke. Everything came tumbling out: the nightmare of the masked man, what few memories had returned, and his annoyance at his amnesia. Techno supplied his input when needed, and at the end of Tommy's rant, he surprisingly hugged Tommy. Tommy buried his head in Techno's shoulder.

"Why can't I remember anything? I want- I need answers, and they're just out of reach. Whenever I try to push a little further, I end up with a headache. It's like trying to grab at water." He frowned, wanting to punch a wall.

Techno held him at shoulder's length and said, "They'll come back eventually. Don't push yourself too hard. You're still healing, and I don't want to see you get hurt ever again. You're a hero, Tommy. I just don't want you to die like one." Techno gave him a bittersweet smile.

Something clicked in Tommy's head, and surge of memories sent him falling to the ground. Techno caught him and sat him down on the ground before calling for Phil. The world around Tommy blurred and faded as he was sucked into his uncovered memories.

"You want to be a hero, Tommy?" Techno asked while looking out at the chaos that rained down on the SMP. "Then die like one!" He placed the wither skeleton heads quickly and spawned a few withers.

Tommy watched in terror as the withers began destroying his home and killing his friends. He turned to see the smile on Techno's face and the wild look in his eyes. He hesitantly grabbed his sword and started fighting.

Techno approached him with the 'Orphan Obliterator' in hand and a crazed look on his face. Techno smiled once more as he swung his sword at Tommy. They became locked in a fight, and Techno had the upper hand. He slashed towards Tommy's chest and-

Tommy gasped and sat up quickly. Someone had carried him from the floor to his bed, and that someone was watching him quietly from the corner of the room. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, so he wouldn't have another panic attack. It worked, for the most part, but it would've worked a lot better if the person who caused the panic wasn't standing right there.

"What happened, Tommy?" Techno asked. Another wave of panic washed over him as he remembered the smile his brother had when he had been destroying the things and people Tommy cared so much about. He pushed it down.

"I remembered something." Tommy controlled his tone. Guessing by Techno's wince, Tommy figured that Techno knew exactly what memory he had just regained. Techno walked over and at down on the corner of the bed.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt. The voices were telling me to, and I listened. It was a mistake." Tommy saw Techno's remorse and made the decision to forgive him despite his racing heart and cold sweat. Those days had passed, and Tommy knew Techno was different now. Although he couldn't remember much, he knew they were closer now, and he didn't want to ruin the budding brotherly relationship.

To show his forgiveness, Tommy hugged Techno. He was surprised by the hug and let out a shaky breath. His eyes began to water, and he refused to meet Tommy's eyes.

"Thank you." Techno whispered, trying desperately not to cry. Tommy felt a weight lift off his chest. He had been carrying burdens he knew nothing about. He had his brother back, and he had gotten a new memory. It was important even if the memory wasn't a pleasant one.

It was a start. Tommy was sure that more memories would follow. The worry of never getting his memories dissipated, but a part of him questioned if he even wanted his memories back if they were so traumatizing.

He locked that part away in the dark part of his mind. He needed his memories; he needed to know who he was. That meant the good, the bad, and the ugly, and he was bound to have all three. Based on the few memories he had now, he could assume that most of his memories were not in the good category.

He pushed past the depressing thoughts and forced himself to feel happy that he had more memories now. At least it proved to him that Techno cared about him. At least it gave him some clue as to who he was.
(958 words)

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