Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV)

I was walking to the academy when I heard laughing in the distance heading my way. I turn and see Naruto run past me being chased by two ninja.

"What'd you do this time Naruto?" I watch the three jump from building to building before I see paint covering the hokage's faces. "Huh, he's a surprisingly good painter." I chuckle to myself continuing my way to the academy.

I sigh as I watch the typical fangirls fighting over a seat next to Sasuke Uchiha. Or as I like to call him, second best, mainly to annoy him but nothing else. I sigh taking a seat toward the front of the class putting my head in my arms.

???: "You've been around Shikamaru to much (Y/n)." I look up seeing Choji munching on a bag of chips.

"I'm not sleeping just trying to drown out that mess." I say pointing to the raging banshees. He chuckles and nods sitting in his own seat. This is gonna be a long day.

Iruka: "Now listen Naruto. You failed the last graduation test and the one before that. This is no time to be goofing off, you fool." Naruto was sitting on the ground tied up while Iruka-sensei scolded him. He turned his head to the side defiantly, urking Iruka-sensei. "We will have a retest on the Transformation Jutsu! Even those who already passed will take it!" I groan along with most of the other students.

Sakura: "Sakura Haruno, here I go, Transform!" She poofs into Iruka-sensei, and that's the only thing she'll do for a good while. "I did it! Did you see that, Sasuke?" I look over at him from the corner of my eye, I notice his eye twitches for a second.

Iruka: "Next, Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke walks up also transforming into Iruka sensei. "Next, Naruto Uzumaki."

Shikamaru: "This is a real pain."

"On that we agree." I say sighing slightly.

Ino: "And it's all your fault." I quietly groan while Naruto is indifferent, well at least somewhat.

Naruto: "Like I care." He then walks up to Iruka-sensei. "Transform!" Naruto instead of transforming into Iruka, turns into a naked female version of himself. Naruto detransforms laughing, "How was it? I call that my Sexy Jutsu!" Iruka-sensei is less than please.

Iruka: "You fool! Stop making idiotic spells!" I chuckle quietly getting a look from the blonde next to me.

Ino: "Why are you laughing?"

"He calls it idiotic but he seemed to enjoy the show." I say trying not to burst into a laughing fit. Iruka calms down after a minute.

Iruka: "Ok next, (Y/n) (L/n)." I nod stepping up. I transform into the first hokage, then the second, then the third and finally the forth before turning back to normal. "Ok then." I nod and walk off getting a few stares.

I'm walking home when I notice a scaffolding on the hokage faces. "Looks like that's Naruto's punishment. I almost feel bad, but he has to pay the price for his actions." I continue walking before someone bumps into me.

???: "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going!" I look over at the girl noticing a few scrolls in her arms.

???: "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going!" I look over at the girl noticing a few scrolls in her arms

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