Chapter 15

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(Yang POV)

We had made it to a river before we stopped.

"I'm worried you guys." I say looking at my team.

Kiara: "Should we go back?" I look down at the running water thinking.

"Let's go." I take off followed by the other two in the direction where (Y/n) left in. We bounced throughout the trees fast. We reached a destroyed area and I look down seeing (Y/n) along with two other boys unconscious, the only one awake was the girl who was holding the black haired boy against her.

Pinkie: "Who are you?!" She yells drawing a kunai.

"I'm Yang, a friend of (Y/n). We aren't gonna hurt you. It's gonna be okay." Khrow retrieves the blonde stuck to a tree while Kiara picks (Y/n) up, throwing him over her shoulder. "Can you take care of your team?" She nods a little as Khrow places the blonde on the ground next to her. "Good. We'll take (Y/n) with us, stay safe." I wave to her before jumping off. Of course you went and got yourself hurt. I'm glad we got an extra Heaven Scroll on our trip. Once he wakes up, we'll head to the tower together.

Khrow: "What do we do if we encounter enemies along the way?"

"We fight, Kiara will guard (Y/n) while we deal with anyone who tries to fight us." I smirk finding a small clearing where we can hide (Y/n) in a tree well. "There!" We land in the small clearing and Kiara places (Y/n) down. She takes out a tower and goes to the convenient river nearby to wet the towel and places it on his forehead. I sit down resting my arm on a knee. "Dumbass told us to leave and almost gets killed."

Kiara: "You've become friends with him already?" I chuckle a little.

"You could say that."

Khrow: "He's definitely an interesting kid."

"Oh? Khrow you're warming up to him already?" He glares at me and I laugh. As Kiara was busy healing (Y/n) with the little medical Ninjutsu she knew, me and Khrow grabbed some sticks for firewood. I grabbed a match I had packed and lit the fire retaking my seat next to the new fire.

(Le skippo el timo) (Y/n) POV)

Mom: "I'm proud of you." I turn around in the darkness seeing my mom standing behind me.

"Will you always appear behind me like that?" She giggles at me.

Mom: "Maybe, you never know."

"What are you proud about, I lost." She smiles before hugging me.

Mom: "Well I'm proud because you unlocked it." I grumble for a second.

"Unlocked what, you said that before. But what did I unlock?" She paused for a second before releasing the hug and smiling at me.

Mom: "You unlocked your sharingan." I gasp, eyes widening.

"W-What do you mean, I unlocked my sharingan? I'm not an Uchiha!" Mom giggles again.

Mom: "Hey don't be like that. We never met so you wouldn't know, my name is Hiori Uchiha. You're half Uchiha." I back away for a moment.

"Prove your words." I demand standing firm. She smiles at me before activating her sharingan.

Mom: "I don't blame you for being suspicious. But I'm not lying to you, you are my son and you are an Uchiha." I look into her read eyes.

"If I really have the sharingan, how do I activate it? I don't even know how I did it the first time." She smiles ruffling my hair.

Mom: "Focus your chakra to your eyes." I nod closing my eye, focus chakra to the eyes. I open my eye again and notice my mother smiling. "There ya go, I knew you could do it." A small mirror appears in her hand and she shows me my face. A single tomoe was present in my sharingan. "See, you have a sharingan. You can't deny it anymore."

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