Chapter 16

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(Y/n) POV)

Shikamaru: "What do you mean preliminary?!" That's actually a good question.

"What's the point of this preliminary?"

Hayate: "This time around, perhaps because the first and second exams were easy, there are a few to many people left, you see. In accordance with the rules of the Chunin exams, a preliminary will be held in order to reduce the number of advancing."

"So we were better than you expected so, you need to lower the numbers. Makes sense I guess."

Hayate: "As Lord Hokage said it before, many guests will be coming to this third exam. So we can't have long pointless matches and our time is limited as well. Therefore, those of you not in top physical condition." Seriously this dude needs to see a doctor for his cough. "Excuse me. Those of you who wish to drop out, please speak up now. The preliminary will begin immediately." I smirk while others voice out their protests, when will they learn to shut up and deal with the challenge. "And oh, I forgot to mention this, but it will be individual battles from now on. It is your decision so feel free to raise your hands and drop out." I doubt anyone will quit, 

Khrow: "I quit, sorry guys I have bad chakra reserves." He gives us a slight bow before leaving, another hand shoots up afterwards, the grey haired ninja from before.

Grey: "Excuse me, I quit as well." Naruto and Sakura ask why he's quitting and I ignore them for the most part, but I do pick up his name. Kabuto. I don't get why they care, if they want to quit it's on them.

Hayate: "Now then, is there anyone else who will quit?" I overhear Sakura trying to convince Sasuke to quit.

"I'll be right back." I whisper to Yang walking over to them, "Sakura." They both jump a little. "If Sasuke thinks he can fight with it, let him. The Hokage and the other Jonin probably already know about it, they won't let it get out of hand. Trust me." She nods slightly with tears in her eyes. I smile a little before walking over to Yang again.

Hayate: "If no one else will quit, then the preliminaries start now. The preliminaries to come will be one-on-one individual battles. In other words, actual battle format. There are now exactly 24 people, so we will conduct 12 battles. The winners will be able to advance to the third exam. There are no rules at all. You will fight till someone dies, collapses or admits defeat. And... please admit defeat right away if you don't want to die. However in case I judge that a match is over, I don't want to needlessly increase dead bodies, so I will intervene and stop the match or something to that effect. What holds the keys to your destinies is," He pauses turning around as Anko says something into a headset and a panel begins to open in the top left of the wall. "This. The names of two foes will be randomly selected and displayed on this electronic signboard. Now then, let's get right to it and announce the two names for the first battle." Finally! We all look towards the signboard as names begin to pop up, they freeze and I smirk. Yoroi Akado vs. Sasuke Uchiha. "Now then, the two names on the signboard, step forward. For the first battle, Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha have been selected. No objections right?" No objections come from either as they glare at one another. You've got this Sasuke, you better not die on me. I still have to tell you about it. "Now we will begin the first battle. Everyone else, please move to the upper area." As I begin walking a hand touches my shoulder.

Dad: "Come with me for a moment."

"But I want to watch the fight."

Dad: "There's no room for debate, come with me." That's weird. We leave the area and enter a side room. "I wanted to talk to you about your mother."

"You knew her?"

Dad: "You could say that. She was my mentor per say when I joined the Anbu. She helped teach me how to use my Sharingan the best I could. She didn't go with Orochimaru when he left the Leaf, so I had no idea she had a kid. She died on a mission, I tried to get her to take me with her. But she denied it, she was like a mother to me. She was an amazing shinobi. that's all I wanted to tell you." I look down a stray tear rolling down my face.

"Thank you." I whisper as I feel a hand place on my head.

Dad: "Let's get back to the fight shall we?" I nod before flickering with dad. The sight ahead made my eyes widen. Sasuke was on the ground, Yoroi was on top of him, hand on his head. I watch Sasuke bring his leg up and kick Yoroi away. Sasuke shakily stands as Yoroi rushes him again. As Yoroi tries to get a grip on Sasuke again, Sasuke manages to barely dodge him. He jumps back easily dodging a kick from the Uchiha. Come on Sasuke. 

Naruto: "Sasuke! You call yourself an Uchiha fighting like that?!'

"You'll never kill him if this is all you can do! It's pathetic!" Sasuke turns looking at us.

Naruto: "Don't be looking so lame! Give your best!" Yoroi being the one trick pony he is, rushes Sasuke once more. Sasuke dodges him much easier than last time. I watch Sasuke disappear and kick Yoroi in the air.

"He copied it." I mutter, "Should've done that now but I didn't expect that." I mutter once again glancing at the surprised Lee.

Sasuke: "I'll be honest, I borrowed that last attack. But from here on, it's all original." I watch the mark begin spreading over Sasuke. Fight it Sasuke! The mark begins receding, he did it. Sasuke throws a couple of blows one being blocked by Yoroi, he lands a fist to his face sending him downwards. Sasuke ends it with an axe kick to the stomach, he crashes into the ground along with Yoroi neither standing for a moment. What'd he call that, Lion's Barrage, huh? As Hayate goes to check him Sasuke speaks up, slowly standing. "There's no need to check."

Hayate: "I'm stopping the match from going any further. The winner of this battle, is Sasuke Uchiha." Dad takes Sasuke away, probably to seal that mark. Medics also come to carry off Yoroi. "We will get right into the second match." The names begin to show up again, I smirk at the names that appear. (Y/n) (L/n) vs. Kiara Senju. So she's a Senju huh, this is going to be so much fun! We both jump down, standing across from each other. "Any objections?" I shake my head. "This second match will now, begin!" He jumps back while neither of us move. I rest my hand on the hilt of my katana.

"No hard feelings after this right?" I ask activating my sharingan. I won't take any chances here. Kiara smiles and nods. Kiara launches forward, a crack appearing in the ground where she once stood. I roll to the side as she punches the ground, a larger crack appearing there. The hell? I land rushes her swinging my katana as I unsheathe it. She catches the blade with her fingers, sending a kick to my stomach. I cough up blood as I get launched back. I watch Kiara throw my katana away, it sticking into a wall. I chuckle as I pull myself from my own hole in the wall. "So you can infuse chakra into your punches. No wonder a tiny girl like you packs such a punch." I pull out a chakra blade, one of Asuma-sensei's chakra blades. "Sorry Asuma-sensei! Had to borrow one of these! Kiara, you infuse chakra to your fists, I infuse chakra into my blades!" A lightning coating covers the small blade. "And.... gone." As my words imply I was gone in a flash. Small cuts began appearing all over Kiara's body, what looked to be lightning bolts covered the area. I reappear facing away from her, "It's over." I throw the blade at her, "You were an extraordinary opponent." I flicker over to her, catching the chakra blade before it hit her. Pointing it at her neck I say one word. "Yield." She gives me a tired smile.

Kiara: "I forfeit." I smirk lowering the blade, I look over at Asuma-sensei before throwing it back to him.

Hayate: "The winner of this second match is, (Y/n) (L/n)."

"We should spar again, sometime." I spoke tiredly before falling back, that move took more out of me than I thought it would. I pass out as I hit the ground.

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