Chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV)

We had just buried Zabuza and Haku, my shoulder had bandages covering it completely. 

Sakura: "But you know, Kakashi-sensei."

Dad: "Hmm?"

Sakura: "I wonder if the way a ninja should be is really as these two were saying."

Dad: "Shinobi should not seek the reason for their own existence. What's important is to exist merely as tools. That's the same in the Leaf."

Naruto: "I wonder if that's what it really means to become a real ninja. I guess... I guess... I don't like that!"

Sasuke: "Do you think so, too?"

Dad: "Hmm... Well... That's why all ninja live trying to figure that out without realizing... Like Zabuza... and that kid."

Naruto: "Okay! I've just decided! I'm going to pursue my own way of ninja! I'm gonna sprint straight ahead and pursue a way that I absolutely won't regret!" We all smile, even though me and Sasuke only smile slightly. 

A few days later, the bridge had been complete. And we were about to leave. with members of the small village gathered around to see us off.

Tazuna: "Thanks to you the bridge was safely completed, but we will miss you very much."

Tsunami: "Take care."

Dad: "Thank you for everything."

Naruto: "Now! Now! We'll come back again to visit, Tazuna!" Inari looks down beginning to tear up.

Inari: "For sure..." Naruto begins to tear up as well.

Naruto: "Inari... you're gonna miss us, aren't you? It's all right to cry. Go ahead and cry!"

Inari: "I won't cry! It's alright if you cry Naruto!"

Naruto: "Oh, is that so?" They both fight the tears while I shake my head. "See ya!" Naruto turns around and the two burst into tears. We all begin to leave after the two boys have their little moment.

Tazuna: "That boy changed Inari's mind... and Inari changed the mind of the village people. That boy created a bridge linking us to hope, a bridge called courage. So a linking bridge..."

Villager: "Speaking of bridges, we need to name this bridge, don't we?"

Tazuna: "That's true. In that case, I have a perfect name for this bridge. Yeah, what is it? The Great Naruto Bridge? How's that?"

Tsunami: "That's a good name."

Naruto: "Okay! I'll get back soon and have Iruka-sensei treat me to ramen as the mission completion celebration! And! And! I'll tell Konohamaru tales of my heroic exploits!"

Sakura: "Hey! Sasuke, do you want to go on a date when we get back to the village?"

Sasuke: "No, I don't think so." Naruto then tries to shoot his sight only to fail miserably. I genuinely laugh at the interaction of the team causing the three to freeze. 


Naruto: "You laughed."

Sakura: "Not like a chuckle either a genuine laugh."  I smile slightly continuing down the bridge. These guys, this team. They're like a family, even with all the differences.

Walking through the gates of Konoha we all split ways, going to our particular homes. Dad had to report the mission to Lord Third though. The unexpected happens as I'm walking home though, someone bumps into my left shoulder causing me to wince.

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