Chapter 7

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(Y/n) POV)

My eyes open and I'm in a room. Guess I couldn't stay awake the whole time. I look around and notice dad was still asleep next to me.

???: "Oh! You're awake." I look over to see a woman with bandages in her hands.

"Where am I? Who're you?" The woman smiles kindly at me. 

Tsunami: "You're in my home and my name is Tsunami." I hear movement to my right and see dad had woken up. "Are you alright, sensei?"

Dad: "Not really, it will be hard just to move for about a week."

"At least you didn't get impaled."

Tsunami: "Well, it would be better if you didn't move for a while."

Dad: "Okay." The others walk in after dad lays back down.

Naruto: "Hey! Sensei and (Y/n) are awake!"

Sakura: "Your sharingan is fantastic, but if it puts that much of a strain on your body, it may not be worth it!"

Dad: "Sorry."

"Haha, now you're getting lectured."

Tazuna: "He did take down a real powerful ninja like that. We probably don't need to worry for a while."

Sakura: "Anyway, that kid with the mask, what was he?" That was a guy!

Dad: "He was an ANBU black ops from the Hidden Mist village. It's a mask that the elite Ninja Tracking Unit wears. They're commonly called the "fire extinguishing corps," and their duty is to erase  all traces that a ninja ever lived. The body of the ninja reveals a variety of things. Ninjutsu secrets and chakra characteristics which permeate the ninja of their village. The composition of secret medicines used on a ninja's body. For instance, if I were to die, every secret about my sharingan would be investigated thoroughly, and in the worst case, there's a danger that my entire jutsu could be stolen. In other words, Tracker ninja are specialists that prevent village secrets from leaking out by killing rogue ninja who've run away from their village, and completely eliminating their bodies."

Naruto: "What's going on sensei?

Dad: "What? Oh... so to continue my earlier story, ninja trackers take care of the bodies of people they've killed, immediately and on the spot.

Sakura: "So what about it?"

"The tracker ninja didn't do that. He took the body away right?"

Dad: "Correct. If he needed proof he'd killed Zabuza, he could simply have taken the head. And the question is, the weapon the ninja tracker kid used to kill Zabuza."

Sasuke: "A regular senbon. That's impossible."

Dad: "Right.. it's impossible."

Tazuna: "What have you guys been clamoring on and on about?!"

Dad: "It's a probability that, Zabuza is still alive."

Naruto: "What the heck do you mean?!"

Sakura: "But Kakashi-sensei, you made sure that he was dead!"

"While he did make sure of Zabuza's death. The senbons could've put him in a state of near-death so he could escape. Senbons are used for medical treatments like acupuncture therapy. Ninja trackers know the entire structure of the human body. Putting someone in a near-death state would be simple for them."

Dad: "First, he went to the trouble of taking Zabuza's corpse which was probably heavier than he is. Second he used a senbon, a weapon with a low ability to kill. From these two factors, that youth wasn't aiming to kill Zabuza but to save him."

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