Chapter 25

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(Y/n) POV)

I glare at Kabuto, until Naruto rushes forward, Jiraiya also tries to move but seemingly struggles. Naruto makes four shadow clones that Kabuto easily fends off. Shizune throws poisoned senbon at Kabuto, he however, blocks them with his headband. Kabuto jumps back, eating another food pill. Father removes the bandages on his left arm, per Kabuto's request.

Jiraiya: "Shizune, (Y/n)!" We both look over to him. "Deal with the one with the glasses. I'll take care of Orochimaru!" I smirk, unsheathing my katana, this time, this time, it'll deal the final blow. Kabuto does the summoning jutsu using Father's arm, Jiraiya tries to do the same only to summon a small toad. I look at him confused. Naruto does the same thing, with a similar result.

"What the hell?" The second summoned toad was happy to be summoned for the first time. The two snakes summoned by the pet rushed toward us. They slam into the ground, Shizune tries to escape with Tsunade but gets punched to the ground, I land next to her, with Kabuto landing in front of us. Shizune uses a poison type jutsu but Kabuto dodges, making her immobile with the scalpel. I send a roundhouse kick to Kabuto's head, knocking him back a bit. "Stick to healing Shizune." I rushed forward taking charge in attacks. Activating my sharingan while Kabuto remakes the scalpel. We strike at each other, going back and forth. I can't let that scalpel touch me, thankfully I'm fast. "Oi! Tsunade! Now isn't a good time to be having a panic attack!" Kabuto kicks me away, before moving toward Tsunade. I growl seeing him kicking Tsunade, I bolt forward, using the baby version of the Thunder Dragon Jutsu, I send a kick into Kabuto's side. "Back. Off." I growl out. Kabuto stands back up rushing at me, sending a punch to my head, I take it head on, unmoving. Naruto comes up from next to me, almost hitting Kabuto with a perfected rasengan. He practically disabled Naruto's leg in the process as well. Kabuto begins to talk about how it's impossible to use his right leg now. Before he can continue his little rant. I send another kick to his back, this one without the lightning. I caused him to stumble then glare at me.

"You're pretty pathetic Naruto. Always having to get saved, and look at you, continuing that trend. You're useless, you'll never become Hokage." I glare at Naruto for added effect. Kabuto goes to move to Naruto, but I swing my katana at him, he jumps forward to dodge, he goes to kick Naruto only for it to be caught. Naruto does the impossible again, by standing.

Naruto: "I'll stand by my words. That's my ninja way! I'll become the Hokage! No matter what challenges I face!" Kabuto, strikes Naruto with the scalpel, he slides coming to a stop in front of Tsunade. Naruto stands again, giving Tsunade a little speech before making a shadow clone. Tsunade tries to argue, telling him to run. Naruto responds to Kabuto's charge by catching the kunai with his hand, "I won't die until I become the Hokage!" The clone then helps Naruto make a rasengan, he slams it into Kabuto's stomach, sending him flying back screaming. I duck under his flying body that finds it's stop in a rock behind me. I flicker next to the heavily breathing Naruto. Kabuto however, wasn't to badly injured, I catch Naruto as he falls backwards, Tsunade coming to the other side.

"How are you alive?"

Kabuto: "I gathered the chakra in my stomach, and before I received the jutsu I had started healing. The reason why Orochimaru favors me, is not because of my use of jutsu or my sense for jutsu. It's because of my recuperative power. The power to energize cells and make new cells. That jutsu, seems to be Naruto's last effort." Kabuto begins walking forward, stopping with a kick to the chest from me.

"You seem to be low on chakra, pet. Tsunade! Focus on Naruto! I've got a snake to skin." I kick Kabuto through the rock putting my hands together. "Ushi, u, saru, ne, mi! Lighting Style: Thunder Dragon Jutsu!" I speed forward, a dragon of electricity forming around me. I throw a kick to Kabuto's chest, speeding after his flying body, I kick him upwards, sending him flying into the air. I fly up with his body, the dragon roaring around me. "FEEL THE WRATH OF A DRAGON!" The dragon's roar shakes the clearing as I swing my katana downwards, I roar as I cut through Kabuto. We're speeding towards the ground, the dragon slamming head first into the ground as my blade makes contact with it. I look around, Kabuto's body was nowhere to be seen, only ash remained. Only then did I notice the crater I made. I slowly trudge out of the hole, sheathing my katana. I continue my slow movements, seeing Tsunade heal the cut on Naruto's hand. I smile seeing him breathing as she wraps the necklace around his neck. I look to my right, seeing father send a sword at Naruto, Tsunade jumps in front of it, the sword piercing her chest. Father jumps back, swallowing the sword. I couldn't here much, I was still a fair distance away. I'm out of chakra, I can't help here. Come on Tsunade, you'll be okay. Father, slashes Tsunade's chest and begins walking toward Naruto. He tries to kill Naruto again, only for Tsunade to block it again. Father kicks Tsunade, sending her over Naruto. I'm getting closer, come one (Y/n)! Make it! She kicks father in the chin, black markings begin to cover her face, the wounds on her body close up instantly causing my eyes to widen. I fall to my knees, my vision blurring. I look up again, seeing all three of the Sannin's summons. A snake, a toad and a slug. I need to get away from the area or I'll be crushed. I stumble over to Shizune as a slug carrying Naruto drops down in front of her. "Oi! Shizune! A little help would be nice!" I call falling to my knees again. She jumps over with Naruto before throwing one of my arms over her shoulder. We move a safe distance away and watch the summons battle it out. Well I would've if I could actually see, my vision was so blurry I could only see outlines the fight. I giant flame covers my vision. I see a figure get pulled through the sky, getting thrown to the ground only to get pulled back up and the process repeats. I really wish I could see right now. I see the figure from before get launched threw the air slamming into what looks like a giant stick. A giant puff of clouds appears randomly and the purple snake disappears. Tsunade and Jiraiya come over to us.

Jiraiya: "Tsunade, you haven't changed. You're no good at wagers." I smile tiredly standing up from the sitting position I had put myself in.

"Hey auntie!" She looks over at me. "Don't forget our bet." I say a smug smirk on my face.

Tsunade: "It doesn't appear you can walk." I smirk standing up with little issue. I walk over to her before pulling out a notebook and a pencil, I hand them to uncle before turning back to see Tsunade's surprised face.

"I did say the next Icha-Icha would be a bestseller, didn't I." I smirk until uncle lifts me off the ground. "Hey, hey! Put me down you perverted bastard!"

Jiraiya: "You can't use that against me anymore! Why else would you make the bet you did?!"

"Oh I'm not allowed to play wingman anymore?! Fine then remember that when I fuck up your research!" In an instant I'm on the ground with uncle apologizing over and over again. "I'm tired, nap time~." I say quietly falling backwards being caught by Tsunade.

(A day later)

Naruto: "Fifth Hokage?! Old Lady Tsunade is the Fifth Hokage starting today."

Jiraiya: "What, you look disgruntled, Naruto."

Naruto: "After all, compared to the old man, the Third Hokage, there's something... rough-natured and kind of selfish... loose with money, catty and stupid... Somehow, I'm going to worry if she can do it properly." I chuckle at auntie's annoyed face. "Moreover, a 50-year-old lady transforming into a young lady... Is it okay for the person who will become Hokage to lie to everyone, I wonder?"

Tsunade: "Go outside, brat!" I chuckle as we're again outside, standing similarly to when we first met. "Despite how I look, I'm going to be the Fifth Hokage. I shouldn't take this short brat of a foe seriously... This one is enough." I'm getting a serious sense of deja mustard right now.

Naruto: "Don't call me a brat! I may be like this now, but I'll be Hokage someday!" Naruto rushes forward, throwing a punch that Tsunade ducks, she knocks off his headband. She puts her fingers up like she's going to flick him again, but kisses his forehead instead.

Tsunade: "Become a fine man..." I smile at the scene as Naruto does as well. We leave the small village, Naruto running to catch up to us. Naruto, I lied earlier, but it was necessary to make you fight again. You will become Hokage, and I'll be right by your side when you do. I smile to myself looking down to hide it from the others. Naruto Uzumaki, Hokage of the Leaf village. It has a nice ring to it.

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