Chapter 34

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(Y/n) POV)

'I really need to stop being in a dark area everytime I finish a fight.' I thought to myself as I fell into a pit of dark nothingness. 'Well it could be worse, I could actually be dead. Unless I'm actually dead in which case that wouldn't be any good.' I sighed as I fell. 'Why am I even here, what happened?"


(Y/n): "Dragon Guard!" Both jutsu were caught in the mouth of dragons attached to the arms of (Y/n). "A brothers quarrel... should never... go this far." (Y/n) Screamed in pain as the dragons held the jutsus back. "Disperse!" (Y/n) Squeezed his hand, causing the dragons to destroy or disperse the jutsus. (Y/n)'s screams filled the valley as his arms were ripped and burned from the power, blood pooled out of his arms as the two boys stood on either side of (Y/n), in shock at what they did. "No... matter... what..." (Y/n) was forced to stop as he coughed up blood. "Naruto... Sasuke... you will... always... be... my..........." He began to fall forward into the water below. "brothers....."


'Oh.... yeah. How are those two anyway?'

(3rd POV)

Both Sasuke and Naruto stood over (Y/n)'s unconscious floating body, shocked filled them for what they just did. Sasuke turned and ran off, tears slowly ran down his face.

Sasuke: "I'm sorry, brother." Naruto on the other hand immediately pulled (Y/n) onto Hashirama's statue, leaning over the unconscious boy.

Naruto: "I'm sorry, brother." Soon after, Naruto collapsed, unconscious.

(Y/n) POV)

'I hope they're both okay.' "Ngh!" I grunt as I slam into a solid surface. "Couldn't just stop me from falling softly this time?" I tried to move only to fail.

???: "Sorry, I'm not used to this whole speaking in someone's head thing." That voice again.

"You said you were my brother last time we spoke, is that true?"

???: "Half brother actually, but yeah, we're brothers." I look up, seeing a new figure in the darkness that isn't my mother this time.

"Well I guess now would be a good time to actually meet, and can you let me stand?"

???: "I actually don't know how to do that. I may be good with genjutsu but I don't think this works the same way."

"Just try it anyway! I'd rather not be flat on my back anymore thank you very much!" He laughs and tries, and not surprisingly it fucking works. "Wow was that so hard?!"

???: "Well you certainly have mother's temper." I stood and punched the top of his head. "Ow! Okay, okay! I get it! Anyway... My name's Shisui Uchiha, nice to finally meet my little brother."

"(Y/n) Uchiha, nice to finally meet my older brother." I extend my hand to shake but Shisui just pulls me into a hug. "Unusual sign of affection detected." Shisui laughs squeezing me tightly.

Shisui: "I always wanted a brother. I found out about your existence about a month before my death. I asked mom as much as I could about you. But... she said she never got a lot of time with you. So I had no clue what you looked like, or even sounded like."

"I always wanted a brother, and since you apparently died before I got the chance to meet you, I found to people who I can call brothers. But ones you can call brothers are nothing to the real thing." Shisui laughs.

Shisui: "You seem pretty strong, mom told me you unlocked your sharingan. Mind if I see it?" I smirk.

"Only if you show me yours." Shisui chuckles before activating his sharingan, three tomoe glistening in the darkness.

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