Chapter 30

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(3rd POV)

Neji watched Kidomaru jump around through the trees with his byakugan. Neji barely dodges a kunai thrown at him with a paper bomb attached. That kunai was a fake however and Neji was forced to use his rotation to block all of the spider thread kunai thrown at him. He stops, leaving a small crater beneath him and unharmed from the attack. With the last three members, they were in hot pursuit of the Tayuya and Sakon who now were the only two guarding Sasuke. Back to Neji, he turned throwing a kunai directly at where Kidomaru was hiding. He ducked, looking confused about the situation he was in.

Neji: "I know you're there. Come out."

Kidomaru: "Very well." Kidomaru hangs from a branch with his webs holding his ankles. "I'll acknowledge that this game has a somewhat high level of difficulty! I too shall go for it seriously." Kidomaru had his curse mark activated. Kidomaru does a summoning jutsu, a huge spider appearing underneath him. "Your ability, I'll find a way to impeccably assault it." He sends a shit ton of baby spiders at Neji, who hits them all back with the rotation. As the rotation stops, Kidomaru throws another gum kunai at Neji, it bouncing back still as Neji barely got his chakra out to deflect it. More gum kunai get shot at Neji, he jumps over the first wave, and knocks away one kunai to then flip to dodge the others. More baby spiders fall towards Neji, who gets into a familiar stance. 

Neji: "8 Trigrams, 64 Palms!" Neji hits away some of the spiders only for more to continue to fall. Neji then takes a different stance, "8 Trigrams. 128 Palms!" Neji doubles the number of his strikes and continues to knock away the spiders with insane speed. However, the number of spiders is too great and Neji gets wrapped in web, he ducks, ripping the through the web, receiving minimal damage from a gum kunai thrown from behind. Neji goes to use the 64 palms again, only to get hit in the back with something, coughing up blood. A gum kunai was lodged into his back, by his right shoulder blade. More gum kunai and spiders come out, Neji continues to dodge and deflect them even with the kunai in his back. That is until two more kunai stab into his back, causing him to fall to his knees, then face first in the dirt.

Kidomaru: "I've found a way to impeccably assault your ability! It seems that defense technique was something to compensate for this weak point! In other words, your visual jutsu isn't perfect!" Neji stands in obvious pain. "Why even bother?! I've won the game!" Neji stood there, breathing heavily. "Come on. Are you going to keep at it for naught? The fate of the small fry character in an easy game is to be destroyed right away! You can't beat me! This is the end..." The giant spider drops as Neji looks up, the spider falls on top of him, creating a huge dust cloud. The spider then begins to become bigger, before exploding into webbing. Four more kunai lodge into Neji's back, even if he deflected the others, things weren't looking good for him. As Kidomaru begins to walk away, he stops looking back as Neji once again is getting up. Kidomaru advances his curse mark, his skin darkening. Kidomaru made a bow out of his gum thread, launching an arrow out of the same substance at Neji's blind spot. A huge cloud of dust forms where Neji is. Once it disappears, it's revealed that Neji threw off the attack, only just barely. A hole was visible just below Neji's shoulder as he falls to the ground. Neji shakily stands again, coughing up a bit of blood in the process. Neji runs forward, pulling out the kunai, looking around to make it difficult to hit the blind spot. Neji leans against a tree with his back, breathing heavily. He runs again, the arrow following him, Neji's headband flew off, blood on the corner of it. A cut was on Neji's cheek, he sees a thread on the arrow before falling to his hands and knees. Neji stands as Kidomaru readies another arrow. The arrow releases barreling through the forest and Neji's lower stomach. Neji grabs the thread, sending his chakra through it and into Kidomaru's mouth where the string was coming from. Kidomaru fell off the tree, his internal organs are severely damaged, but he could still move. Neji was breathing heavily, remembering his fight with Naruto in the Chunin exams. Neji opens his eyes, byakugan reactivating, he cuts the string holding the arrow and runs forward. Kidomaru swings down slowly before Neji jumps up, nailing attacks to him. He lands with his back turned to the downed Kidomaru, who's curse mark receded back into him. "How? You should've been instantly killed! How come you're alive?!"

Neji: "I couldn't completely evade it anyway. So I was prepared to deliberately take the hit. And I knew of my own weakness much more than you do... This byakugan has a blind spot. However, if I knew that your attack would only come from there... I could release my chakra just to that blind spot and detect the attack. It's not that difficult to make a move of just a few inches to throw off the aim. I'd suffer a serious injury, but instant death can be avoided."

Kidomaru: "So you took the hit deliberately? It doesn't change the fact that you're going to die here. How can you go that far?!"

Neji: "Of all the enemies, you're the strongest I've ever fought. But, there's a reason why I cannot lose. Of all those I've ever fought, the strongest on said this to me... "Unlike me... you're not a failure!" He said that. I've been called a genius all along. So I cannot lose. And for the sake of those guys who believe that this humdrum and small me is a genius! "The fate of the small fry character in a game is to be destroyed right away." You said that, didn't you? Look at this situation! Things like fate, isn't determined by someone!"

Kidomaru: "I wonder... You also look like you're going to die!" Neji reaches forward and grabs his headband.

Neji: "I cannot die so easily."

Kidomaru: "Even if you act tough, you can't stem the current now. Master Sasuke ran to the Sound Village by his own wish."

Neji: "No. There's a person who can find him in the darkness and save him."

Kidomaru: "Master Sasuke belongs to Lord Orochimaru. No matter who it may be, they can't save-"

Neji: "He can save him!" Both Kidomaru and Neji spit up blood, falling unconscious on the ground.

(With (Y/n)

As they neared a destroyed area of the forest (Y/n) sees Shizune and a few other medical ninja next to an unconscious Choji.

(Y/n): "Shizune!" The five land in front of Shizune. "How is he?"

Shizune: "Not good. We should be able to stabilize him, you five go on and hurry! I fear he's not the only one seriously hurt." They nod and jump off, following arrows left behind. Webbing begins to cover the area, destroyed trees littered the ground.

(Y/n): "Ayame! With me, Gaara, Temari, furry! Go on ahead, I'll catch up, whoever is here is most likely seriously injured. Whoever caused this is strong." Gaara nods and they jump off. They follow the destruction leading to a small clearing where Kidomaru and Neji lay. "Neji!"

Ayame: "Don't touch him, let me do this!" (Y/n) nods landing next to her. "You go on, the other one is most likely dead and this one is in critical condition. I'll be fine and I'll make sure he lives." (Y/n) nods again before running off after the sand siblings, using his lightning to catch up.

Temari: "Where's Ayame?"

(Y/n): "She stayed behind, we found Neji and one of the sound ninja there in critical condition, she's doing everything she can to make sure he lives. Okay if I had to guess who Shikamaru has on his team is, Choji, Neji, Kiba, Naruto and himself. Meaning the remaining should be Shikamaru, Naruto and Kiba. Naruto will be fighting Sasuke if he has to, but I'm not as sure about the others. Let's move, we don't know if anyone else is injured or worse." (Y/n) pushed himself to the lead of the group, 'Please let me make it in time.'

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