Chapter 14

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(Y/n) POV)

"I'm bored!" I continuously bag my head against the fence of the forest. 

Anko: "We'll all start simultaneously in 30 minutes!" I slam my head into the fence again. I jonin walks up with five minutes left on the clock and stands in front of the gate. He eventually turns around and unlocks the gate. "We now start the second test of the Chunin exam!" The gate flew open and I look at the Jonin who had moved to the side.

"Wish me luck." I tell him walking in the gate closing behind me. I walk down a random pathway I had found hearing others in the trees. I smirk before coming to a stop. "Well hello~." I say looking at the three people hidden in the leaves. "How you doin'?" One drops down against the others protests. "And who might you be?" The male who had landed in front of me stood up a smirk present on his face as well, Leaf headband easily visible.

Yang: "Call me Yang. I wish to have a duel with you."

"Would you now I assume loser dies and loses their scroll." Yang nods in response, unsheathing another katana similar to mine. "Another sword user eh?" I take out my own katana holding it out by my side. "This'll be fun~." I say licking my lips.

Yang: "Wait what scroll do you have?" I freeze looking at the boy.


Yang: "What scroll do you have?" Is he serious.


Yang: "What's the point of fighting you if you don't have what I need." This boy's confusing.

"You'll find out if you win." I rush the boy not giving him time to explain. He quickly brings his own blade up countering mine easily. He swings his katana that I parry. "Or are you too scared to lose?" I smirk after my statement. Constant fighting continued between us only stopping for a moment at the sound of screams in the distance.

Yang: "Seems like first blood has already been dealt." I nod looking off in the direction they came from.

"I have an Earth Scroll." I turned back to my opponent. He groans sheathing his sword.

Yang: "So do I. Damn, I was hoping to have an easy win." He says sulking a little. Two others jump down next to him, a girl and another boy. "Well I wouldn't want to kill a fellow ninja of the same village for no reason. So I'll leave you to go find your team." I chuckle a little.

"I would do that if I had one." The three looked at me confused.

Girl: "If you don't have a team then you should've failed by now." The black haired girl's voice was quiet, almost like Hinata without the stuttering.

"For some stupid reason my class had an uneven number. And I have to take this test solo, it's been done before so it's nothing too special." I respond sheathing my katana as well.

Boy: "They couldn't have had an uneven number." His voice was cold and basically emotionless.

"They did." The blonde glared at me, was that supposed to be intimidating. "I have no clue how or why they couldn't have brought some talented people up a grade, but they didn't so it's just me."

Yang: "Then you can join us for a bit if ya want." He offers his hand out to shake.

"Sure why not." I say shaking it. "But I will be watching you all." I say creepily licking my lips. Yang and the girl shudder while the blonde remains emotionless.

Yang: "O-Ok, anyway meet my team. The quiet girl is Kiara and the stoic blonde is Khrow. They're siblings believe it or not."

"(Y/n)." I responded sticking my hand out shaking both of their hands. Me and my new temporary team. I raise my hand signaling the three to stop. "Can't catch a break, first terrible hiders, now it's terrible trappers. Come on out would you? It'll make killing you a lot easier~." A sadistic smirk on my face as I spoke. Nothing, I sigh throwing kunai activating the trap as multiple traps activate in front of me. "At least you have some brain." I lick my lips walking through the still going traps only for them to stop once I pass them. "Now come forth, and accept your death." I smirk as three ninja land surrounding me. "Welcome, to a Genjutsu." I say as I watch the ninja begin to shake. "Can't handle your own deaths, huh? You're really pathetic. Don't worry this will be quick."I unsheathe my katana swinging horizontally, decapitating the ninja. I look at the Mist headbands on ones arm. I check there pouches pulling out a Heaven Scroll. "Here." I toss it towards Yang and he catches it.

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