Chapter 27

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(Y/n) POV)

I was walking around the village bored as hell, team seven left on a mission and when they got back, well let's say it wasn't the best look. I look into a BBQ restaurant I was passing by. I smirk seeing Shikamaru in his vest.

"So you got yours too." I spoke flickering next to their table.

Asuma: "You became Chunin as well (Y/n)?" I nod.

"Yeah, I'll let you all enjoy your meal, I'm supposed to meet Naruto and Sakura in Sasuke's hospital room." I wave walking out of the place. As I walked through the overly white building, I notice Sakura running down the hall. That's weird. I sprint after her, easily catching up. "Sakura, what's going on?"

Sakura: "Naruto and Sasuke-kun are fighting! We have to stop them!" But they're always fighting.

"Don't they always fight?"

Sakura: "This time it's different, they're seriously fighting. Not arguing like normal, actual fist fighting." I sigh as I ran ahead. rushing up the stairs after the two. I stop at the top of the stairs, the two were standing face to face.

Sasuke: "You wouldn't even be able to put one knick on my forehead!"

Naruto: "You're wrong! I'm saying this is a testament to fighting on equal terms as a Leaf shinobi!"

Sasuke: "And I'm saying stuff like that is acting high and mighty! Do you think that we're equal?!"

Naruto: "Yeah, I do! I've never once thought that I'm inferior to you!"

Sasuke: "You're an eyesore!"

Naruto: "That's because you remain weak! Little Sasuke!"

Sasuke: "Naruto!"

Naruto: "Sasuke!" They both begin to attack each other, neither having a true advantage, though Sasuke did have a slight upper hand. They fought back and forth, fists and kicks flying. I had to block a couple of objects that were thrown Sakura's and my way. Naruto made a shit ton of shadow clones that Sasuke, defeated for a moment, then gets kicked in the air. He blocks the Naruto trying to kick him down and uses a fireball jutsu to burn away all but one shadow clone. Naruto can be seen making a Rasengan while Sasuke makes a Chidori. They send it at each other and Sakura goes to run in the middle of the clash only to get thrown to the ground by me. I rush forward summoning the Executioner Blade, I'll stop this stupid fight. I stop as dad appears, throwing the two at the water towers nearby. Both jutsu, slam into the towers and I return the blade to it's scroll.

Dad: "What're you guys doing up on top of the hospital? You went a bit too far for just a fight, you two." The different damage from the front was apparent. Sasuke, destroyed the front while Naruto only had a small stream of water coming out. "Were you going to kill Naruto, Sasuke? What're you doing giving yourself over to a sense of superiority? The size of the Chidori there wasn't one to be aimed at a comrade of the same village. Why such infantile behavior?" Sasuke in response, jumps off. Sakura started crying again. Dad jumps down in front of Sakura. "Sakura. It's okay. Things can go back to the way they were in the old days again. Cheer up."

"Dad, you have a mission today right? Then let me talk to Sasuke, I can guess what you want to say anyway." He sighs but the look I'm giving him causes him to nod. I jump off, finding Sasuke sitting on the branch of a tree. I land in front of him, tying wires around him.

Sasuke: "What do you think you're doing?"

"You'd run off if I didn't do this, right? Sasuke, the path you are taking, the path of revenge. It isn't a good one, I'm not telling you to forget about revenge. I guess, what I want to say is, don't center your life around revenge. In the end, even if you kill Itachi, you'd only feel more pain."

Sasuke: "Shut up! What do you know?! Don't talk to me as if you know! If you like, shall I go and kill the person most important to you? You'll be able to realize just how far off you are on what you just said."

"Well I wouldn't mind if you'd do that. But you'd have to kill Naruto, Sakura, dad, uncle Guy, uncle Jiraiya, aunt Tsunade. And then when there all dead." I pause pulling out a kunai, holding it out ot him. "You'd have to kill yourself." Sasuke's eyes widened. "I may not know your pain, but I know my own. I was experimented on since I can remember. I was given a burden in the eye under this patch. I never knew my mother, I only found out who she was and my origins in the Chunin exams. I never knew I was half Uchiha, I never knew my mother's name, I never knew what a home was. But now I have a vague idea of what it is." I release the wires holding Sasuke. "I don't know if you'll listen to what I said, but at least hear this. No matter what happens from here, you're my brother Sasuke. You always will be, even if you don't think so yourself." I kneel down in front of him, hugging him. "I know that you won't stop your quest for revenge. But I want you to do one thing before you kill Itachi, ask him why he did what he did. Because I intend to do the same, before I kill my father." I release him turning around. "That's all I wanted to say, see you later, brother." I jump off leaving Sasuke there. This whole team is falling apart, one-by-one. I stopped on top of Lord Third's mountain head. I sat there in silence, I finally let a few tears slip. This team's falling apart, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Mom, if you can hear me, what do I do? I'm lost. I'm sorry, I'm not good at this type of thing. I don't know how to help you, I'm sorry. I look down on the village below. The sun had begin setting, and not long after it was dark. Why are you never here when I need you most. Father, mother, why, why were you never there for me when I needed you. What is home, what is family? And why, why am I forced to hide how I really feel? This place, it doesn't feel like home, but at the same time, it does. I can fight, I know that, but I can't, I can't, I can't deal with emotions. I want to help so badly, but I can't. Sasuke, Naruto, I'm sorry I can't help you. I can't ease the pain you feel. I force myself to stay strong in front of you all, but in reality, I'm a weak boy who doesn't understand what to do. Sighing I stand up and begin to walk home. I'm lost, I don't know what to do, please, someone, help me.

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