Chapter 28

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(Y/n) POV)

I stood on top a tree in the center of Konoha.

Kotetsu: "(Y/n) the Fifth Hokage needs to speak with you immediately." I turn  looking down a bit seeing him there. I nod before giving him a small wave before flickering to the Hokage building. I appeared next to Shikamaru.

"You were called too?"

Shikamaru: "Yeah."

Tsunade: "Sasuke Uchiha apparently slipped out of the village late last night." My eyes widen before I look downwards. "And... there is almost no mistake that he is headed for the Village Hidden in the Sound!"

Shikamaru: "Slipped out?! Why..."

"Father..." I growl out lowly.

Tsunade: "Because he was enticed by that Orochimaru!"

Shikamaru: "W-W-Wait a minute! Why does Sasuke have to be enticed by a risky guy like that?!"

Tsunade: "The reason doesn't matter. In any case, there's no time. You both will perform your first mission as a Chunin..."

Shikamaru: "So all we have to do is bring Sasuke back?"

Tsunade: "(Y/n) has a different mission. You will be the one going after Sasuke. However, not only is time of the essence of this mission, but it may turn into something quite difficult. There is a strong possibility that those under the control of Orochimaru are guiding Sasuke."

"So then what will I be doing?"

Tsunade: "You will be going to Suna to retrieve backup. I've already sent a request for backup to them to help rebuild the relationship between Suna and Konoha. They've agreed to meet you there, with your speed you should make it there in an hour at most. You must move at full speed however." I nod.

"Then I'll leave immediately. Good luck Shikamaru." I jump out of the window and flicker home, grabbing a scroll I had set up just incase for surprise missions. I ran to the gates of Konoha, seeing Izumo and Kotetsu there. "Hey you two, I'm leaving for Suna." I wave to them before coating my body in lightning. "Here we go." I push off the ground running down the pathway. I pause seeing five figures together, I did see Sasuke in the bunch. I grab a kunai, drawing four figures and then a fifth in the middle, writing Sasuke above the middle one, then the number four above. Let's hope that helps them. I rush off again, the fallen leaves leaving the ground as I passed by. 

I had been running for a good 20 minutes now and freeze as a kunai stabs the ground in front of me. I look around until a woman lands in front of me. "And who are you?" She smiles unsheathing a katana.

Ayame: "Call me Ayame!" Oh god she's chipper. She then rushes me causing me to parry her slash with my katana.

"What do you want?" She lowers her hood revealing silver hair.

Ayame: "To kill you." 

"That could be assumed, why?"

Ayame: "You killed my brother!" Silver hair.

"Kabuto?" She growls before launching at me again, swinging wildly in a rage. "He tried to kill me, I only returned the favor." I respond launching my own attacks. She didn't say anything only continued to swing her sword at me.

Ayame: "Water style: Water Cannon Jutsu!" She launches boiling water at me that I jump. Fine then. I activate my sharingan watching her do more handsigns. "Raging River Force!" I jump out of the way again, landing on the branch of a nearby tree before it gets brought down by the raging water.

"Your brother wasn't a good person! He killed and tortured for fun! He sided with someone who only cares for themselves!"

Ayame: "I know he wasn't a good person! But he was all I had left!" My eyes widen. "Water Release: Water Shark Blast Jutsu!" I stand on the now calm water as the shark barreled toward me. I stare at the shark as it sinks its teeth into me. I cough up blood as Ayame swings her katana at my neck only for me to block it with the back of my hand. "W-What?"

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