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That's it for Naruto X Male Reader. Shippuden will be released eventually but I don't have a set date for when I'll release it. But you won't have to wait more than three months at most!

If you have any questions for me go ahead and send them my way. I will answer all of them with as little spoilers as possible.

I had a metric fuckton of fun writing this fanfic and I will 100% be writing some others that might be for Naruto or something else. I will also take requests for fanfics if you aren't being a dick about it. I had an absolute blast watching Naruto and I look forward to when I watch shippuden.

So until Shippuden is released, any updates to this story will be grammar mistakes that I fix. Remember to ask me any questions you have, even if they're questions about shippuden I'll do my best to answer. Until next time!

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