Chapter 22

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(Y/n) POV)

Lighting began coating my body, I go to take a step forward only to lose the lightning. "Damnit!" I drop down to a knee breathing heavily. I stand again, I've gotta focus on being able to keep the current running through my body before moving. I put my hands together, focus. focus. I smirk as the lightning begins to course through me. I hold on to the current and begin to walk. I then rush to the tree in front of me, sending a kick into it. A loud crack sounds throughout the small clearing as the two look over to me. I feel my body give out, I look up, the tree was now falling, it was going to land directly on me. Uncle manages to grab me and pull me out of the way of the falling tree. "Note to self, paralysis is an aftereffect." Uncle picks me up throwing me over his shoudler.

Jiraiya: "Well, I'm going back to town."

Naruto: "I'm not going back yet!"

"See ya later Naruto."

Jiraiya: "So long... Don't go overboard with it." We walk off towards the hotel we had rented. "So kid, what was that you did back there?"

"You wanted me to create a new jutsu. So I've started doing so, I'm still figuring it out, but I've got the gist of how to do the first step to what I want as the end goal."

Jiraiya: "The first step?"

"Yeah. What happened there was only the first step of the jutsu. To create the jutsu I wanted to use my chakra nature to give me an easier time. That being lightning."

Jiraiya: "So what's this end goal you want to achieve?"

"You'll see when I finish it. Gonna have to figure out how to not be paralyzed afterwards though. I guess my body is going to have to get used to both the speed and strength of the jutsu so they don't overload." Uncle laughs as we enter the room. "Try not to take too long with your research." I call out as he leaves. Naruto had come in after I had fallen asleep.

The next day we were both back in the same location, with me once again ending up paralyzed, I could twitch my fingers however.

We had been training for quite a few days, I now had full range of motion in my arms but nothing else. Naruto was trying to wake up uncle, and then brings out a water balloon, exploding it over his head.

Naruto: "The first step is cleared!"

Jiraiya: "Cleared? Well, let's have you show it to me." Naruto holds a water balloon  in his left hand before using his right to help bounce the chakra around before exploding the water balloon. We were out to eat by this point with uncle saying something about being tired from research. "You understood the trick pretty well. It's all thanks to me, though." A cat runs by and meows at Naruto and he picks it up.

Naruto: "It's thanks to this guy! I realized after I saw this cat playing with the water balloon. He kept on flicking it with his paw many times and the water inside shook in all different directions. Then it came to me like "bingo!"

Jiraiya: "How did it come like "bingo?"

Naruto: "The time when you first showed me breaking it. I remembered how the water balloon surface was not smooth. Until then, I was always only rotating the water in the one same direction... I realized that your water balloon was not smooth because the water inside was rotating in different directions. And after doing it in my own way, it broke!"

Jiraiya: "Anyhow... The first step is complete for now." Naruto cheers. We return to the clearing a little later. "Okay. Now we will proceed with the second step." Naruto cheers again. This time uncle throws Naruto a rubber ball.

Naruto: "Rubber ball? Something like this again?!"

Jiraiya: "Now, you'll break this one!" Uncle then breaks the rubber ball. "It's one hundred times harder than the water balloon!" Naruto tries but fails to do the second step. "The first step is rotation, the second step is force. Since there is no water inside, it's more difficult to imagine the rotation of chakra, so it becomes more difficult to rotate the chakra as well. I'll leave that to your own judgement. Well then, I'll go gather some information." As uncle tries to leave Naruto stops him, only to get told off by uncle. I walk away from Naruto, channeling the lightning through me. Let's focus on the movement for now. Uncle had shown up after a few days, sending Naruto off to get food. I continued to bolt around the clearing. Jiraiya leaves again to do "research."

I sat against a wall, I've managed to get ahold of the speed, at least for my upper body. Legs are still paralyzed for 2 hours though. Naruto had passed out by now, uncle walks in looking at him. I smile looking at the two, before falling asleep myself.

Naruto had finally managed to make a small hole in the rubber ball. I stop next to him, not paralyzed this time.

Jiraiya: "Here, take one of these." He hands the two of us a popsicle, "You've both done well, on your own power. Oh yeah. Maybe we'll test a bit. (Y/n), continue with your training you're doing." I nod before I resume bolting around the clearing, today is the last day until I move on to getting used to the strength.

(3rd POV)

Jiraiya: "Here." He draws the same mark as Naruto on his hand.

Naruto: "It's the same one... But this is the trick?"

Jiraiya: "You're the type who was yelled at at the academy for not having concentration, right?"

Naruto: "That doesn't have anything to do with me now." The Sannin pulls out a piece of paper.

Jiraiya: "Take a look at this paper."

Naruto: "Eh, I've seen it."

Jiraiya: "Fine, then. Look at it again." The same mark was now on the paper as well.

Naruto: "So what is this?"

Jiraiya: "It's not something that I need to explain in length, but when you first looked at this blank piece of paper, you just glanced at the whole thing, correct?"

Naruto: "Probably."

Jiraiya: "Then where do you look on this one? Most likely the point in the middle? When a human being looks at just a blank piece of paper, he doesn't know where to look, so the eyes wander. But if you put even a single point on it, the mind focuses there... This is concentrating at a single point and as you focus your mind, you become spiritually stable and you are able to extract unexpected power. When you opened a hole on the rubber ball, you must have been concentrating desperately to fill up the chakra in the palm of your hand."

Naruto: "Yeah, yeah."

Jiraiya: "When you concentrate, power emerges. But without a target, it's difficult to concentrate. That's why we have this... Listen Naruto, from now on, when you store up the chakra you build in your right hand, try to store it up by concentrating on that mark."

Naruto: "Alright, I'll try it!" Naruto grabs a rubber ball, only to once again only pop a small hole. A huge crash of lightning makes Naruto drop the ball he had grabbed for another attempt. Naruto looks over, a small area of the forest had been demolished, (Y/n) was there, laying on the ground.

(Y/n): "Woohoo! Legs are still paralyzed but man was that fun!" Naruto walks over to the boy.

Naruto: "Are you okay (Y/n)?" He looks up at the knucklehead.

(Y/n): "Step two has been complete, we are on to step three." He smiles at Naruto before passing out.

(Y/n) POV)

The days continued on, me still being paralyzed in the legs everytime I attacked with my new jutsu. I look over to Naruto from the tree he had leaned me up against to see him laughing his ass off. Is he okay? I think this training is making him insane. At some point he collapsed, his headband lightly falling off to the side, a leaf landing in the place it covered. I watch as Naruto attempts to burst the ball one more time, a loud pop resonating throughout the clearing. Naruto gets sent flying off only to be stopped by uncle.

Jiraiya: "Good! The second step seems to be complete."

Naruto: "Hurry, the third step."

Jiraiya: "That will come later. We'll now go meet Tsunade."

"It's nice and all that you did the second step Naruto, but I can't walk yet!" I call over to the two waving my hand. They laugh as Jiraiya walks over, throwing me over his shoulder. "If we're going to be traveling again, I'm going to start doing one leg a day, I'm glad I kept those crutches." We all laugh together, all that's left is to find us a new Hokage and medic.

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