Chapter 18

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(Y/n) POV)

 I stood in the arena, the crowd above seemingly analyzing us.

"Hey, Neji. How's Lee?" I heard about Lee's condition from uncle but I never got the chance to visit him.

Neji: "I want to say he's getting better but I'd be lying. The doctors say he'll never be a ninja again." I feel my head droop. I do know someone who can potentially heal him. I've never met her in person but I have heard of her. I turn at the sound of skidding behind me.

"Oh hey Naruto." I help him up before he begins rambling about bulls or whatever. The roars of the crowd eventually drowned him out.

Lord Third: "Everyone, thank you very much for coming to the village Hidden in the Leaves Chunin exam. We will now begin the final round matches. Please watch until the end!"

Jonin: "Before we begin, I have something I need to tell you. There was a slight change to the tournament. Check who you'll be facing one more time." I smirk, still have Yang as my opponent."

Naruto: "Say!"

Jonin: "What?"

Naruto: "Um, Sasuke still hasn't come. What'll happen?"

 Jonin: "In case a competitor does not arrive by the start time of his match. He or she will lose by default! Listen up you guys. The terrain is different but the rule is that there are no rules, the same as in the preliminaries. The matches will continue until one or the other dies, or acknowledges defeat. However, if I judge that it has been settled, I'll stop the match there. Arguments will not be allowed. Understood? So the first match is, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuga. Just those two remain and the rest of you go to the waiting room." I sigh but follow the rest of the group to the waiting room.

Shikamaru: "Who do you think is gonna win?"

"Well, that's not an easy thing to guess. I know both Neji and Naruto, but if I had to guess. I'd go with Naruto."

Shikamaru: "Really?!" I nod.

"You'd be stupid to underestimate him. He'll pull something out of his ass to win this."

Neji: "You seem like you want to say something." Naruto holds his fist out towards Neji.

Naruto: "I said it before, too, didn't I? I'll win, no matter what!"

Neji: "That makes it more worthwhile for me. I look forward to your look of disappointment. When you know the true reality."

Naruto: "Stop whining. Let's, get started!" I close my eyes a smirk on my face. This is getting interesting. 

Jonin: "Now then, round one. Begin!" Neji, one of the best fighters I know. Naruto, one of the most unpredictable people I know. This fight, it'll be one to remember. Naruto is the first one to make a move, he throws multiple kunai and then.... rushes the Hyuga head on. Goddamnit Naruto. As the two fight Neji seems to be toying with Naruto. The byakugan, the ultimate close range Dojutsu. It's ability to see chakra points already makes it a difficult opponent. Naruto then made a few shadow clones, they all grab a kunai, The clones rush Neji as he easily blocks their attacks, however another Naruto rushes forward and manages to land a kick to Neji's jaw. Well he almost did, Neji had actually backflipped, giving the illusion of him being hit. The clones all get overpowered. Naruto and Neji converse for a moment, I don't really focus on what they're saying. This is a battle isn't it, why are you talking? Naruto makes a shit ton of shadow clones this time instead of only four. Naruto really needs to learn some ranged jutsu. Neji still manages to best the clones with little to no difficulty. Neji then rushes past all the clones, striking the "real" Naruto. It coughs out blood and Neji smirks, it then poofs into clouds causing Neji to step back. Naruto and another clone go to strike Neji only to be thrown back by a force. Naruto then makes even more clones and they all circle Neji. The byakugan can see basically all around them. If Naruto wants to win this, he'll have to do more than just shadow clones. Especially with Neji using 8 Trigrams Palms Rotation. Naruto and his clones get blown back again as they try to attack.

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