Chapter 5

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Dream's pov

I look down at the sleeping boy, so peaceful. Then at the phone.

Of course I'm going to answer the call. I may not be him, but it's not like a real person is gonna answer.

I look back down to George, he's so calm, seems like hes having a good dream. He then smirks, and I smile.

I think about how I should probably turn the ringer off to make sure not to wake him, so I do so. 11PM. They should call any second now, just as I think that, I heard a small buzz and pick up immediately to not disturb him.

"Hello. This is the CPI. You have been assigned to visit Nick Armstrong tomorrow at 8AM." That's pretty early, might have to wake him up then, hes been through a lot. "That is all. If you have any questions then please press "1" on your key pad. If-"

I hang up the phone before it finishes the automated message. Didn't have any questions, just needed the time.

When I look back again, I smile. I don't know why- or what it is about him, he just makes me happy. But soon my smile fades off when I realize why I'm here. Why I made him sleep. Why I had that food. How I got all that I have.

He's been through so much, while I did have my fair share of pain, I still feel extremely bad for him. I place my hand on his cheek, and look into his eyes. Swifty taking off my mask to get a better look at him.

Why do I want to just- sit here and stare for all of eternity. His skin is so soft, his hair is a perfect mess, it's just very calming to look at him.

He shifts a bit, so I quickly take my hand back and put my mask back on. I know I'll definitely let him see my face eventually, just have to be SURE SURE it's safe to share it with him. Or they would find out.

I focus my attention over to my right, looking out the window. The sky is a beautiful dark blue/black and the stars shine brighter than ever before. The moon also shining in the night sky.

Just then, it starts sprinkling, eventually turning into pours. The stars fade off, moon unseen. The only sound being the dreadful rain.

I stay staring out there, and start thinking. I've never liked rain. I mean I don't mind being outside with some form of friend and playing in it, it's just- it only ever rains when I'm down, and the last time it did was- when I found out.

I keep staring, my eyes start watering, and soon a tear falls. I make sure I'm facing away from George before taking my mask fully off again, setting it in reach.

I put my hands up to my face with a small sniffle, and gently let it all out, and start talking in a tiny whisper.

"I might even get him into this too, what if they want him also cause he's my friend or- or-" I pause, choking on my words. "They try to give him it." I let out a small sob.

George was so nice to let me stay, and now he could even get killed because of me. I don't know if they could find me. I don't know if they can track me. Heck I don't even know if they could recognize me. Let's hope this works, let's hope the mask works.

I sit in my thoughts for a very long time, thinking of them, and thinking of him. What's my plan, do I even need one? Heck I'm probably just over thinking it at this point. It was only for the tests, but the main one. They have probably known I was lying for a while now. I mean after all I'm not the best actor, especially if it's for a virus I don't even know the symptoms of. Good thing I was smart enough to fake it, or I would've been a goner.

I look at the time, 5AM. Shit. Guess I'm not sleeping, I'll try to make breakfast then wake George in an hour or so, he might want to take a shower or something.

I carefully put on my mask and get up, trying not to disturb George, and start walking down the hall to the kitchen. After glancing at everything we had, I decided on something simple, just some toast and a bowl of cut fruit.

After finding the plates, cutting board and such, I put four slices of bread in the toaster and started cutting up some strawberries. When it pops up, I put two pieces per plate, and slide the fruit into the bowls. I used strawberries, blueberries, and even some raspberries.

Feeling complete, I start walking back to George's room to wake him up. When I get there, he looks like hes moved, still calm and happy. But sadly, I still have to wake him up.

6:30AM. I know it didn't take me an hour and a half to make the simple meal, I just do my fair share of procrastinating.

"Georgeee, wake up." He then mumbles gibberish and shifts. "The place said 8AM, so you should wake up now if you want to shower."

"Hmm. I'm tired." His voice sounds very sleepy and cracked. I mean, he did just wake up after all.

"I know, I know, but you want to see Nick don't you?"

"Sapnap," he corrected me. "We all call him Sapnap."

"Okay got it, well you gotta get up if you want to see him then." I playfully cross my arms and look away, he shuffles and sits up.

"Fine, fine. I'm getting up." I chuckle at his tiredness.

"Let's eat first, in the mood for toast?" I say as we start walking to the kitchen.

"I mean I should probably shower first-"

"Oh come on!" I point to the food, and we start laughing. "Already made it, so to bad."

"I was gonna say 'but I am hungry' but you just cut me off." Now he's doing the joking crossing arms.

"Doesn't work on me. Now let's eat, shall we?" I pull the chair out for him, and he sits down playfully rolling his eyes.

"Actually thank you for this though- it means a lot. I haven't woken up to breakfast since-" he takes a deep breath, and I give him a calming smile. Realizing he can't see it I put my mask slightly up.

"It's no problem George, anytime." After we finished our food, George went to take a shower. So I was left alone thinking about what we'd need. Just a mask and gloves should be fine, not like it matters for me anyways. They can't know, just blend in.

Why do they want this shit. It makes no fucking sense, the world did nothing, so why should everyone die?! Even their friends- their tests.

My face is to well-known.

Running was the only way.

I'm- immune.

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