Chapter 38

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Georges pov

"It would seem that this worldly pandemic, is officially over. Cases all around the world have dropped to 0 since the massive decline a while back. Shops, restaurants, and schools have been slowly opening once getting all the new workers-" This- is amazing. It really did work. He would be so happy to see this. He did it.

I glance over to my phone, getting a notification. Immediately stretching, I set down my plate on the table infront of me.

"Tommy's here. I'll be back later tonight, dad." I start to open the door once getting up from the couch next to him.

"Okay! Be safe!" The moment I'm outside, I take a deep breath of the nice fresh air.

"Come on, George. What's taking so long?" I chuckle, bolting over to him, starting our walk.

"Everything is just- so beautiful now. And the air is actually breathable- Can't you believe it?!" He laughs. "Seriously, I could barely stand being out here before, but now I prefer it!"

"Man, you really like your nature. Especially for someone who's LITERALLY COLORBLIND." We giggle for a bit. "But how has things been with your dad?" I think about the question thoroughly, after all, I have all the time in the world now.

"I mean, it's been pretty good. It took a bit to forgive him for everything, y'know. But, I always think of what Dream would say. That just pushes me to try harder everytime." Thinking back to the scene, I remember what had taken place during it.

Bad saved Tommy's life. He was so thankful after that, and got emotional sometimes when he'd think of it. The only time I was very emotional after that day, was during their shared funeral. The last goodbye is always the hardest. At least we're lucky enough to have had it though. Wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the drop.

I also learned something else about Tommy during the day. Once my dad and I got up to hug it out, he noticed Tommy looking a bit sad. Surprisingly he asked Tommy if he wanted a hug too, to which he sprung over. That really made me think a lot better of him. It was nice. After giving my father directions to drive us back to Bads house for our things, Tommy explained to me what had happened through his life.

He mentioned that when he was little, his parents joined the military, so he stayed with his grandma. Everyday he was told they'd be back soon, but they never came. Then one day, she passed, leaving him with no one but Tubbo. Tommy would be at home, alone, with no food one day, and at his house the next. A bond like no other. But then, he got taken while on his way to Tubbo's house. He had no form of transportation, but put up a fight good enough to become a guard.

So, he never had a father figure in his life. I'm lucky to have had my mom there with me instead. But after that, he definitely came over a bunch. He and my dad even started getting along quite well, which made me very happy.

"George?" I stop spacing out.

"Oh, yeah? Sorry, just thinking."

"Remember to relax." He sets a hand on my back while continuing to walk. "We've been through so much, literal hell. But it's all over now. No need to look back, or think back. Nothing is going to change what has happened." I smile.

"You're right, so much has happened. It's unbelievable, really. A story like no other. Heck, you could even make a book out of that." I take a deep breath. "But, yeah. Everything that happened was meant to happen. Some small things would've been better to just slightly adjust, but it's okay. The world is fixed now because of Dream- or Clay."

"Because of us. We all took a roll in this, don't put yourself down! In fact, look around at all the beauty you were just admiring. This is all from you." I grin.

"Thank you, Tommy. I don't know what I would do without you." We continue walking, talking about random things as the time ticks by. But as I enjoy the simple breeze with my eyes closed, I notice Tommy stop. I look back to him. "Why did you-"

"No way-" He starts walking faster. I look ahead to see another person doing the same. "T-Tubbo-?"

"Tommy-" I stand there in shock as I watch the two collide, having a lasting hug for so long. My eyes start getting watery from the sight much brighter than any of nature. I smile big.

Everything we saw today, Dream would be so happy to see. In fact, everything we saw after that day. From the world finally being officially saved, to Tommy having the best reunite you could ever see.

Definitely one of the best days.

Happy birthday, Dream. Thank you for everything. I hope you're having the best one up there. Can't wait to live your family dreams on the railroad.

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