Chapter 29

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Dreams pov

My heart feels as though it had stopped, throwing my eyes open, entering into the real world. Wouldn't have called it a nightmare, per say, but the dream wasn't very nice either. Now being up, I glance over to the window just above me, dark blue skies, the stars filling it up just enough to make not a single place feel empty.

I remember when I didn't have the joyce of stars filling my sky. It wasn't the time for anything really. Couldn't even tell anyone. Had to leave behind one of the only friends I had made, and enter a whole new future that would lead me to God knows what.

I'm way to lucky to have had that one star. The wave of attraction being so strong to bring me to it. Once it entered my life, came into view, it was like a new sun being made to a whole planet. It filled all the darkness, all the emptiness, giving the rest of the world a place to see with joy.

That star- the sun- was George. Even just his presence can make night feel like day, bad feel good, hunger feel full. I still have yet to even understand how- or why I even do feel that way about him. He just spreads this happiness.

The thing so confusing to me- is that I've seen him sad. I've seen him not happy. I've seen his world fall apart around him. So, why do I only feel the joy, and the constant good? Maybe it's the thought of his pain, the sight of his recover, knowing just how much bravery he has. I don't think anyone understands how insane it is to even know someone like that. It's to hard to even think about living with it.

I sit up, stretching with a sigh.

He had to deal with me too. George barely even knows what's going on, but yet again he's still going with it. Heck, I could be some villain, a bad guy. But he trusts me, and I appreciate that more than anything. Maybe I really do like him.

Now, I don't even know what's going to happen now with the virus. I can't be on the run forever, and I have no idea how I'd even find any cure. I just need to help someway, somehow.

What if I was connected to it. If all my theorys made by the many observations were true, what would I do. How could I help. I guess I'll find out how right they are in the next few days. I'm going to have to be paying attention to the news a lot.

Could I even tell them what I think? Even if it was true, how would I solve it then? Could something being done to me change it in anyway, or fix it? I'll have to figure out something if I end up on the run again. The rest of this summer will be something.

I lay back down, rolling over to my side.

At least now I have many friends to help get through it. I have George, got Tommy along the way, and now the newest addition of Bad! I'm just to lucky.

I start thinking about my whole journey. More of the latest parts of it, things that stand out. Like, when Tommy asked George about the "Dream" thing, I had completely forgot everything about that. Yeah, I trust George, but even the name being said was dangerous. I had to pull Tommy to the side and explain it to him as well, told him to call me Dream no matter the circumstances. I'd say something about changing his name for the purposes, but the people looked after the most are definitely the test subjects. Being a guard doesn't have much on you.

I guess I should fall back asleep now. I don't even know why I stayed awake for as long as I did. It was very important to mention the things I did though to not forget, so I guess it was a good thing.


I feel my body slowly gaining more control and knowingness of the surroundings, soon seeing a bright light through my closed eyelids. I try falling back asleep as a force of habit, but my brain says otherwise.

Lifting off the bed, I stretch once more, yawning to myself. I wonder how the others slept. I feel kind of selfish having a whole room to myself. I hope they didn't mind.

Standing off the comfortable sheets, I notice a mirror to my side, messing with my hair a bit in the reflection. Realizing I'm just making it worse, I shake it off and open the door, peering my head into the hallway. Doing so, I see the man I had wished to see, walking into his view.

"Good morning Georgey." I yawn once more. He then looks up at me, his cheeks slowly forming into the biggest smile.

"Good morning Dream! How did you sleep?" I smirk back.

"I slept very good, I feel much better. Thank you, George." He then nods his head, looking back over to Bad, which I notice is in the kitchen doing, what I assume, is cooking. "Whatcha making, Bad?"

"Oh, just making some French toast." I smile. Moments later realizing the needed ingredients for such a dish.

"Wait- French toast?!"

"Like, with eggs?" George freaks right after, taking the words right from me.

"How did you manage to get those?" I speak again.

"I have my ways." The more I talk with him, the more I realize how great it was to add him to the team.

"Okay..." I smirk. "Let's talk about this again later. But in the meantime, get ready to eat!" I help by starting to set up the table without asking, knowing he'd just take all the work if I did otherwise. Once I find the correct cabinet with the plates, I take just enough out for all of us, also finding silverware.

Once Bad finishes cooking, he notices my work and thanks me for it. After calling over the other two, we begin to eat. "This is so good, just as expected. Thank you, Bad." He smiles, finishing his bite.

"Yeah, this is good!" George buts in.

"Thank you, you muffins. Means a lot." We talk a bit longer about random things, or interests. "Oh, by the way, Dream-" Bad sets down his fork. "Could I get your number? And Tommy. I already have George's as you know, but it's for just in case." Oh yeah! How could I forget about that, I don't have a phone anymore.

"Oh, about that- It got shattered the day I met George, actually." I look back up. "While ago, I know." He lightly gasps.

"Oh no! What if something happens and you need help?!" Bad stands to his feet. "I think I still have an extra one though if you want it, hope it still works." I smile.

"Bad- you've done so much for us already, I don't know if I can take that-"

"Golddigger." I look over to Tommy with a confused expression. "You guys are just golddiggers." Me and George then burst out in laughter, Tommy follows with a few chuckles.

"Language!" I practically wheeze.

"Wha- what do you mean language?" While we continue to snicker, Bad enters the room once more. Didn't even realize he'd left.

"Here," he hands me a phone with a cord. "This should still work, try charging it and let me know how it is from there." I thank him. "Now, how about you, Tommy?"

"I only give my number to hot girls, not old, bald men." I almost spit out my food.

"WHA- I AM NOT BALD! LET ALONE OLD!" Bad yells. At this point I have a stomach ache from how much I'm laughing.

You know- I never thought in my life I'd have joy like this again. Probably better than how I ever was actually. Having just 3 friends may not seem a lot or boring, just like 3 simple far away stars. But having 3 suns- that's something you could never beat. The constant laughter, joyce, happiness- It's amazing having the few friends you just know will always be there and around.

"Dream?" George takes me from my thoughts.


"You were staring off, are you okay?" I lean back, looking up, thinking back to my previous thoughts.

"Yup." I shut my eyes with a big smile. "Better than I've ever been before."

1430 words

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now