Chapter 26

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Bads pov

Giving Skeppy the final text that I'm leaving, I step outside my door, taking in a deep breath.

"It's time." Opening the car door to let out the hot air for a bit, I think about Skeppy. Not just him alone, but him not being alone. Just Skeppy seeing me. It's been so long since we've seen each other in person. Obviously we talk a lot everyday, but that's different.

Knowing my pace needs to speed up due to the time, I hop in through the pre opened door, shutting it once I'm inside. Remember, 3PM. It's already 2:15, and the ride is around half an hour- I should be good. I still need to hurry though.

While starting up the car, I buckle in for the not to long journey. Don't think, just drive.


"Alright. You may continue." I thank the man after he let's me go. It was just the same questions as before, same answers, tests to prove I didnt have it, and so on. Once I drove away from the booth, I notice a lack of cars. Which I'd say is strange, but considering how many of these are around it's quite understandable.

After parking, I take one last check for skin, and look at the time. 2:53. Normally there's little to no cars on the road, so the slight traffic made my estimation a bit low. Getting food right now is a very good time. Especially since the cases haven't been this low since the recent break out.

I watch as the automatic doors open, and meet with a man at the front desk.

"Good Afternoon!" He talks first. "I know you're all checked up since you're passed the protocol, so I'll only need your name and patient's name." I smile at the kindness of his voice.

"I'm Darryl Noveschosch, and I'm visiting my friend Zak Ahmed." I wait for a bit while the guy types some things.

"Oh! They're located on the first floor actually." He pauses for a second. "Room 13, which would be that way." He points. I smile again with a wave, also thanking him. As I start walking, I can't stop thinking about seeing him. I'd say that I hope he's as excited to see me as I am him, but that's impossible.

Since the walk was such a short distance, I almost didn't even realize I had already arrived at the door. At the room, 13. He's inside. He's been waiting. Doing what? Probably nothing, just- waiting. What else could you do?

I slowly grab the knob with my glove, twisting it at an ever so easy pase. Soon, it opens. The door gradually reveals more and more of the room until- I see him. Skeppy, with his bright smile.

Forgetting all my preparations of just focusing on the present, the gift opens up a dark void to fall right into. The void showing me the future, life after this day, after this week. Life- after him- His fall- Tears fill my vision more than they ever have before. I drop to my knees, not even knowing what I could do or say. My only thought being about that, and how I ruined the start to one of our last moments- Possibly the last.

I look up from my hands with the ground, gazing back into the eyes I wish to see forever, and never stop. Surprisingly, still seeing that one of a kinda smile across his face.

"Hey, my room number is one off from 14. That's pretty funny, right?" Tears fill my eyes as I think about our wonderful passed. If only it could continue to the far future.

"How-" I cry out. "How could you still look so happy-?" I notice him standing to his feet off the bed. I repeat the move, also shutting the door the rest of the way. Looking back, I see him walking to the edge of the glass, closest to me that he can be.

"Because..." Skeppy finally speaks. "I have you now." He puts his hand on the barrier. With teary eyes I do the same. Noticing his still happy expression.

"But-" as more tears fall, my hand turns into a fist. Next thing I know, I punch the tough clear wall. "It's not fair-" Another hit. "It could went any other way." One more. "Why couldn't it just have been me."


"Let me in! This isn't fair- I can't stand it!" Throw after throw, contact keeps being made with the glass.

"Hey! What's all this noise?!" I don't even need to look back to know it's a worker. One more punch hits before I fall to the ground once more, holding my head, sobbing.

"Bad... It's going to be-"

"You're coming with me." All of a sudden, both of my arms are taken from my eyes, revealing my red steamy face.

"NO!" I scream in anger, trying to break free to see my best friend. Looking at Skeppy, I see his face turn to a frown. Jaw open, his hand slowly moving away from the glass. My sobs become louder. "LET ME STAY! I JUST WANT TO SEE HIM BEFORE-"

"Well, you ruined your chance."

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I struggle. Realizing what I said, I glance back to him. I can barely even see through my eyes, but it seems as his are now watering too. And his expression- suprised. No one has ever heard me swear before, but I didn't care. This one moment in my life was going to be the most important. But now it's gone. Got taken away, just like that.

"Just shut your mouth, would you? There's other people here, you know?" I've always respected every worker to any job, but now I'm just starting to realize- they don't care. It's just another job. They probably haven't gone through this. "If you get in there, you can die, you know that, right?" I don't think before lashing back.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I EVEN CARE? I'LL GET THE VIRUS, I DON'T CARE! JUST LET ME BE WITH HIM, PLEASE!" I don't think anyone has seen me this upset. Maybe because it was the heat of the moment? Maybe because this is probably the worst I've ever felt in my whole life.

Or because it's the last time I'll ever see the one person I love, most important thing on this earth to me, someone that can't and never will be replaced. There will be a hole in my heart that could never be filled. A soft melody of our voices in joy, stuck in my head. An empty spot on my bed next to me that I now know will stay a void.

The man I love, gone.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Come on." He yanks me back, practically dragging me out from the room.

And there goes that, I just ruined my last chance to tell him goodbye. To share the best most memorable memories we've had. To remember all our past, talk about how the future would've been and what our plans for it were, and that now those plans must rest in peace.

Like, how we were going to live together! That would've been fun. If the virus didn't get in the way then that would've happened pretty quick.

Now he's going to leave this earth alone. He won't have anyone- just be all by himself.

My fights come to an end once I realize the chance of success are small, getting told I'm not allowed back and throw out of the building doors. Once upon stepping outside, I look back to the tall place, slowly making my way to the car.

As I sit down in my seat, I know that time was the last. Having new tears stream down every second.

"He won't be fully alone," I smile. "At least he has Sapnap."

1326 words

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