Chapter 6

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George's pov

I step out of the shower, and look in the mirror. Who knows when I'm going to see him again, I mean obviously I'll visit him a lot, if I can, but who knows what could happen.

Noticing my spacing off, I quickly brush my hair, get dressed, and start walking back to the kitchen. When I get there, I see Dream holding a box of surgical masks and gloves.

"Oh hey, here, you should take new ones." He then hands me pairs of my own.

"Okay, thank you." I give him a wide smile, and turn to put on my shoes. "So 8AM you said right?"

"Yup, that's what the message said." He stands there for a second, having his shoes already on. "Do you- do you think it's okay for me to come along?"

"Of course, I did ask if I could bring someone and they said yes, so why?" I give him a questioning look, lessing the focus on my feet.

"Just that he doesn't know me and you'd have to explain how you met me ON THE STREETS." We chuckle.

"Hey he's really damn chill trust me, if anything he would've been the one to do this. He's okay with it." While making sure we have everything we need, we share a laugh. Eventually being ready to go.

"Okay, so we got our masks and gloves, have any exposed skin?" Dream makes sure.


"Then we're all set, let's go." We start heading out the door, 7:00AM. The place is only about half an hour away, but we just want to be completely sure. "Do you want to drive?" I think for a second about the question.

"Hm, not really to be honest. Kinda tired, but it is my car so-"

"I insist, driving actually calms me down too and I find it very relaxing. Also I'm pretty sure I know the way there."

"Are you sure, sure?"

"Yes George, I'm 'sure, sure.'" We giggle while getting into the car, me being in the passenger seat. Dream then reaches over to connect his phone to the car, and starts blasting music singing with it loudly.


"FUCK YOU! 20 HOURS IN AN OLD VAN-" He continues singing and I can't help laughing. Eventually he turns down the music after about half a minute to save my ears. At this point he was just mumbling the songs, and it was oddly relaxing. We occasionally talked between songs but that's about it.

"The buildings right-" He points. "There isn't it?" I look down, just looking at this place makes me sad.

"Yeah, that's the one." We pull into the parking lot line. There's not to many people, obviously, but still quite a few. When we get to the small booth the guy asks us the same questions as before and checks both our temperatures and shoulders before entering. After we get the confirmation, Dream drives us to a parking spot.

"Alright, are you ready to go in?" I hesitate for a second, and look around before gently nodding my head yes. I really hope he forgives me for what I said, I never wanted to be mean to him, and I know he understands why I was like that. He's one of my best friends.

When we get out of the car, I walk slow, thinking, hesitating, hoping. Dream was a bit ahead and turned to see me. "Oh come on." I giggle, and smile.

"You always say that, it's like your line."

"Oh come on." He cheers me up. Wasn't even trying or anything, he just- can. Ever since the first time I saw him it was like this, what if-

"You just go up to the counter then right?" He snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uh, yeah, yeah. Sorry I wasn't really paying attention just- thinking." I look down, and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, also you don't have to apologize for anything you do. I completely understand what you're going through and I'm just- so sorry." I blush, and thank him. I start thinking about the first time I met him, my first thoughts. Definitely wasn't how he is now, never thought one person could make me feel at least okay anymore.

We get up to the counter, there's a lady wearing a whole hazmat suit. Makes sense considering how many people probably come here, or at least how many that are brave enough.

"Hello! I'll just need your names and the one you'll be visiting today, since you've already got passed all the protocal." I tell her me and Dreams name, and Sapnap's. "Okay, he should be in room 314, which is located on floor 3." She smiles through the clear mask, and after thanking her we head off.

"This is probably a really stupid question but, are you okay?" I hadn't even realized I was spacing out until he asked the question, I wasnt even thinking, just- anxious.

"Well- it's just-" I breathe out, and try explaining again. "The last time I talked to him was just when my sister died-" I paused, choking on my words, he hugs he from the side while walking. Also letting me finish. "And I was just a huge dick about it, saying how he didn't understand what I was going through-"

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm sure he understands, you said he was your bestfriend right?" I sniffle.


"Then I'm sure he'd forgive you, I'm guessing you've been through quite a bit with each other huh?" My sniffles turn into small laughs as I think about all the dumb things we did in the past together, how much fun we had.

"Yeah, we were pretty stupid kids." We chuckle.

"See? I'm sure it'll be okay. If anything he'd probably be beyond happy that you're brave enough to even visit." While still in his arms, I hug him back.

"Seriously- thank you. I have no idea what I'd do without you, actually." He then slides his mask up a bit to his nose, looks at me, and smiles.

"It's no problem at all." He slides it back down fast, there's a fuckin virus what else would he do.

After taking the elevator, and walked down the hall, we stood in front of the room, 314. "You ready to go in?"

"Yeah, I think so..." I put my hand on the door and open it slowly, soon my eyes meet the ones laying down on the bed. "S-Sapnap-"

1096 words

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