Chapter 31

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Georges pov

"George-..." I watch as Dream walks over to me, sitting right beside. "Can I... Have your number 👉👈." He says in a shy flirty way, proceeding to cover his face. Seeing an opening, I slap the part of his cheek with intentional low strength. "OWCHY!" He replies to the hit. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" Dream obviously jokingly whines.

"Oh, come on." I mock his catchphrase. "No flirting in front of the kid." I joke, referring to Tommy.

"Wha- I-" Did he just- did I make him stutter-? How did that work? The tables have turned.

"Number's (***) ***-****." I giggle, looking him directly in the eyes. Testing if I could make it any worse. And just like that, I notice him staring off. "Dream?" I lean closer to him. He eventually focuses again, quickly backing up with bright red cheeks. After a moment, nodding back. "Can't stop falling for me, huh? Here, I'll just type it in for you." I gently grab the phone from him, knowing exactly what I was going to do. As a joke, putting 'Georgie ❤' as the contacts name, also filling out the correct number. "There you go." I hand Dream back the phone.

"You know, Bad-boy-halo, I didn't think you were exactly a kid. But pop off I guess."

"I was referring to you, Tommy." I reply back to him breaking the short silence.

"OH- FUCK OFF!" I laugh, knowing he had just made my point clear. After a moment, I look back over to Dream to see how he's doing. I'm still in shock from that stutter- could he possibly have felt what I did, when he did this to me?

No. He didn't feel anything about that, just like me. The stutter was a coincidence, he was just thinking of something else. And the quick backing up is probably just from not noticing me, I just- scared him maybe. I don't know, but I do know there was a reason to it all. "Guessing you're gonna want my number then too, huh, big man?" I notice Tommy talking to Dream. "Because I just do not want you flirting with me." I look back to Dream again, he glances away, pink cheeks.

"Of course..." He replies. "But I wasn't intending on doing that so-"

"Okay, okay. We get it, you only flirt with George, yeah, yeah. Now be ready to write this." While he proceeds to tell him the number, I pay more attention to Dream.

Why is he all of a sudden like this-? I mean yeah, he definitely flirt, before. But he wasn't as- y'know- flustered, I guess. I mean, I doubt he actually is, it's just- I don't know- seems like it a bit? Probably just distracted. He did just have a full sleep for the first time in a while, had plenty of time to think about things. Nothing more.

Once he got the full number from Tommy, I ask for him to re read it out once more, since I hadn't thought to get it previous. Once I get the app opened, he gives the number, again.

"Alright! Thank you."

"No probs, George-not-found." Tommy spaces out the words. "I am getting pretty hungry though."

"Well, lucky for you, I was about to start making dinner, muffin!" Bad expressed happily.

"Sorry- Bad-boy-halo, I just do not want muffins for dinner. Need to maintain these large muscles." Tommy then proceeds to attempt flexing in some pose, but no one's buying it.

"Yeah... But I wasn't going to make muffins. I'm making-"

"I know, I know! Take a joke, you take everything to literally." Upon looking over to Bad, I see a big frown on his face. I start to giggle at how ridiculous the joking expression looked. While he goes off to finally start on the food, I glance over to Dream, seeing him now looking off, out the window. With a smile, I scooch closer to him.

When Dreams Turn into Nightmares [DREAMNOTFOUND ANGST]Where stories live. Discover now